The Media & Crime


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
The media naturally fails to notice that the media itself is partly to blame for horrific acts of violence like the Connecticut school shooting. The media should be condemned for provoking this sort of violence.

The Impact of Electronic Media Violence: Scientific Theory and Research

List of alleged Natural Born Killers copycat crimes

Can anyone doubt that the media is influential? Check this out: Media Guidelines for Reporting Suicide

The media should also be condemned for glamorizing drug use. I hate to see celebrities profiting off the suffering of drug addicts.
The Media is an Accomplice in Public Shootings: A Call for a "Stephen King" Law

quote: There’s really no useful debate on the point. The consensus of social scientists since David Phillips’ groundbreaking work in 1974 is that highly publicized stories of deviant and dangerous behavior influences copycat incidents.

The media elite uses the death of children to boost ratings, increase profit, and further the liberal elite political agenda. In the process they cause further murderous acts. Loathsome.
There's nothing wrong with Criminal Minds except that it got too predictable and too boring.
More violence and depravity from Hollywood degenerates: CBS defends 'Criminal Minds' against violence slam

I've never seen this show (and not interested) but the fact remains that CBS, the other alphabets, Fox, Hollywood, newspapers and anyone else who's in media for profit will always exploit the Lowest Common Denominator because it draws more eyeballs, and more eyeballs means higher rates for advertising, and higher rates mean more profit. That's the entire reason this crap exists.

Another thing to keep in mind is who owns the airwaves: CBS doesn't own them; NBC, ABC, Fox, CNN, ClearChannel... none of them own the airwaves -- WE the People own them. And each broadcast outlet is awarded a license --by us-- based on their stewardship of the airwaves we allow them to use. And that license is temporary, and can be renewed or not, depending on whether We the People decide that they've been using them in the Public Interest. We have that power. We rarely exercise it.
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I used to watch Criminal Minds regularly. It's completely boring. For one thing, it's like there is one show, repeated endlessly, over and over, with minor changes. If people watch it, it will stay on the air. If people stop watching it, it will be cancelled. Anything else is just so much hogwash.

Turning this into some liberal claptrap about making a profit and for that reason, it's bad is just more liberl pap than an average person could be forced into choking down.

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