The Misinformed Among Us Are Obama's Only Hope


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Start a discussion at work about the Occupy Wall Street crowd and see how many different opinions you get explaining who is really responsible for our lagging economy.

I sometimes start asking people at work what they think is the cause of the bad economy and very few really know.

Blacks almost always say Obama is heading us in the right direct. Things were bad before and they feel confident that he can do something if those Republicans would just get out of his way. The Democrats in the Senate have disappeared, and now, according to them, only the Republicans run our government. They only want to boot him out of office. They don't care about the country. All of the evils that Democrats were guilty of during the last years of the Bush Administration has been assigned to the GOP. Many of them when you mention the Tea Party think they're terrorists and racists. They forget that the Tea Party just wants us to quit spending. Any criticism of Obama causes them to shut down and stop responding.

Blacks aren't alone. Other ethnic groups are just as lost on the issues. A Senior Citizen told me that Obama tried to stop the Republicans from passing the Stimulus. She claimed that Bush signed it into law, forgetting that not only did Obama sign it but no Republican voted for the thing. Most of them have forgotten that the reason we can't buy toilet paper at DPW is because Obama hasn't passed a budget since he's been in office.

It can sometimes get frustrating dealing with folks that aren't engaged. They only halfway pay attention to the news which means they're usually so wrong you wonder where they've been. I would have to say that most people here on this site are much more informed then anyone at work that I talk to.

In my opinion Obama's greatest asset is misinformation. He confuses the issues thus he confuses the public. He wants to act like he's the solution rather than problem. He's beginning to promise the world again like he did before he was elected and hopes we fall for it yet again. That's his only hope....because if the unvarnished truth was given to the voters Obama wouldn't have a chance of an ice-cube in Hell of getting re-elected.

The media has a major role in all of this. The other day a caller told Rush Limbaugh during his radio talk-show that he witnessed the burning of the Air Force ROTC building at Kent State University on May 5th, 1970. He claimed the media covering the event gave advice to the arsonists that set the building ablaze. The protestors found it difficult to get a wooden annex to keep burning. Eventually the camera crew that was covering the event started giving advice on how to get it to light and stay lit. After 4 attempts they were finally successful, thus a better story that served the media's interests rather then the public-interests was invented.

There are numerous reports of the media actually participating in OWS protests and acting in conjunction with them to present a better image to the public.

The blame for most of the misinformation out there is a biased press, but much of it can be contributed to the complex nature of issues. I think most of it is the habit of much of the public to take things for granted without fact-checking. It doesn't help much that you really have to dig deep to find the truth. Not all of the press is left-leaning, but most are. Over 70% of them voted for Obama. Unless you work for Fox News you have to keep your own personal politics to yourself unless you're a liberal. You could find yourself out of a job.

Most of the confusion is understandably the fault of the media, but much of it rests with the apathy most Americans inherently carry with them. Life has been good for most of us. Living during a time of decent economies and excellent job growth for the last 20-25 years has spoiled us. Now we have serious problems and it's clear that Obama isn't going to do what needs to be done and the GOP can't make him do it. He has nothing new to offer other than slogans and bumper-sticker ideas.....the exact same thing his campaign is accusing Herman Cain of.

Obama's latest catch-phrase is "We Can't Wait For Congress To Act, So I'm Gonna Act On My Own". He is attempting to make it look like he's the only hope we have, but it's clear to anyone who's been paying attention he is partly if not greatly responsible for the poor economy. Problem is most of us aren't paying attention.
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It's the misinformed that got him elected in the first place.

I disagree, it's not that people are misinformed. It's that they actually want big government socialist nanny state to care for them. They're helpless shitters who need a free asswipe.
what was the rights answer to our problems?

A debt ceiling fiasco that caused us a finacial downgrade.
that is a lot of words to say....the gop is continuing to fuck up and will hand the election to obama

Have you been listening exclusively to CNN?

Yesterday CNN tried to convince their viewers that success was bad.

Their example was a woman living in North Dakota who owned a small store that was experiencing a 300% increase in profits. The exploding oil drilling industry in her town was causing a boom to come to an area that before had little future.

Their focus was on how she wished she could go back to the days when she could look out the front door of her trailer and see nothing but wide open spaces. Now she sees traffic. She sees other human beings with jobs and prosperity. The Horror.

Now she says she has to lock her door. Terrible....terrible.

Let's face it.....when common-sense is thrown out the window and you're living off of just how imaginative you're rhetoric is rather then how realistic it is, you can make a convincing case for yourself. The truth is none of this is actually making the problems go away. Obama has proved that he can't work with Congress.

He's campaigning and claiming not to. (That alone would make me not trust him)

He's going around Congress when it appears that Congress is not the problem. He is and the Democrat controlled Senate is. The house has already passed everything we need to get this country going again....but all of their hard work has been shit-canned by Harry Reid. The GOP can't do it alone. They've passed job bills, budgets, bills that will cut spending and get us headed in the right direction and it has gone nowhere. The only thing we've gotten done is raising the debt-ceiling. Nothing more. Obama got what he wanted. He told the GOP to go fuck themselves. He's doing it every day. He claims they won't work with him and then tells them to shove it......makes fun of them.

