The media is destroying the democrat party


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
For some reason the democrats have decided that the media is where their future lays. They have hitched their wagon to the left wing media. The democrats and the media think they know the American people but they do not.
Left wing nut jobs in the media don't know and so can not relate to mainstream America. They don't understand us and they underestimate us daily. We have had 5 house seats up for grabs since the November 8th elections and all 5 went to the GOP. Yet the dems still follow the left wing nuts in the media right down the crapper. They have allowed their members to side with communists and socialists, they jump on board with every loony idea out there, they march right along side of nut jobs like the view bitches and think they are winning but every bit of evidence shows they are losing badly all across the nation.
If the dems want to regain any semblance of popularity again they must slap down the Bernie the clown followers once and for all. They must stop agreeing and with worshiping the Trump hating press and media.
And they must move towards the center and shed the Clinton's and the Warrens, and Bernie the clown or they will continue to get beat. Go ahead Schumer, keep on goose stepping with CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY Times etc etc. They don't know squat they are barely high school graduates that went to a liberal arts college and they are unattached from reality and the people of America.

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