The Magic of Melania: A Capital Inquisition


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does Melania Trump remind you of The Lady from Shanghai?



Americans were in love with magical tales about fame and fortune and looked favourably upon U.S. Presidents embracing the opulence and charm of the well-furnished and nicely-decorated White House, the official residence of the American President. The White House was the Taj Mahal of Americans' 'political psyche.' This is why every First Lady, including Melania Trump --- the newest one --- were considered 'charm diplomats' who 'accented' the beauty of the White House.


Americans were delighted to see pictures of First Lady Melania Trump playing games with excited people who wanted to see her engage in recreational activities representing hospitality/diplomacy. Of course, Melania loved games and entertainment. Americans were in love with Hollywood and Jeopardy after all...


Americans were also interested in the grit and elegance of well-oiled commerce and networks, so Wall Street, NASDAQ, and the European Union were totems of this modern age of great social revelry, and Americans (Hollywood) made movies about such totems. The digital displays on the modern stock-market trading-floors symbolic of civilization ingenuity...and charm.


Adversaries always rise to defy the progress of the status quo. As the Christian Bible predicted, there would be a 'Great Tribulation' during the time of great sociocultural and imaginative change/developments (e.g., NASDAQ, Facebook, etc.). Well, there were indeed 'lurking invisible demons' from the metaphysical' underworld' such as the Predator-Medusa, a 'siren' of complete betrayal; there were also defender-guardian angels such as Fireman, a 'protector' of civilization towers such as Trump World Tower in the United Nations Plaza; 'The Tower' was opened in 2001. This was a time of great that good or bad?


America needs guardians even though the nation itself is the world's 'Big Brother.' Such guardians included invisible fairy-forces of the imagination such as Fireman, Ice-King, and Dark Angel. These 'avatars' represented the same sort of 'lifestyle passions' exhibited in the daily praises of globalization diplomats such as U.S. First Lady Melania Trump. This was a terrific 'etiquette rapture.'


Adversaries are never 'stupid' and the challengers of this 'Age of Ideals' felt like they were possessed by the Devil himself who dared to defy the lifestyle 'charms' of consumerism-culture (e.g., eBay,, Facebook, Wal-Mart, MTV, etc.). What would avatars like Predator-Medusa 'become' to those interested in the evangelism-oriented intellectualism associated with modern capitalism (e.g., The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg TV, Bank of America, etc.)?


America knows that capitalism is not only a negotiation but also a game. This is why the 'aesthetics' of new age labyrinths (e.g., DreamWorks, Disney, Hong Kong, Chinatown) brought out the daring imagination of all kinds of modern 'pirates' (e.g., Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steven Spielberg, etc.). First Lady Melania Trump may have purchased a deck of ornately-illustrated playing-cards to help her host games for foreign dignitaries. This was a time of designers, after all...


An American antique collector might even keep stacks of authentic quarters/coins from this era, since such coins were 'tokens' of great commercial/consumerism expansion in the new millennium (e.g., Samsung, Motorola, Apple, QVC, etc., etc.). Even Mandrake the Magician might keep such 'capitalism' collectors' items. Was this hypocrisy or harmless cheerleading?


An American Catholic might remark that such great modernism developments might create spiritual/evangelical backlashes, which explains the sudden appeal of all kinds of fantasy-themed films such as Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Marvel's Avengers, and Dracula 2000. Were Americans curious about the 'vitality' of blood-circulation? Were artists becoming fascinated by alternative mythologies?


GOD: I like Melania Trump...
SATAN: Many do.
GOD: It's President Donald Trump who's been criticized greatly!
SATAN: They don't like his racist comments and sex-scandals.
GOD: He's a man of power.
SATAN: He's the first celebrity-prez since Ronald Reagan.
GOD: Do you think terrorists despise the First Lady?
SATAN: I think they consider Melania as mostly a harmless 'token diplomat.'
GOD: What do you make of Predator-Medusa and Fireman?
SATAN: Youngsters are interested in 'dystopian storytelling.'
GOD: Capitalism can promote idol-worship...
SATAN: Have you seen Woody Allen's Celebrity (Leo DiCaprio)?
GOD: Yes, it's a sardonic portrait of fame.
SATAN: Maybe America is becoming...Babylon.


Melania reminds me a classy First Lady. Some Americans even forgot how a First Lady should look like after 8 long years of Obama.


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