The Logic of Islamic Intolerance


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
When is the West going to wake up to the truth? At every turn, Muslims let us know without a doubt that “It's their way or the highway (to hell).”

We all know who on here is going to pooh-hoo this without even bothering to read it. The facts are there and cannot be ignored. Read the story @ The Logic of Islamic Intolerance
When is the West going to wake up to the truth? At every turn, Muslims let us know without a doubt that “It's their way or the highway (to hell).”

We all know who on here is going to pooh-hoo this without even bothering to read it. The facts are there and cannot be ignored. Read the story @ The Logic of Islamic Intolerance

Many integrate and accept the society of the west. Those that not just bring their culture and religion with them but then expect others to conform and make special demand are not a good fit.
Many people have created their own bit of home in local communities where language, food, culture and religion feel much the same but when they make demands on the rest of the country, they need to consider they are not trying to integrate.
It should not be than the west has to change as much as all groups blend together. You don't transplant and expect your new country to be like or conform to your last.
Western society is totally out of control and morally unbalanced.

The new immigrant muslims will be a key factor in curing the ills of western society and culture. ...... :thup:
Western society is totally out of control and morally unbalanced.

The new immigrant muslims will be a key factor in curing the ills of western society and culture. ...... :thup:

I'm happy with my moral balance. There are ills to be cured but not by muslims and not by terrorism or force
When is the West going to wake up to the truth? At every turn, Muslims let us know without a doubt that “It's their way or the highway (to hell).”

Sort of like Christianity right?
singing; "Mashooganah's to the Left of me, Mashooganah's to the Right,
Here I am, stuck in the Middle...."
Western society is totally out of control and morally unbalanced.

The new immigrant muslims will be a key factor in curing the ills of western society and culture. ...... :thup:

Like the immigrants that destroyed Lebanon, supported Hezbollah who admitted being the messengers of death, and has prevented Palestinian peace through interference, influence, instilling hate and anarchy? The ones who supported groups who destroyed holy sites?

Well if past events are windows to future failures then lets see the success of past immigration.
Real Arab league archive letter:
Abdullah bin al-Hussein Amman on: 11 Thul Hijja 1364 Corresponding to: 16 November 1945 Presidency of the Arab League - Cairo
"The Arab nation is wailing the urgent magnanimity of the Arab States and there is no time to waste, otherwise the Jews will be able to *buy new lands*and push new immigrants to Palestine.")*
Secondly he mentions how they wanted to bring in Arab immigrants into Palestine on a monthly basis and in numbers equal to the Jewish immigrants.
Has Muslim immigration to Palestine created a moral society or total chaos?

Conclusion: Comment by Sunni= Major failure.
History is evidence, Immigration in Africa is evidence, every where they go to clean up morality end up wars, slavery, rape pillage, displaced families, total carnage.
The new immigrant muslims will be a key factor in curing the ills of western society and culture. ...... :thup:

Maybe so, but not in the way that you imagine.

With all of you people who celebrate the life of a hallucinating megalomaniac and psychotic child rapist getting down on your hand and knees in our own backyard, committing suicide and mass murder wherever you go, using freedom of speech and religion to openly profess a dedication to abolishing freedom of speech and religion, everyone else might finally wake up to the flaw in our constitution that permits the unrestrained spread of religious perversity and abolish that, extirpating such an obvious and undeniable evil from this land forever.

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With all of you people who celebrate the life of a hallucinating megalomaniac and psychotic child rapist getting down on your hand and knees in our own backyard committing suicide and mass murder wherever you go using freedom of speech and religion to openly profess a dedication to abolishing freedom of speech and religion, everyone else might finally wake up to the flaw in our constitution that permits the unrestrained spread of your particular brand of religious perversity and abolish that extirpating such an obvious and undeniable evil from this land forever.
Run-on Sentences
With all of you people who celebrate the life of a hallucinating megalomaniac and psychotic child rapist getting down on your hand and knees in our own backyard committing suicide and mass murder wherever you go using freedom of speech and religion to openly profess a dedication to abolishing freedom of speech and religion, everyone else might finally wake up to the flaw in our constitution that permits the unrestrained spread of your particular brand of religious perversity and abolish that extirpating such an obvious and undeniable evil from this land forever.
Run-on Sentences

You might not have understood the genius of our founding fathers who established the legal protection of free speech.

