The cooler better?

Kosh, if we wanted to read your kook denier blog, we'd simply read it. You have no business cutting and pasting whole sections here, especially since you never give an attribution. That's a huge violation of board policy concerning fair use, and you need to clean up your act.

So when confronted with actual science you can not handle the fact that the science trumps your AGW religion.
I'm pointing out you're being a brainless cult parrot, and blatantly breaking board rules in the process. If you want to whine more, fine, but in the future, don't break board rules. They are there for a reason. One is so the board doesn't get in legal trouble, and another is that people are expected to debate, not just cut-and-paste mass quantities and then run.
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I'm pointing out you're being a brainless cult parrot, and blatantly breaking board rules in the process. If you want to whine more, fine, but in the future, don't break board rules. They are there for a reason. One is so the board doesn't get in legal trouble, and another is that we expect people to debate, not just cut-and-paste mass quantities and run.

You mean like the AGW cult does on a regular basis on this board posting AGW scripture and not actual science?

If you do not like real science that is not my problem.
I can and do debunk the information on its merits, often. Kosh always completely ignores the debunkings, and then simply repastes the exact same crap.

So, before you align yourself with such a cowardly spammer, you might want to think about it.
I can and do debunk the information on its merits, often. Kosh always completely ignores the debunkings, and then simply repastes the exact same crap.

So, before you align yourself with such a cowardly spammer, you might want to think about it.

No you don't you post AGW scripture that has nothing to do with science.

Then again the AGW cult spam this board every day with their religious belief that is not based in science. We see the same mindset posted over and over again, spamming info from AGW cult sites, yet the AGW cult can only name call when the science trumps their religion.

The Greatest Climate Myths of All – Part 2.

The Greatest Climate Myths of All ? Part 2. | Watts Up With That?

See the AGW cult is trying to use this to support their religion.

And no it was not peer reviewed, it was just picked up by the far left press in Europe.

But many AGW cult papers will get published without being peer reviewed.

As long as it blames humans it will be likely get shoved out in the public eye. Even though their is no real scientific basis. SO they can get more grant money to support the AGW religion.
Anyone babbing about lush Viking farms in Greenland instantly gets laughed out of the room for such brazen historical revisionism. Same for anyone claiming the MWP was global.

Causes of the LIA:

1. High volcanic activity.

2. Low solar output.

3. Low CO2 levels. The population crash in the new world resulted in much farmland going back to forest, which sucked up CO2, so the ice core data shows CO2 dropping by around 9 ppm.

Hence, the LIA would confirm AGW theory.

Of course the MWP was global over 80 proxies studies stating so.. From the wiki on MWP.

A 1979 study from the University of Waikato found that "Temperatures derived from an 18O/16O profile through a stalagmite found in a New Zealand cave (40.67°S, 172.43°E) suggested the Medieval Warm Period to have occurred between AD 1050 and 1400 and to have been 0.75 °C warmer than the Current Warm Period."[36] The MWP has also been evidenced in New Zealand by an 1100-year tree-ring record.[37]

A reconstruction based on ice cores found the Medieval Warm Period could be distinguished in tropical South America from about 1050 to 1300, followed in the 15th century by the Little Ice Age. Peak temperatures did not rise as high as those from the late 20th century, which were unprecedented in the area during the study period going back around 1600 years.[

Not to mention a recent study by Woods Hole that found signatures of MWP in Mid Level Ocean sediments off of SouthEast Asia with PEAK readings EXCEEDING the current temperature skerfuffle. Youre spitting hairballs cat. Must really suck to be you and have to lie to yourself in order to confirm your religious beliefs.. The MWP left CLEAR signatures all around the globe.

And 9ppm is your "mighty forcing" ?? That's about the ANNUAL variation in CO2 level due to seasonal changes.. You're a bad wanker you are..
Kosh, two of links were peer reviewed papers.

If you're not going to look at the links, don't comment on them. That way, you won't end up looking so stupid.

They were not peer reviewed...

And if you do not like my comments you are free to go else where, otherwise deal with it.

Stop being a typical far left Obama drone AGW cult member and tell me what I should think or say.
A 1979 study from the University of Waikato found that "Temperatures derived from an 18O/16O profile through a stalagmite found in a New Zealand cave

The cherrypicking fallacies again? That's making you look desperate.

The funny thing is how you can't even get your cherrypicks to agree. They all point to different times for the MWP, but I guess that's no obstacle for a true believer.
A 1979 study from the University of Waikato found that "Temperatures derived from an 18O/16O profile through a stalagmite found in a New Zealand cave

The cherrypicking fallacies again? That's making you look desperate.

The funny thing is how you can't even get your cherrypicks to agree. They all point to different times for the MWP, but I guess that's no obstacle for a true believer.

Keep squaking Kitty.. You're about to run out of lies..

Medieval Warm Period - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Medieval Warm Period (MWP), Medieval Climate Optimum, or Medieval Climatic Anomaly was a time of warm climate in the North Atlantic region that may also have been related to other climate events around the world during that time, including in China[1] and other countries,[2][3][3][4][5][6][7] lasting from about AD 950 to 1250.[8

Nothing wrong with the dates. When the 1st line of a Wiki page takes you down on your "beliefs" -- you're pretty much a goner.. A "dont care".. A non-entitiy.. A know-nothing.. A fraud and hoaxster..

The TIME RESOLUTION on these proxies is so poor that a couple decades back or forth really doesn't amount to a full litterbox..

Funny thing is that even a small crate of cherries pretty much DESTROYS your belief that the MWP was confined to N. Hemi.. Doesn't it?
A 1979 study from the University of Waikato found that "Temperatures derived from an 18O/16O profile through a stalagmite found in a New Zealand cave

The cherrypicking fallacies again? That's making you look desperate.

The funny thing is how you can't even get your cherrypicks to agree. They all point to different times for the MWP, but I guess that's no obstacle for a true believer.

See the AGW cult will post lie after lie after lie and denies real science to prosper.

It is about a religion not based on reality especially based in science reality.
Funny thing is that even a small crate of cherries pretty much DESTROYS your belief that the MWP was confined to N. Hemi.. Doesn't it?

Dang. You really don't know how science works. But then, that's expected. People who understand science see right through the stupid fallacies that fall so hard for.

Anyways, thanks for the wiki quote confirming my point, and for making up such an amusing story. And by the way, given how your stuff comes from that "CO2 Science" crank website, you really ought to throw them a bone.

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