The mail box lie.......obama was getting rid of mail boxes long before Trump became President.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The latest anti-Trump lie is that he has ordered the removal of mail keep people from being able to mail their ballots for the election.....

This is a lie. But the democrat party knows that their democrat party members in the press, and their useful idiots everywhere else, including here on U.S.messageboard, will spread that lie 24/7.....after all, gaining power is the only thing that is important.....

Keep in mind.....the Postal Service has 100 billion dollars in unfunded pension liability, and another 69 billion in the hole on top of that and is losing billions every single year......

So.....long before Trump came into office, the U.S. postal service was removing mail boxes....

But the fact is the removal of mail collection boxes has been going on for years as part of cost-cutting efforts for the postal service and had nothing to do with the 2020 election.

In September 2016, the USPS inspector general noted that “Nationally, the number of collection boxes declined by more than 12,000 in the past 5 years.”

This means that the USPS, during the Obama-Biden administration, removed thousands of mail collection boxes. Was this a diabolical plan by Obama and Biden to suppress the vote in 2020? Did Trump make them do it?

The decision to do so was explained thusly:

Some customers have complained the U.S. Postal Service has gone too far and removed too many collection boxes in neighborhoods. They’ve also questioned whether this effort is saving USPS money in the long run.
It’s a tough balancing act for the Postal Service. Some collection boxes are barely used and are expensive to maintain. On the other hand, mail collection boxes are a visible representation of the Postal Service to the American public, and their disappearance has been noted. They also are reliable, secure, and convenient receptacles for mail.
As part of its efforts to keep its collection infrastructure proportionate to customers’ needs at a reasonable cost, the Postal Service has eliminated underused collection boxes that on average receive fewer than 25 pieces a day; it has also added collection boxes where they are convenient for customers.
USPS spokeswoman Kimberly Frum told The Hill that installation and removal of USPS collection boxes has been going on for decades. “It is a fluid process and figures can vary from day-to-day. Historically, mail boxes have been removed for lack of use and installed in growth areas,” she explained. “When a collection box consistently receives very small amounts of mail for months on end, it costs the Postal Service money in fuel and workhours for letter carriers to drive to the mailbox and collect the mail. Removing the box is simply good business sense in that respect. It is important to note that anyone with a residential or business mailbox can use it as a vehicle to send outgoing mail.”

The latest anti-Trump lie is that he has ordered the removal of mail keep people from being able to mail their ballots for the election.....

This is a lie. But the democrat party knows that their democrat party members in the press, and their useful idiots everywhere else, including here on U.S.messageboard, will spread that lie 24/7.....after all, gaining power is the only thing that is important.....

Keep in mind.....the Postal Service has 100 billion dollars in unfunded pension liability, and another 69 billion in the hole on top of that and is losing billions every single year......

So.....long before Trump came into office, the U.S. postal service was removing mail boxes....

But the fact is the removal of mail collection boxes has been going on for years as part of cost-cutting efforts for the postal service and had nothing to do with the 2020 election.

In September 2016, the USPS inspector general noted that “Nationally, the number of collection boxes declined by more than 12,000 in the past 5 years.”

This means that the USPS, during the Obama-Biden administration, removed thousands of mail collection boxes. Was this a diabolical plan by Obama and Biden to suppress the vote in 2020? Did Trump make them do it?

The decision to do so was explained thusly:

Some customers have complained the U.S. Postal Service has gone too far and removed too many collection boxes in neighborhoods. They’ve also questioned whether this effort is saving USPS money in the long run.
It’s a tough balancing act for the Postal Service. Some collection boxes are barely used and are expensive to maintain. On the other hand, mail collection boxes are a visible representation of the Postal Service to the American public, and their disappearance has been noted. They also are reliable, secure, and convenient receptacles for mail.
As part of its efforts to keep its collection infrastructure proportionate to customers’ needs at a reasonable cost, the Postal Service has eliminated underused collection boxes that on average receive fewer than 25 pieces a day; it has also added collection boxes where they are convenient for customers.
USPS spokeswoman Kimberly Frum told The Hill that installation and removal of USPS collection boxes has been going on for decades. “It is a fluid process and figures can vary from day-to-day. Historically, mail boxes have been removed for lack of use and installed in growth areas,” she explained. “When a collection box consistently receives very small amounts of mail for months on end, it costs the Postal Service money in fuel and workhours for letter carriers to drive to the mailbox and collect the mail. Removing the box is simply good business sense in that respect. It is important to note that anyone with a residential or business mailbox can use it as a vehicle to send outgoing mail.”

Thanks for pointing out this fake news.

There has been a long term decline in the number of mail boxes out there, for Biden and the devotees of the Sleepy Joe Cult to make this an issue shows how low they are willing to go.
The latest anti-Trump lie is that he has ordered the removal of mail keep people from being able to mail their ballots for the election.....

This is a lie. But the democrat party knows that their democrat party members in the press, and their useful idiots everywhere else, including here on U.S.messageboard, will spread that lie 24/7.....after all, gaining power is the only thing that is important.....

Keep in mind.....the Postal Service has 100 billion dollars in unfunded pension liability, and another 69 billion in the hole on top of that and is losing billions every single year......

So.....long before Trump came into office, the U.S. postal service was removing mail boxes....

But the fact is the removal of mail collection boxes has been going on for years as part of cost-cutting efforts for the postal service and had nothing to do with the 2020 election.

In September 2016, the USPS inspector general noted that “Nationally, the number of collection boxes declined by more than 12,000 in the past 5 years.”