By allowing people like you to run their mouths unrestricted, anyone with half a brain would know exactly where all the assholes are.
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You are both being extremely disrespectful, thus reflecting some failure in your teaching influences.
Sunni is not fooling anyone.
Some Muslims as other's can be devoted to their faith yet still subjectively try and rationalize their behavior or ignore it, or find ot acceptable even if in high disregard for morality. My friend a converted Muslim is married to a Pakistani man from a religious devoted family.
They have children.
He cheats on her with his employees, and he get's his kicks having her dress slutty and hit on and tease strange men at bars. She has cheated on him as well.
Both do not have this morality that Sunni speaks of nor do we see in his posts in this forum. This Pakistani man did not bring his morality with him when immigrating.
Another friend of mine was one of the soldiers who was questioned at senate hearings regarding the gulf war syndrom. He once told me he made friends with one of the Saudi Sheiks who asked to swap boxes of sneakers for American Porn tapes. According to Islamic opinion that is not moral behavior, especially to prevent others from the guilty pleasure, only to secretly fall prey to that very thing you chastise. Just as pastors and priests and christian flocks are no more likely moral then the secular populations (as found by polls), so too are devout Muslims like the general population=we are all human
with weird ways of justifying and being objective about our morals and standards.
Western society is totally out of control and morally unbalanced.

The new immigrant muslims will be a key factor in curing the ills of western society and culture. ...... :thup:
You are truly once sick puppy. Time to go eat some pork chops.
...and also what is the Islam Tolerance?

"This picture is haunting and it's been floating around the internet with the sentence:

The last sentence a 3 year old Syrian said before he died: "I'm gonna tell God everything"

And that's equally haunting. It's impossible to verify but the picture tells a story about the pain and suffering that exists in Syria right now...."
When is the West going to wake up to the truth? At every turn, Muslims let us know without a doubt that “It's their way or the highway (to hell).”

We all know who on here is going to pooh-hoo this without even bothering to read it. The facts are there and cannot be ignored. Read the story @ The Logic of Islamic Intolerance
Read it.

It's completely devoid of 'logic' and 'facts,' as it fails as a composition fallacy.

It's just more bigotry toward Islam, more hate, another failed attempt to propagate the lie that 'all Muslims' think the same, believe the same, and seek to 'harm' the West – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

It's a sad example of how many on the right haven fallen prey to their confirmation bias about 'Islam.'
When is the West going to wake up to the truth? At every turn, Muslims let us know without a doubt that “It's their way or the highway (to hell).”

We all know who on here is going to pooh-hoo this without even bothering to read it. The facts are there and cannot be ignored. Read the story @ The Logic of Islamic Intolerance
Read it.

It's completely devoid of 'logic' and 'facts,' as it fails as a composition fallacy.

It's just more bigotry toward Islam, more hate, another failed attempt to propagate the lie that 'all Muslims' think the same, believe the same, and seek to 'harm' the West – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

It's a sad example of how many on the right haven fallen prey to their confirmation bias about 'Islam.'


Of course all muslims under Islamic rule do not think the same or seek to harm the west just like all Germans under Nazi rule did not think the same or want to exterminate all Jews..

So what if the ideology that they are subject to does and their leaders are devout fundamentalists eager to start wars, kill millions, and die to promote their cause.

Do thousands or even millions of nice muslims around the world detract from the fact that Islam celebrates and encourages the emulation of a violent child rapist and psychotic megalomaniac who was filled with a murderous rage against the west and taught his followers to relentlessly work and pray for its destruction?

Is it because of bigotry and hate that nazism it is constitutionally forbidden in Germany and Austria or because it is an ideology of bigotry and hate?

Would you celebrate the rape and abuse of a 9 year old girl by a 53 year old serial murderer having auditory and visual hallucinations as if it were some sort of amazing love story? Would you ever even pretend to?

Would you not suspect that something perverse was lurking within anyone who did?
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