The Media Should Be Excluded From Debates


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

All of the media outlets on both sides should be excluded from here on out from hosting debates.

They've proved to be untrustworthy.

I think it's time that only a non-biased entity be allowed to host and moderate any presidential debates from here on out.

The only reason liberals aren't complaining is because the deck is stacked in their favor. They enjoy the fact that Republicans are being asked loaded questions designed to ether trip them up or reveal the stereotypes they always believed in.

One such question in the first debate in 08' was obvious.

"What do you most dislike about America???"

A couple of debates ago Mitt Romney was asked several times about his views on homosexuality and abortion. In the last debate Newt Gingrich in the first question was asked about his wife's accusations that he wanted and open marriage. He snapped at John King telling him that his question was despicable. This type of questioning is a no-win situation for the target because regardless of the answer it shows them in bad light.

Well it seems that the voters in South Carolina are wise to this nonsense and said that they don't care about Ginrich's personal life. They want to fix the economy. They don't care how much the media wants to trash him personally. Bravo South Carolina.

The Obama owned media is sometimes subtle about it and sometimes overt about their attempts to trivialize the Republican field. Their claim is that this is not the "A" Group. Merely a bunch of unqualified leftovers from the past.

Fact is the real joke is the guy in the White House that hasn't been doing his job since 09'. The guy that even though he's been campaigning for months still claims his campaign hasn't begun.....just so he can stick us with the bill for it. Forget the fact that every media outlet other than Fox gives Obama free advertizement 24/7.

Anyone who wants to be rational will admit that we cannot allow them to get away with this any longer. The challenges are too great to leave it up to a dishonest press to change political debate on a whim and thus essentially tell us who we should be voting for. This works in countries like Venezuela, but not in America.

I don't see how some unaccountable entity would be any better. At least the media is accountable to their shareholders. If you don't like capitalism, turn off the TV, comrade.
It is entirely appropriate to ask members of the party that tries to sell itself as the owner of the moral high ground

questions about morality.

When conservatives and the GOP stop with the sanctimony mongering, then they can legitimately cry about being called on it.
The Media Should Be Excluded From Debates

Such cowardice and petulant whining from the right.

All of the media outlets on both sides should be excluded from here on out from hosting debates.

Naïve, idiotic nonsense.

You’ll only do your candidates a disservice by attempting to shelter them from the press, who will report on the debates anyway, they’ll be ill-prepared to deal with the media when that time comes, they can run but they can’t hide, and reinforces the perception that republicans are authoritarian elitists.
They enjoy the fact that Republicans are being asked loaded questions designed to ether trip them up or reveal the stereotypes they always believed in.

If republicans get ‘tripped-up’ they have only themselves to blame, that stereotypes are confirmed to be true isn’t the fault of the media, it’s the fault of republican politicians who attempt to conceal the truth from the voters.

When a stereotype is confirmed to be true, it’s no longer a stereotype.

The Obama owned media…

Do you know how nuts this sounds?

The challenges are too great to leave it up to a dishonest press…

The conservative ‘value’ of ‘personal responsibility’ is clearly a myth – blame the press, blame the ‘liberals,’ blame Obama, cast the blame everywhere but where it actually belongs.
I don't see how some unaccountable entity would be any better. At least the media is accountable to their shareholders. If you don't like capitalism, turn off the TV, comrade.


Your post was a lame attempt to flip the focus of this thread. It has nothing to do with accountability. This is just the way the media shapes debate in this country.

So, to you it's all about money???

I thought we were supposed to be electing a President....not just paying shareholder's bills.

Weak....really weak.
It is entirely appropriate to ask members of the party that tries to sell itself as the owner of the moral high ground

questions about morality.

When conservatives and the GOP stop with the sanctimony mongering, then they can legitimately cry about being called on it.

Sorry.....but you're just repeating Democrat talking-points.

My point is that nobody that is a shill for ether party should run the debates. I don't give a damn about your desire for pay-backs.
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The Media Should Be Excluded From Debates

Such cowardice and petulant whining from the right.

All of the media outlets on both sides should be excluded from here on out from hosting debates.

Naïve, idiotic nonsense.

You’ll only do your candidates a disservice by attempting to shelter them from the press, who will report on the debates anyway, they’ll be ill-prepared to deal with the media when that time comes, they can run but they can’t hide, and reinforces the perception that republicans are authoritarian elitists.

If republicans get ‘tripped-up’ they have only themselves to blame, that stereotypes are confirmed to be true isn’t the fault of the media, it’s the fault of republican politicians who attempt to conceal the truth from the voters.

When a stereotype is confirmed to be true, it’s no longer a stereotype.

The Obama owned media…

Do you know how nuts this sounds?

The challenges are too great to leave it up to a dishonest press…

The conservative ‘value’ of ‘personal responsibility’ is clearly a myth – blame the press, blame the ‘liberals,’ blame Obama, cast the blame everywhere but where it actually belongs.

You only make yourself look foolish by attempting to say that the media hasn't been bought and paid for by Democrats. Fast and Furious would be the top story for the last year if a Republican was in the White House, but the media barely mentions it.
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Corrupt ex speakers should be excluded from even running. They're too easy.
Even FOX?

Even Fox.

What makes a journalist a decent sponsor of a political debate?

Debates should be held on CSPAN paid for by the taxpayer and the moderator should be a non-biased official tied to nobody politically. If they're a registered Democrat or Republican they are automatically disqualified. They cannot be contacted in any way by any political party or Superpac. Moderators must be deposed in the way a jurist is before a trial.
It was damn nice to see the "candidates" being forced to concentrate on the issues. Previous "debates" have had the air of a carnival, a crippled reality show but I see that Newt has said he "won't allow" the crowds to be silences in future "debates".

Gawd, what a gasbag that "man" is.

How many diamonds does it take for Calista to put up with that fat and ineffectual bag of hot air?

Brian Williams - well done.
It was damn nice to see the "candidates" being forced to concentrate on the issues. Previous "debates" have had the air of a carnival, a crippled reality show but I see that Newt has said he "won't allow" the crowds to be silences in future "debates".

Gawd, what a gasbag that "man" is.

How many diamonds does it take for Calista to put up with that fat and ineffectual bag of hot air?

Brian Williams - well done.

Yup....can't have the crowd approve....
The debates are media events. That's the purpose of them. That's why candidates go to them - to get on TV.

How would you watch the debates without "the media"?

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