Zone1 The man who was executed Friday...

I wasn't doing linguistics----I was doing Jewish jurisprudence Vincent
got it wrong. There was no execution of sons or daughters for being
lousy kids----just a threat of HEAVENLY RETRIBUTION. Mostly childlessness
or shortened life.
Those Jesus was referring to were adults who were neglecting the needs of their elderly parents, instead using their money to curry the favor of the Jewish leadership. The commandment is for all 'children' regardless of age.
Those Jesus was referring to were adults who were neglecting the needs of their elderly parents, instead using their money to curry the favor of the Jewish leadership. The commandment is for all 'children' regardless of age.
what ever Jesus referred to---the FACT is that failure to take care of parents
was not a capital crime except by HEAVENLY DECREE. In fact failure to light
Sabbath candles----SAME THING ---Heaven takes care of it. I am telling
you a fact. The heavenly decree thing was taken seriously. I don't remember anything about grown kids not caring for parents in the NT

That is why Christians should oppose the Death Penalty
Why allow Government to kill people?
Leave it to God
What alternative do you suggest? How big a deterrent is the death penalty? Does the death penalty for oneself if one murders another deter someone from killing? If people are deterred from killing, then how many innocent lives would be saved from murderers? How many murders are occurring today because the likelihood of facing the death penalty any time soon, if at all? Shouldn't deterring the murders of innocent lives fall onto us and be our own responsibility? Save the lives of murderers....or, save the lives of the innocent. Which should have our priority?
What alternative do you suggest? How big a deterrent is the death penalty? Does the death penalty for oneself if one murders another deter someone from killing? If people are deterred from killing, then how many innocent lives would be saved from murderers? How many murders are occurring today because the likelihood of facing the death penalty any time soon, if at all? Shouldn't deterring the murders of innocent lives fall onto us and be our own responsibility? Save the lives of murderers....or, save the lives of the innocent. Which should have our priority?
By your logic, States like Texas who execute more than any State in the country should have low murder rates

Doesnt seem to be working as a deterrent
By your logic, States like Texas who execute more than any State in the country should have low murder rates

Doesnt seem to be working as a deterrent
Take a look at the murder rates for the South. Texas is among the lowest in that region.

Keep in mind I am not arguing for the death penalty as much I wish we could find a better deterrent before eschewing the current policy. Perhaps religion in schools. ;)

That is why Christians should oppose the Death Penalty
Why allow Government to kill people?
Leave it to God
I want the government to kill murders. God can decide what to do with the souls of murders.
By your logic, States like Texas who execute more than any State in the country should have low murder rates

Doesnt seem to be working as a deterrent
always remember CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION. <<< first page of logic textbook. However you are still right---capital punishment does not
seem to be much of a deterrence

That is why Christians should oppose the Death Penalty
Why allow Government to kill people?
Leave it to God
I will NOW write something that will bother lots of people. Well---here it is
Way back in the day ( 2000 years ago----the people in Judea/Israel
not something you sweet girls in pastel nylon dresses off to sunday school learned--BUT THAT IS FACT
Keep in mind I am not arguing for the death penalty as much I wish we could find a better deterrent before eschewing the current policy. Perhaps religion in schools.

life without parole - seems less desirable to the criminal than being put to death.

only the heavens can take a life that which can not be replaced. why a murderer hasn't a means of repentance.

* they can not get enough religion while in prison - a substitute narcotic. plays well to the boards.
I never understood why Christians would support Capital Punishment after Jesus was wrongly executed
99% of all religions claiming to be christian, aren't in reality. Only ones in darkness believe they are Christian, just because they claim to be Christian. Because Few on earth know the real Jesus, Few on earth actually knows what he taught. Its a sad reality. I have been kicked out of many trinity sights showing them what Jesus taught. They say he did not teach what i showed them, yet every one of the teachings i shared are in every translation on earth. Yet 2 billion on earth believe them.
Jesus wasn't killed on Friday ('good' or otherwise). ;)
Many Christians share this belief. It is an 'evil generation' that disputes this.

easter - sunday ...

the 7th day and completion by the heavens their creation to keep holy deemed a sabbath for its purity - such would be the day to commemorate jesus just not the false heavenly personifications.

- the desert will be punished.
Playing with semantics is pathetic. Review
by Constantine and codified by his descendant Justinian.
It is the LAW OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE aka --the
Roman Church aka the Catholic Church. Ask Henry VIII,
he knew what he was up against. Ask the islamo-nazi
hero ADOLF---he incorporated lots of it into the NUREMBERG
CODE----the law of the THIRD REICH
Suradie laughs----she seem to think that someone WIPED ROME OFF
THE MAP----poor Pope Francis. He does not exist
I don't remember anything about grown kids not caring for parents in the NT
Matthew 15
1 Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying,

2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.

3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?

4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

5 But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift (Corban*), by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;

6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.

* What does Corban mean in Mark 7:11? |
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99% of all religions claiming to be christian, aren't in reality. Only ones in darkness believe they are Christian, just because they claim to be Christian. Because Few on earth know the real Jesus, Few on earth actually knows what he taught. Its a sad reality. I have been kicked out of many trinity sights showing them what Jesus taught. They say he did not teach what i showed them, yet every one of the teachings i shared are in every translation on earth. Yet 2 billion on earth believe them.
You "KNOW"? now that is funny----did Jesus leave you his library?
Why did Jesus storm the Temple Court Yard where EVERYONE wanted
to kill him (as so many claim)
Matthew 15
1 Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying,

2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.

3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?

4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

5 But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift (Corban*), by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;

6 And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition
there is no such tradition. People cannot "give away" inherited land allotments by saying "KORBAN" and certainly not to the temple.
The Tribe of Levi (priests and levites) do not hold tribal land

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