The Lincoln Project - Betrayed

they are all so good. best thing is that george conway is part of that group.

there''s another PAC called 'republican voters against trump' that has some good ones too, but i can't find them on youtube.
The Lincoln project is a bunch of neocon, never Trumpers who put this country in such a deep hole under GWB. They're anti worker, anti American and big government loving elitists and establishment assholes. The only people who listen to those assholes are their idiotic membership. OK then. Did I forget anything?
Wow. These people don't pull any punches. They tell it like it is.

The American Taliban hates Putin and Russia for completely rejecting Communism, welcoming Christianity and kicking the IMF out of the country.

I guarantee you Putin told them, "you know the difference between what you did to Saddam, Qaddafi and me? Anything happens to me or my country, you disappear in a mushroom cloud"
Wow. These people don't pull any punches. They tell it like it is.

He lost me at "Mr. Trump". He is your President, address him as such. This is naught but an extremely weak and thinly veiled appeal to empty virtue motivated and paid for by the political opposition. I can assure you that we, a majority of veterans, do not share this asshole's sentiments toward our President. Further, isn't it quite handy for democrats how supposed operations being conducted by the Russians against American troops was "leaked" while any actions to counter such operations by our President would be highly classified and out of the reach of the American public ever knowing about it? Another epic fail. Back to the drawing board and try again.
Everyone has an opinion, and military service does not in itself impart wisdom.

VFRL has about 300 members. There's not a great deal of information about them other than what's on their website.

I guess Conway/Krystol wanted to give them some publicity since nevertrumpers' influence is so slight.
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