The Main Problems With Electric Cars

The EV warms up faster since it isn't depending on the engine to warm up first.

The EV might warm up faster but it is doing so by a direct drain off the batteries which serves no other purpose. An ICE car might take a little longer, but it is producing heat from an entirely secondary source of warming that neither adds to nor takes from the engine nor the battery whether you use it or not. Basically free energy.
If you run out of battery or fuel you will get cold.
  • With an EV, you have your ice-cold motors and batteries.
  • Out of gas, you still have a big iron block full of boiling hot 190° water.
If I'm in a blizzard stuck, I'll take the hot motor every time over the ice cold battery.
  • With an EV, you have your ice-cold motors and batteries.
  • Out of gas, you still have a big iron block full of boiling hot 190° water.
If I'm in a blizzard stuck, I'll take the hot motor every time over the ice cold battery.
Yur tho thmart.
There's a lot of fears with EVs...

Being on a long trip and having no where to plug in is a common fear as reported by owners.

Then there's the hundred million things that can go wrong while on a trip and then not having a qualified mechanic to work on it available. Or finding one but unable to get parts. It's not like there are a bunch of parts houses carrying the 57 various brands of EV parts.

It's an overly engineered disaster of a vehicle.
When it takes off there will be options. Like battery swap stations.

They need a battery exchange program with plug in batteries.

Go to a station, they pull out the dead battery and plug in a charged one. You are back on the road in 10 minutes.
The EV might warm up faster but it is doing so by a direct drain off the batteries which serves no other purpose. An ICE car might take a little longer, but it is producing heat from an entirely secondary source of warming that neither adds to nor takes from the engine nor the battery whether you use it or not. Basically free energy.
Damn that leaking heater core or frozen blower fan.
They need a battery exchange program with plug in batteries.

Go to a station, they pull out the dead battery and plug in a charged one. You are back on the road in 10 minutes.
How hard would it be to fabricate mobile swap station? The tow industry will be stupid not to be ready for this. They aren't.
AA? The last time I checked mine, it had F cells and a lot of them. I have also seen cells the size of large cell phones. I prefer the large cells, myself as they are easily repaired and maintained.

Right now, Teslas newest creation charges from 20% (the lowest one should allow a Lithium to go down to) to 80% in about 15 minutes using one of their charging stations. It also has the energy density of about 5X what you are used to.

Translation: It has the range and the quick charging to complete. What it doesn't have is a production line to produce it. I estimate that will come in 2024 and the vehicles using it will be out in force in 2026.

the basic batteries are about 25% larger than a AA. Might be called an F-Cell. There is a hierarchy of batteries, cells, and modules that is used. Here's is the battery design for a Tesla. There's about 7000 in the mid-range option Tesla S.


The way this is done makes recycling potentially a "revenue loser". And in combination with the ABSURD PLAN to "fix" the unreliable delivery scheduling of wind and solar -- that will add battery creation/disposal problem AS BIG or BIGGER than the estimate of EV use by 2030.

We will be NECK HIGH in very bad environmental muck due to the mining, manufacturing, disposal/recycling if we let morons sell us a BATTERY CENTRIC GRID trying to power BATTERY CENTRIC cars as any kind of "alternative energy infrastructure.

I admire what Musk does. But he's an entrepreneur and his drive is to SELL IDEAS. Like the quick charging options. He had also proposed that these would be nationwide and "solar powered". That promise is a lie. He'd need to have them in the Southwest with no weather to speak of and about 6 football size fields of solar panels and buildings the size of gymnasiums for power control and conditioning at each site. And on days when the sun dont shine or it snows, he's sucking from a grid that would ALSO be "solar based".

As far as the 15 minute charge which is the energy equivalent of mid-range battery option for the Model S is 90KWhr. That's almost 4 DAYS of a modest single family use going thru the cable in 15 minutes !!

Neither me or my family would be within 30 yards of that happening. It's just pushing the edge a bit too much to make that a mundane regular exercise. ESPECIALLY with battery modules near end of life.
Damn that leaking heater core or frozen blower fan.

Heater core repair: $3.00 for a bottle of StopLeak.
$36.00 for a whole new heater core.​

Blower fan stuck: Not spinning - just warm up faster.
Spinning too much - throw cardboard over the rad.​
New blower fan - $42.00.​

New battery for EV: cheap end, refurbished - figure on about $1,300.00 PLUS the labor to install it.