The number one barrier to business growth in this country is the simple fact that nobody knows what this crazy MOFO is gonna do to attack business next. The uncertainty that a renegade government instills in the economy is a massive hindrance to job growth or growth of any kind.

Stroll....I'm afraid you're selling my case for me.
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The Misinformed Among Us Are Obama's Only Hope

Actually that’s the GOP, the misinformed believing the recession and current economic situation are Obama’s fault.

Otherwise the misinformed are responsible for every president elected.

They are Obama's fault. He has the power of the veto, and he doesnt use it.

Why? Cause he is a corporate lap dog.
Some voters are woefully uninformed and some of them vote for Democrats. Despite what partisans on both sides claim there doesn't seem to be a huge difference in knowledgeability between the parties (Public Knowledge of Current Affairs Little Changed by News and Information Revolutions | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press)

Republicans and Democrats are equally likely to be represented in the high-knowledge group. But significantly fewer Republicans (26%) than Democrats (31%) fall into the third of the public that knows the least.

The slight edge for Republicans doesn't indicate a causal relationship between party affiliation and knowledge, since Republicanism coordinates with things like college education which also correlate with knowledge.

It's a bit jarring to see the claim

Most of them have forgotten that the reason we can't buy toilet paper is because Obama hasn't passed a budget since he's been in office.

in a post bemoaning the counterfactual beliefs of voters.
Some voters are woefully uninformed and some of them vote for Democrats. Despite what partisans on both sides claim there doesn't seem to be a huge difference in knowledgeability between the parties (Public Knowledge of Current Affairs Little Changed by News and Information Revolutions | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press)

Republicans and Democrats are equally likely to be represented in the high-knowledge group. But significantly fewer Republicans (26%) than Democrats (31%) fall into the third of the public that knows the least.

The slight edge for Republicans doesn't indicate a causal relationship between party affiliation and knowledge, since Republicanism coordinates with things like college education which also correlate with knowledge.

It's a bit jarring to see the claim

Most of them have forgotten that the reason we can't buy toilet paper is because Obama hasn't passed a budget since he's been in office.

in a post bemoaning the counterfactual beliefs of voters.

Pew is a liberal site chaired by Madeleine Albright. Does that name ring a bell???

It is funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation based out of California.

Their opinions are definitely left-leaning.

To be honest, I doubt there is any non-biased source out there.
The Misinformed Among Us Are Obama's Only Hope

Actually that’s the GOP, the misinformed believing the recession and current economic situation are Obama’s fault.

Otherwise the misinformed are responsible for every president elected.

So if the current situation is not Obama's fault and he's been in office for 3 years does that mean he is ineffective at his job?
He is either responsible for this mess or he is not. If he is responsible then he needs to go. If he is not responsible then what has he been doing for 3 years?
what was the rights answer to our problems?

A debt ceiling fiasco that caused us a finacial downgrade.

See folks.....a prime example.:lol:

Let's not forget that the last time Obama worked with Congress was the debt-ceiling negotiations.

He was part of it, but of course Truthmatters forgets that.


what part of it did Obama play?
No one blames him for the crash Clayton and you know it. Your posts are shallow and unworthy of serious discussion. Obama OWNS the recovery or lack there of. He had 2 years without the gop to hinder his efforts to help a recovery.

Do you see a recovery?
your big problem is YES.

There has been improvement and the vast majority of the fall caussed by Bush had to be faced by Obamas admin.

Lets remember Bush stood in front of a camera in sept of 2008 to announce we were about to crash to the ground.

Obama wasnt even elected yet.

October, November, December and 20 days of January.

Your team CRASHED the world economy right before they left office.

You will ALWAYS get this blame because you richly deserve it.
It's the misinformed that got him elected in the first place.

I disagree, it's not that people are misinformed. It's that they actually want big government socialist nanny state to care for them. They're helpless shitters who need a free asswipe. what you are hoping for is total anarchy or a goverment run by private corporations.

No thanks.
what was the rights answer to our problems?

A debt ceiling fiasco that caused us a finacial downgrade.

See folks.....a prime example.:lol:

Let's not forget that the last time Obama worked with Congress was the debt-ceiling negotiations.

He was part of it, but of course Truthmatters forgets that.


what part of it did Obama play?


Why were negotiations held at the white house?
No one blames him for the crash Clayton and you know it. Your posts are shallow and unworthy of serious discussion. Obama OWNS the recovery or lack there of. He had 2 years without the gop to hinder his efforts to help a recovery.

Do you see a recovery?


The DOW was at 7000 when Obama entered office and it's over 12,200 as of Friday 10/28/2011, many industries are seeing historic profits and GDP came in better or as expected.

So I blame him for that. :lol:

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