The Media Wounded


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

There still exists a physical media in the sense of airing current events. But it is not journalism as we once understood the disinterested reporting of the news. Journalism is now dead. The media lives on.

I don’t think I’ve ever read truer words! We have News Readers who get their words from behind-the-scenes producers who never have to face the public. And many of the Talking Heads are employed for their left-leaning biases.

Reporters today believe that their coverage serves higher agendas of social justice, identity politics, “equality” and diversity. To the degree a news account is expanded or ignored, praised or blasted, depends on its supposed utility to the effort to fundamentally transform the country into something unlike its founding.

At the recent third president-less White House Correspondents’ Dinner, passive-aggressive journalists whined that they were victims, standing on the barricades against the all-powerful, all-evil—and all absent—Donald Trump. If the attempt was to return professionalism to the evening and eschew the pathological celebrity obsessions of the past, the result was only more confirmation of the self-referential and narcissistic culture of the Washington press corps.

Why should we believe reporters suddenly worried about ethics, and free inquiry and speech?

More @ Journalism is Dead—Long Live the Media!
At what time in US history was journalism ordered to be unbiased?
what time in history did it need to be told?

while you always had the die-hard reporter doing anything and everything, fake news was limited to the national enquirer and the onion. now we have many sites that are nothing BUT fake news and say so. then we have a lot that call themselves news but its only their outlets opinion, NOT news.

people are slowly unblurring that line and seeing it for what it is. while no i don't think we can or should tell our "media" what to say or print, we as consumers of said media need to demand more honesty. if we continue to do what we're doing then they're making money off it and that's what matters these days as layoffs kill an entire industry.
At what time in US history was journalism ordered to be unbiased?
what time in history did it need to be told?

while you always had the die-hard reporter doing anything and everything, fake news was limited to the national enquirer and the onion. now we have many sites that are nothing BUT fake news and say so. then we have a lot that call themselves news but its only their outlets opinion, NOT news.

people are slowly unblurring that line and seeing it for what it is. while no i don't think we can or should tell our "media" what to say or print, we as consumers of said media need to demand more honesty. if we continue to do what we're doing then they're making money off it and that's what matters these days as layoffs kill an entire industry.
Thomas Jefferson supported freedom of the press while hating the press at the same time. Why, because of the articles which tore people apart over politics and Jefferson hated what the press printed because much of it was not true.
Low ratings equal less advertising $$$$ equals pressure on the bigwigs to clean things up. CNN is laying off more than 100 people.
Low ratings equal less advertising $$$$ equals pressure on the bigwigs to clean things up. CNN is laying off more than 100 people.
People prefer entertainment to news or journalism. It’s why Fox News has the best ratings.

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