Heater core repair: $3.00 for a bottle of StopLeak.
$36.00 for a whole new heater core.​

Blower fan stuck: Not spinning - just warm up faster.
Spinning too much - throw cardboard over the rad.​
New blower fan - $42.00.​

New battery for EV: cheap end, refurbished - figure on about $1,300.00 PLUS the labor to install it.

Yep. Mr. Mechanic has the internet and an AutoZone membership.

And by the way, those temp fixes in a can are just that. Also, heater cores aren't like those Hot Pockets you love so much. Some labor is involved. Geez.
A friend of mine has a hybrid. Her gas mileage keeps going down, down, down as her battery deteriorates. The price of a new battery will blow your hat off.
Yep. Mr. Mechanic has the internet and an AutoZone membership.
Not sure what that is even supposed to mean so I'll just ignore it as unimportant.

And by the way, those temp fixes in a can are just that.
Depends. Might last a day, might last a couple years. Meantime, it gets you going. $3.00.

Also, heater cores aren't like those Hot Pockets you love so much. Some labor is involved. Geez.
Yeah, if you are too lazy to do it yourself. Definitely doable by the home mechanic, or if you are a wimp, pay the mechanic a couple hundred dollars.

Meantime, worst case scenario is still a zillion times cheaper than an EV battery overhaul and infinitely preferable to an EV battery fire in my garage.
Not sure what that is even supposed to mean so I'll just ignore it as unimportant.

Depends. Might last a day, might last a couple years. Meantime, it gets you going. $3.00.

Yeah, if you are too lazy to do it yourself. Definitely doable by the home mechanic, or if you are a wimp, pay the mechanic a couple hundred dollars.

Meantime, worst case scenario is still a zillion times cheaper than an EV battery overhaul and infinitely preferable to an EV battery fire in my garage.
I have 30 years of professional auto repair experience. Why don't you teach me some more?
A Gas Powered car has more of a chance of burning or bursting into flame. A burning normal vehicle just isn't news worthy but an Electric is rare and gets the negative press.

Actually that much lithium in high density is a special kind of fireworks when lit. Ever see it?

That's just lithium ION portable device type batteries. The lithium METAL batteries in EVs are even nastier.

The ONLY two things that are limiting EVs right now are range and charging time. And those are on the cusp right now. Look for 2026. And at that time, the industry will be forced to come up with a standard that all must comply with.

Has the overwhelming issue of how we EXPAND the national grid GENERATING capacity by at least 35% by 2035 or so ever crossed your fanatical mind? Where's this gonna come from? It AINT coming from killing our current energy mix and ATTEMPTING to replace 135% of that with wind/solar for certain. Not without a doomsday load of MORE BATTERIES.

If we don't accept nuclear and go full in -- this WHOLE PLAN is fairy farts and painted up snails. And a dirtier planet fighting over UNSUSTAINABLE mining of rare chemicals and earths.
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Heater core repair: $3.00 for a bottle of StopLeak.
$36.00 for a whole new heater core.
Stopleak will actually block up a heater core so it won't work anymore.

I had a Chrysler 300. I swear they sent the heater core down the assembly line and built the car around it. The core was cheap but it cost a few hundred bucks to put it in.
The great part is that Joke Biden is pushing to spend millions to convert the whole Federal govt to electric cars in a few years.

They tried to get the Post Office to be the guinea pig back in the early 2000s. Would have killed them sooner. NOW at least the mental midgets in Congress will have a 50 yard line box seats of the issues right there in D.C.

Most of the old codgers pushing this wont be around to see the results. And the young twerps will STILL be blaming the fossil fuel folks when their windmill and solar panel fantasy system starts to take lives by the 10s of thousands,
Stopleak will actually block up a heater core so it won't work anymore.

I had a Chrysler 300. I swear they sent the heater core down the assembly line and built the car around it. The core was cheap but it cost a few hundred bucks to put it in.
I remember the 1st Ford Taurus heater core change took me 12-13 hours and book time was similar.
Try changing a blower fan in let's see... a Cad Seville. If you didn't flat-rate that job, you lost your ass.
Here's my favorite lithium battery recycling center melt down. NO ONE is gonna want to take the risks to dispose of this crap. The PUBLIC isn't even aware that putting smaller lithium batteries in the recycling or even garbage is PROHIBITED and can cause injuries to personnel and serious damage to the NORMAL waste disposal facilities.

Welcome to Battery Armageddon people..

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