This means that the USPS, during the Obama-Biden administration, removed thousands of mail collection boxes. Was this a diabolical plan by Obama and Biden to suppress the vote in 2020? Did Trump make them do it?

The decision to do so was explained thusly:

Some customers have complained the U.S. Postal Service has gone too far and removed too many collection boxes in neighborhoods. They’ve also questioned whether this effort is saving USPS money in the long run.
It’s a tough balancing act for the Postal Service. Some collection boxes are barely used and are expensive to maintain. On the other hand, mail collection boxes are a visible representation of the Postal Service to the American public, and their disappearance has been noted. They also are reliable, secure, and convenient receptacles for mail.
As part of its efforts to keep its collection infrastructure proportionate to customers’ needs at a reasonable cost, the Postal Service has eliminated underused collection boxes that on average receive fewer than 25 pieces a day; it has also added collection boxes where they are convenient for customers.
USPS spokeswoman Kimberly Frum told The Hill that installation and removal of USPS collection boxes has been going on for decades. “It is a fluid process and figures can vary from day-to-day. Historically, mail boxes have been removed for lack of use and installed in growth areas,” she explained. “When a collection box consistently receives very small amounts of mail for months on end, it costs the Postal Service money in fuel and workhours for letter carriers to drive to the mailbox and collect the mail. Removing the box is simply good business sense in that respect. It is important to note that anyone with a residential or business mailbox can use it as a vehicle to send outgoing mail.”

Thanks for pointing out this fake news.

There has been a long term decline in the number of mail boxes out there, for Biden and the devotees of the Sleepy Joe Cult to make this an issue shows how low they are willing to go.

They are willing to go lower and lower until they win.....we haven't seen how low they will go yet.....
The left is so easy to manipulate. Put any half assed thing on CNN or MSNBC and they gobble it up then regurgitate it without even thinking. They run around pretending their smart but have no idea how to due even slight fact checking on anything.
The dems know that they are easily lead so they push every bit of disinformation they can.
they were removing the ones that were constantly being vandalized or were not collecting much mail as far back as the 90's....
The U.S. Postal service....169 billion dollars in the red.......and losing billions every single year....

I've noticed mail boxes disappearing for years since 9/11, just like in the UK where they used to have trash cans all over the place but removed them because IRA Terrorists were putting bombs in there. As far as I was aware that was the reason they were getting rid of mail boxes in places where that were hard to have surveillance.

The USPS , largely because of technology, has been a shrinking organization for decades. Sure, they have made some strategic errors and they are slow to change as a major bureaucracy.

But even under the best circumstances , the Post Office is in decline. The tremendous new Postmaster General is doing what he can to manage the decline and return the organization to fiscal sanity.
He wasn't doing it to cheat on an election.
Yes yes. The crazy Democrats always claim cheating But when they do it they are Absolutely silent.
they claim Trump is trying to defund the post office. They fail to understand that the bill to fund it is sitting in the House of Representatives waiting on the Democrats. Where are they in recess because it is more important to be lazy then charge more money on the countries credit card that will fund a fiscally irresponsibly dying institution.
Yep, posted about the changes that were being made under the previous from the usps website archives. And my understanding is it isn’t true they are even pulling mail boxes.
But that doesn’t stop the lies. They know they can’t win on truth.
Hmmmm! I don't recall any outrage back then by Demorats.

In fact, between 2011 and 2016, there were roughly 14,000 USPS mailboxes removed, which was during the Obama-Biden administration.

A 2009 Washington Post article stated, "In the past 20 years, 200,000 mailboxes have vanished from city streets, rural routes and suburban neighborhoods – more than the 175,000 that remain."

"The U.S. Postal Service says it removes 'underperforming' mailboxes – those that collect fewer than 25 pieces of mail a day – after a week-long 'density test,'" the report read, echoing what Frum said last week.

Because of the hysteria over the relocated mailboxes, the USPS said they would not remove any boxes until after the election.

"We are not going to be removing any boxes," USPS spokesman Rod Spurgeon told NBC News. "After the election, we're going to take a look at operations and see what we need and don't need."

However, it wasn't only mailboxes that were on the chopping block during the Obama-Biden administration, 3,653 post offices were targeted to be shut down, according to a 2011 Washington Post article.

(Excerpt) Read more above in link
Hmmmm! I don't recall any outrage back then by Demorats.

In fact, between 2011 and 2016, there were roughly 14,000 USPS mailboxes removed, which was during the Obama-Biden administration.

A 2009 Washington Post article stated, "In the past 20 years, 200,000 mailboxes have vanished from city streets, rural routes and suburban neighborhoods – more than the 175,000 that remain."

"The U.S. Postal Service says it removes 'underperforming' mailboxes – those that collect fewer than 25 pieces of mail a day – after a week-long 'density test,'" the report read, echoing what Frum said last week.

Because of the hysteria over the relocated mailboxes, the USPS said they would not remove any boxes until after the election.

"We are not going to be removing any boxes," USPS spokesman Rod Spurgeon told NBC News. "After the election, we're going to take a look at operations and see what we need and don't need."

However, it wasn't only mailboxes that were on the chopping block during the Obama-Biden administration, 3,653 post offices were targeted to be shut down, according to a 2011 Washington Post article.

(Excerpt) Read more above in link
Not very surprising, is it?
they were removing them back in the 90's too for the same reason as well as ones that were being vandalized frequently...and they were definitely closing PO's during Obamas time....the one i worked out of closed right after i retired and it was the most lucrative PO in Anaheim...Sen.Feinsteins husband was making a buck or two with the closures...

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