The "mediocre Negro" comment shows how much contempt liberals really have for black people


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Black people, be on notice that if you dare to leave the Democratic plantation, they will call you "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and now "mediocre Negro." They do not think you are ALLOWED to think for yourself or vote for anyone but them. And if you do, they will make racist attacks on you, because, in fact, they hate you and see you as inferiors.

And PLEASE, keep in mind who it was who owned slaves, who started the Civil War to keep their slaves, who passed and enforced the Jim Crow laws, who terrorized you with KKK violence and murdered you with lynchings, you kept you from voting, and who put your children in segregated schools.

It was the Democrats.

And PLEASE, keep in mind that since the Civil Rights era, it has been Democratic policies that have lured your people into a life of welfare dependency, drug abuse, fatherlessness, lawless streets, dysfunctional public schools, and a huge percentage of your young men enjoying the hospitality of the prisons.

It was the Democrats.

Now Trump offers you something better: jobs, opportunity, safe streets, good schools, a life without fear.

But the Democrats don't want you to have a part of the American dream, they want to keep you down, poor, hopeless, desperate, and constantly hating Republicans because it is somehow OUR fault that you are miserable even though you've been voting for THEM and they've delivered on NONE of their promises.

Republicans liberated you from Democratic oppression in 1865, and again in 1965, and we are ready to do it again.

Throw off your chains and join us.
Poor LWNJ's. They are literally melting down...the poor snowflakes!!

If you are black and you don't join them in their unbridled hatred of Trump, you're an Uncle Tom Mediocre House Negro!!
Libs, so are they just mediocre negro's or deplorable mediocre negro's? Tune in next week when the left alienates Jews by throwing Israel under the bus...oh wait :eusa_think:
Black people, be on notice that if you dare to leave the Democratic plantation, they will call you "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and now "mediocre Negro." They do not think you are ALLOWED to think for yourself or vote for anyone but them. And if you do, they will make racist attacks on you, because, in fact, they hate you and see you as inferiors.

And PLEASE, keep in mind who it was who owned slaves, who started the Civil War to keep their slaves, who passed and enforced the Jim Crow laws, who terrorized you with KKK violence and murdered you with lynchings, you kept you from voting, and who put your children in segregated schools.

It was the Democrats.

And PLEASE, keep in mind that since the Civil Rights era, it has been Democratic policies that have lured your people into a life of welfare dependency, drug abuse, fatherlessness, lawless streets, dysfunctional public schools, and a huge percentage of your young men enjoying the hospitality of the prisons.

It was the Democrats.

Now Trump offers you something better: jobs, opportunity, safe streets, good schools, a life without fear.

But the Democrats don't want you to have a part of the American dream, they want to keep you down, poor, hopeless, desperate, and constantly hating Republicans because it is somehow OUR fault that you are miserable even though you've been voting for THEM and they've delivered on NONE of their promises.

Republicans liberated you from Democratic oppression in 1865, and again in 1965, and we are ready to do it again.

Throw off your chains and join us.
Name a Republicans policy in the last 50 years that's helped the American people.
Black people, be on notice that if you dare to leave the Democratic plantation, they will call you "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and now "mediocre Negro." They do not think you are ALLOWED to think for yourself or vote for anyone but them. And if you do, they will make racist attacks on you, because, in fact, they hate you and see you as inferiors.

And PLEASE, keep in mind who it was who owned slaves, who started the Civil War to keep their slaves, who passed and enforced the Jim Crow laws, who terrorized you with KKK violence and murdered you with lynchings, you kept you from voting, and who put your children in segregated schools.

It was the Democrats.

And PLEASE, keep in mind that since the Civil Rights era, it has been Democratic policies that have lured your people into a life of welfare dependency, drug abuse, fatherlessness, lawless streets, dysfunctional public schools, and a huge percentage of your young men enjoying the hospitality of the prisons.

It was the Democrats.

Now Trump offers you something better: jobs, opportunity, safe streets, good schools, a life without fear.

But the Democrats don't want you to have a part of the American dream, they want to keep you down, poor, hopeless, desperate, and constantly hating Republicans because it is somehow OUR fault that you are miserable even though you've been voting for THEM and they've delivered on NONE of their promises.

Republicans liberated you from Democratic oppression in 1865, and again in 1965, and we are ready to do it again.

Throw off your chains and join us.
Name a Republicans policy in the last 50 years that's helped the American people.
Get back to your bridge troll. No list will ever satisfy you so why bother...
Get back to your bridge troll. No list will ever satisfy you so why bother...
He's just trying to change the subject, since he can't refute or even argue against the OP.

He wants as few people as possible examining how Democrats have treated black people for the last hundred years or two.
Black people, be on notice that if you dare to leave the Democratic plantation, they will call you "Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and now "mediocre Negro." They do not think you are ALLOWED to think for yourself or vote for anyone but them. And if you do, they will make racist attacks on you, because, in fact, they hate you and see you as inferiors.

And PLEASE, keep in mind who it was who owned slaves, who started the Civil War to keep their slaves, who passed and enforced the Jim Crow laws, who terrorized you with KKK violence and murdered you with lynchings, you kept you from voting, and who put your children in segregated schools.

It was the Democrats.

And PLEASE, keep in mind that since the Civil Rights era, it has been Democratic policies that have lured your people into a life of welfare dependency, drug abuse, fatherlessness, lawless streets, dysfunctional public schools, and a huge percentage of your young men enjoying the hospitality of the prisons.

It was the Democrats.

Now Trump offers you something better: jobs, opportunity, safe streets, good schools, a life without fear.

But the Democrats don't want you to have a part of the American dream, they want to keep you down, poor, hopeless, desperate, and constantly hating Republicans because it is somehow OUR fault that you are miserable even though you've been voting for THEM and they've delivered on NONE of their promises.

Republicans liberated you from Democratic oppression in 1865, and again in 1965, and we are ready to do it again.

Throw off your chains and join us.
Name a Republicans policy in the last 50 years that's helped the American people.
Civil rights.
Poor LWNJ's. They are literally melting down...the poor snowflakes!!

If you are black and you don't join them in their unbridled hatred of Trump, you're an Uncle Tom Mediocre House Negro!!
If Fox contributors made the comment it would be all over the media and probably be held responsible for some social violence. A kid would surely be kicked out of college for the comment. It doesn't matter when it happens on CNN though.

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