The Left’s Version of ‘Legitimate Rape’


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The Left’s Version of ‘Legitimate Rape’

by Daniel Greenfield
Aug 27th, 2012

The progressives have picked a spectacularly bad time to attack Republicans over insensitivity to rape. While the left continues its obsession with Todd Akin, its own hero, Julian Assange, is doing his best to avoid being extradited to Sweden to face rape charges.

The leading lights of the left have contributed to Assange’s defense fund and paid for his bail; which enabled him to flee prosecution and seek asylum in Ecuador’s embassy in London. Assange’s escape was made possible by bail money from leftist director Ken Loach, leftist socialite Jemima Khan and Maxim publisher Felix Dennis.

With the Assange case, the left has shown that it has its own version of legitimate rape. Prominent progressives have ridiculed Assange’s victims and claimed that the assaults on them did not constitute legitimate rape. Or as Whoopi Goldberg once put it, “rape-rape.”

Michael Moore, discussing the case where Assange raped a sleeping woman, told the BBC that the assault was only a “so-called crime” and suggested that it “wouldn’t actually be a crime if it was committed in Britain.” Moore has shown his faith in Assange’s legitimate rape by donating $20,000 to Assange’s defense fund.


The Left

The DNC's keynote speaker is a known rapist as well.

Bill Clinton.

It's amazing just how weak the left is on this issue.


One case where leftists don't think the rape victim has the "right to be believed."
May 11, 2017

Ann Coulter

The same media that slavishly ignored the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl by two illegal immigrants in Rockville, Maryland, spent last week crowing about the prosecutor's refusal to bring charges.

It turns out that illegal aliens gang-raping a 14-year-old girl in a bathroom stall is not a statutory rape because ... the girl had previously sent one of her assailants prurient text messages.

Somebody better tell the college campuses.

Columbia University's Mattress Girl, Emma Sulkowicz, became an international cause celebre after alleging rape against a fellow student to whom she'd sent dozens of desperate and salacious messages -- including, most memorably, "f--k me in the butt," and "I wuv you so much."

She'd also had consensual sex with him several times, only one of which she deemed "rape."


"Tragedies!" This milquetoast, boring American girl got to experience diversity, up close -- vaginally, anally and orally -- AND THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY CALLS THAT A "TRAGEDY"?

In multicultural America, sexually active college coeds are treated like naive 14-year-old girls, while naive 14-year-old girls are treated like hardened hussies -- depending on who the accused rapist is. A "frat boy," an athlete (black or white) or a white male: Always guilty, no due process allowed. Illegal aliens: She was asking for it.

May I direct you to the progressive cult classic:

"Just to recall a basic fact: Intercourse/PIV is always rape, plain and simple.

This is a developed recap from what I’ve been saying in various comments here and there in the last two years or so. as a radfem I’ve always said PIV is rape and I remember being disappointed to discover that so few radical feminists stated it clearly. How can you possibly see it otherwise? Intercourse is the very means through which men oppress us, from which we are not allowed to escape, yet some instances of or PIV and intercourse may be chosen and free? That makes no sense at all...."

PIV is always rape, ok?

Of course, that was written a few years ago. Today, merely looking at women is considered rape.

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