MSNBC Says Sen Tim Scott Needs To Remember He's Black And Not Just A GOP Token


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

MSNBC's Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said a few minutes ago that Tim Scott, SC's new Senator needs to remember he's Black and not just what some people call a "Token Black".

She said this racist BS with such a happy manner and it seemed delivered with such a "Well everybody thinks that way" attitude that it's easy to understand how so many good people could be so racist and not even know it.

After Robert Griffin III got this same treatment from a Black ESPN commentator a couple of weeks ago I think that it is becoming more and more clear the angle the left uses to keep blacks on the plantation.........and it is an old story.

Peer-pressure is a very strong stimulant. If you want to remain welcome in your respective communities you'd better tow the party line.

Joy Reid has voiced this opinion before calling blacks and Hispanics in the GOP "Window Dressing".

I don't sense one iota of belief that their core values, that their core belief system needs to change. They just think they need to put more window dressing on it, and find some more black and brown people to say the exact same things they believe. They don't believe they need to change their positions on issues. They just believe they need to change the decoration.


MSNBC Contributor Joy-Ann Reid Dismisses Black, Hispanic Republicans As Mere 'Window-Dressing' |

Obama-boosting MSNBC Contributor Reid Annoyed with Ron Fournier's Quest for Truth in Benghazi Fiasco |
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wow, so blatant and disgusting

it's almost like a threat of some kind..remember he's black

how people watch that horrible channel
Right now they're sortof trashing Christians. Some guy from Harvard with earrings like an Zulu warrior (White guy no less) who says he's an atheist, claims they understand the shootings at Sandy Hook.

I'm not sure what they're driving at.

Just watch MSNBC for an hour if you can stand it. It will give you a good look at this strange world they live in.
This stuff is amazing. The utter hypocrisy on display.

Right now they're pushing the movie "Django" as a good movie, even with all of the gun violence and racism it contains.
um guys ............. you have been saying for YEARS now Obama only got elected because he was black
All of these panel members were all over gun violence the last hour.....but when it's a black man shooting a bunch of mean ole white folks it becomes a beautiful thing.

They actually said beautiful.

A triumph over slavery.
Why do the democrats think that blacks shouldn't have the option to choose? That's part of being equal and having rights.

O'yesss, within the rats eyes they're not free just used as pons for power. MSNBC is a black nationalist channel promoting hatred.
So he can't make up his own fucking mind? WTF???

These people act like blacks are their pets or something.

FUCK YOU MSNBC...Msnbc is more racist then anything I've ever seen.

That's saying something.

Indeed. Because you're one of the most racist sacks of breathing shit on this site.
are you guys going to stop saying blacks are FOOLED into voting for dems?

do you EVEN have a clue how many Americans who are black and NOT black you insult when you spew that lie?
are you guys going to stop saying blacks are FOOLED into voting for dems?

do you EVEN have a clue how many Americans who are black and NOT black you insult when you spew that lie?

I'm sure there's plenty of willfully-ignorant among them.

Using a sweeping accusation isn't realistic. Everyone has to be accountable for their own beliefs and I think plenty of blacks don't need to be "fooled". They're racists and believe this is just the way things should be. 50 years ago our society believed that racism was simply a fact of life and that's the only way America can operate, but now that the shoe is on the other foot who really is the racist? Who is the oppressed?

Personally, anyone who's into paybacks is no better than a KKK member in my opinion.
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gee that is so much less racist to say they are racists and not just stupid.

Now you know why you are known as the racists party and why.

its called facts and reality
[ame=]I know you are but what am I - Pee Wee - YouTube[/ame]
gee that is so much less racist to say they are racists and not just stupid.

Now you know why you are known as the racists party and why.

its called facts and reality

Much as the Democratic Party is called "The Low-Information Party".

It doesn't take a genius to believe their nonsense.

Time Mag gave Obama kudos for being able to relate to the most ignorant among us. That is the essence of his effectiveness.
Right now they're sortof trashing Christians. Some guy from Harvard with earrings like an Zulu warrior (White guy no less) who says he's an atheist, claims they understand the shootings at Sandy Hook.

I'm not sure what they're driving at.

Just watch MSNBC for an hour if you can stand it. It will give you a good look at this strange world they live in.

I deleted it from my channel line up in my channel menu on my cable. Just surfing past it a time or two was all I could stand. Overbite made me feel like vomiting after just seconds.
gee that is so much less racist to say they are racists and not just stupid.

Now you know why you are known as the racists party and why.

its called facts and reality

Much as the Democratic Party is called "The Low-Information Party".

It doesn't take a genius to believe their nonsense.

Time Mag gave Obama kudos for being able to relate to the most ignorant among us. That is the essence of his effectiveness.
It's not about is obama a good president and does he have what it takes to be president to libtards, it's about being COOL... see, obama tells them jokes, plays basetbaw, and SINGS to them and gives them a cheap cell phone with 250 minutes. To them he's COOL, and that's all that matters. They don't care about complicated, boring things like the DEBT or our ECONOMY or JOBS... or their FREEDOM.
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