The major difference is the MSM treatment...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The MSM ONLY portrays one of these as a Nazi salute... Why? People are just holding up their hands.
Oh... wait a minute... for Jennifer Lawrence's sake... Maybe Obama is fulfilling the following pledge as people like her and others think Trump is omnipotent and causing these hurricanes... well Obama... do your thing!
Barack Obama said his victory marked “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul | HuffPost
Yup Obama told us he was going to slow the oceans and heal the planet!!!

Or as the MSM has gushed often...
Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Screen Shot 2017-09-09 at 10.54.11 AM.png
Sure, those are all alike aren't they.

Some of us recall the "terrorict fist bump" shoog, c'mon now.
The MSM ONLY portrays one of these as a Nazi salute... Why? People are just holding up their hands.
Oh... wait a minute... for Jennifer Lawrence's sake... Maybe Obama is fulfilling the following pledge as people like her and others think Trump is omnipotent and causing these hurricanes... well Obama... do your thing!
Barack Obama said his victory marked “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul | HuffPost
Yup Obama told us he was going to slow the oceans and heal the planet!!!

Or as the MSM has gushed often...
Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
View attachment 148313
This post is a numerator of outrage in search of a denominator.
The MSM ONLY portrays one of these as a Nazi salute. Why? People are just holding up their hands. Oh... wait a minute... for Jennifer Lawrence's sake. Maybe Obama is fulfilling the following pledge as people like her and others think Trump is omnipotent and causing these hurricanes... well Obama... do your thing! Barack Obama said his victory marked “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul | HuffPost Yup Obama told us he was going to slow the oceans and heal the planet!!! Or as the MSM has gushed often...Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Thumb out is a wave. Thumb in is the Nazi salute. Hope I've cleared that up for you.
think I remember this game from Sesame Street.

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I"m pretty sure that most people can figure out that when white supremacists raise their hands in a salute that resembles the Nazis,

it's not an accident.
The MSM ONLY portrays one of these as a Nazi salute. Why? People are just holding up their hands. Oh... wait a minute... for Jennifer Lawrence's sake. Maybe Obama is fulfilling the following pledge as people like her and others think Trump is omnipotent and causing these hurricanes... well Obama... do your thing! Barack Obama said his victory marked “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul | HuffPost Yup Obama told us he was going to slow the oceans and heal the planet!!! Or as the MSM has gushed often...Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Thumb out is a wave. Thumb in is the Nazi salute. Hope I've cleared that up for you.

Every thread a "conservative" makes defending the nazis in Charlottesville is just proving everyone else right.

I think it's time for you guys to try a different tactic.
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Are you seriously trying to claim that the neo-nazis in Charlotte were just "raising their hands", and not purposefully making a Nazi salute?

Please -- Charlottesville, not Charlotte. But yeah, they were just "waving to the camera" in the same way that James Fields was looking for a parking spot and the four Nazis with yellow poles were helpfully trying to swat a mosquito off DeAndre Harris. Because that's what "very fine people" do.

And David Duke was only there to cook everybody some nice Jambalaya. :eusa_angel:
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Are you seriously trying to claim that the neo-nazis in Charlotte were just "raising their hands", and not purposefully making a Nazi salute?

Please -- Charlottesville, not Charlotte. But yeah, they were just "waving to the camera" in the same way that James Fields was looking for a parking spot and the four Nazis with yellow poles were helpfully trying to swat a mosquito of DeAndre Harris. Because that's what "very fine people" do.

And David Duke was only there to cook everybody some nice Jambalaya. :eusa_angel:

Whoops. Fixed.
The MSM ONLY portrays one of these as a Nazi salute. Why? People are just holding up their hands. Oh... wait a minute... for Jennifer Lawrence's sake. Maybe Obama is fulfilling the following pledge as people like her and others think Trump is omnipotent and causing these hurricanes... well Obama... do your thing! Barack Obama said his victory marked “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul | HuffPost Yup Obama told us he was going to slow the oceans and heal the planet!!! Or as the MSM has gushed often...Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Thumb out is a wave. Thumb in is the Nazi salute. Hope I've cleared that up for you.
Wow... for want of a nail a shoe was lost for want of shoe a horse was lost for want of horse a battle was lost for want of a battle a kingdom was lost!
So same thing for want of a thumb we see a Nazi versus non-Nazi... point is why then was Colbert not lambasted by the MSM for giving the NAZI salute?
The MSM ONLY portrays one of these as a Nazi salute. Why? People are just holding up their hands. Oh... wait a minute... for Jennifer Lawrence's sake. Maybe Obama is fulfilling the following pledge as people like her and others think Trump is omnipotent and causing these hurricanes... well Obama... do your thing! Barack Obama said his victory marked “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul | HuffPost Yup Obama told us he was going to slow the oceans and heal the planet!!! Or as the MSM has gushed often...Editor of NewsWeek, Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Thumb out is a wave. Thumb in is the Nazi salute. Hope I've cleared that up for you.

So ALL these kids are giving the NAZI salute right???
First this thread is not in the "defense of the idiot "Neo-Nazis" BUT in pointing out the extreme BIAS of the MSM!

NOT one person in the MSM complains about Colbert flashing the Nazi salute to his averaged 3.29 million viewers.
BUT when a group of Neo-Nazis that the most recent membership figures for the NA, for 2012, are estimated to be at least 2,500, while an article published in the New York Times in 2011 said that the NSM consisted of about 400 members.
White supremacy: Are US right-wing groups on the rise? - BBC News
YOU idiots get all blown out of proportion! 2,500 idiots who are Neo-Nazis have so much power!
Neo-Nazis have NO power except that which the idiots like you people that get all excited and Colbert who again fostered the phony perceptions make the news.
2,500 people can shake the MSM up! Oh the power of the Neo-Nazis is overwhelming the MSM and you quivering masses of lemmings that don't do any research into the actual 2,500 idiots who belong to the Neo-Nazis!

Why don't you and the MSM get agitated to the same degree about ANTIFA???
Indeed, over the past year, Antifa members have been involved in clashes across the country and the world, including in Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston, Alabama and Nebraska, and at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.
"Anti-racists or anti-fascists are not a new phenomenon," said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. "What I think is new is that they're more active both in making themselves prominent at violent rallies and also trying to bridge into the disenfranchised peaceful progressive movement."
Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement - CNN

One of the most vivid examples of antifa violence occurred in January at Mr. Trump’s inauguration, where a masked member of the movement punched the prominent white supremacist Richard B. Spencer (who was pepper-sprayed by an antifa activist in Charlottesville). That single blow started a national debate over whether it was morally justifiable to “punch a Nazi.”
‘Antifa’ Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right
Are you seriously trying to claim that the neo-nazis in Charlotte were just "raising their hands", and not purposefully making a Nazi salute?

Please -- Charlottesville, not Charlotte. But yeah, they were just "waving to the camera" in the same way that James Fields was looking for a parking spot and the four Nazis with yellow poles were helpfully trying to swat a mosquito of DeAndre Harris. Because that's what "very fine people" do.

And David Duke was only there to cook everybody some nice Jambalaya. :eusa_angel:

Whoops. Fixed.

I don't understand mr. Moderator... what is the difference between my thread that you moved out of the political forum and this thread that is still in the
political forum...Stephen Colbert Gives Trump Nazi Salute Over Charlottesville What is the difference?
Are you seriously trying to claim that the neo-nazis in Charlotte were just "raising their hands", and not purposefully making a Nazi salute?

Please -- Charlottesville, not Charlotte. But yeah, they were just "waving to the camera" in the same way that James Fields was looking for a parking spot and the four Nazis with yellow poles were helpfully trying to swat a mosquito of DeAndre Harris. Because that's what "very fine people" do.

And David Duke was only there to cook everybody some nice Jambalaya. :eusa_angel:

Whoops. Fixed.

I don't understand mr. Moderator... what is the difference between my thread that you moved out of the political forum and this thread that is still in the
political forum...Stephen Colbert Gives Trump Nazi Salute Over Charlottesville What is the difference?


I wasn't the one who moved your thread, Mr. Poster.

And your "butwhatabout" thread isn't there anymore, either.

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