The Leftist Insurrection continues.

They are out of control.................

Left-wing riots rattle US cities even after President Biden's inauguration

Left-wing riots have rattled a handful of cities across the U.S. even after President Biden's inauguration – leading to vandalism of government buildings and at least 20 arrests.

In Seattle Wednesday, hours after the swearing-in ceremony, dozens of protesters marched demanding the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. At least three people were arrested, and broken windows were reported – including those at Starbucks' original Pike Place storefront.

On the same day, Portland saw an anti-Biden Antifa protest in which rioters carrying stun guns, pepper ball guns and fireworks scuffled with police and damaged an ICE building, police said. Photographs show marchers carrying signs with phrases including, "We don’t want Biden – we want revenge!" and "We are ungovernable."

Where is the call from Nazi Pelousy to bring in the National Guard to squash this insurrection?

The sooner Biden understands that the police must be defunded, reparations must be paid, the green new deal shit and Harris must be president, the better for his party.
Where is the call from Nazi Pelousy to bring in the National Guard to squash this insurrection?

Bro, no one wants to hear about the thousands of left wing riots. We only want to talk about that one mini riot that a few people on the right were responsible for.
The dems created a violent commie freak show out of their base....maybe the GOP should impeach them all....for inciting riots....yeah right...the cowardly GOP is frozen in fear...and when you are frozen in fear you are useless as leaders....
Where is the call from Nazi Pelousy to bring in the National Guard to squash this insurrection?

Bro, no one wants to hear about the thousands of left wing riots. We only want to talk about that one mini riot that a few people on the right were responsible for.
yet, here you are talking about it.huh...
stop the stupidshit----NO---the MSM --as usual--is not making as big a deal out of it
you need to graduate from grade school and/or get some glasses
''as big a deal'''

How should Fox cover this event differently? By the way I'm sure it's all over the million online sources you people get your news from.
you need to graduate from grade school and/or get some glasses
''as big a deal'''

How should Fox cover this event differently? By the way I'm sure it's all over the million online sources you people get your news from.
.....stop the stupidshit--it's exactly like when a cop defends himself/the community--it's all over the MSM--and falsely called murder--
but when a black murders a white --BECAUSE of race--race is hardly, if ever, mentioned
..I use these examples because they are perfect and very popular/common

----here = CNN's top story now--the Capitol riot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT the leftist riots

MSNBC - nothing

you need to graduate from grade school and/or get some glasses
''as big a deal'''

How should Fox cover this event differently? By the way I'm sure it's all over the million online sources you people get your news from.
.....stop the stupidshit--it's exactly like when a cop defends himself/the community--it's all over the MSM--and falsely called murder--
but when a black murders a white --BECAUSE of race--race is hardly, if ever, mentioned
..I use these examples because they are perfect and very popular/common

----here = CNN's top story now--the Capitol riot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT the leftist riots

MSNBC - nothing


Everybody knows CNN and MSNBC aren't going to go out of their way to make the left look bad. Welcome to the last few decades.
you need to graduate from grade school and/or get some glasses
''as big a deal'''

How should Fox cover this event differently? By the way I'm sure it's all over the million online sources you people get your news from.
.....stop the stupidshit--it's exactly like when a cop defends himself/the community--it's all over the MSM--and falsely called murder--
but when a black murders a white --BECAUSE of race--race is hardly, if ever, mentioned
..I use these examples because they are perfect and very popular/common

----here = CNN's top story now--the Capitol riot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT the leftist riots

MSNBC - nothing


Everybody knows CNN and MSNBC aren't going to go out of their way to make the left look bad. Welcome to the last few decades.
well, gee--that's the point ..but you said that wasn't true
MAKE up your mind
Speaking of Pelosi, a woman in the throes of late-stage Biden, she wanted 2-man machine gun crews in DC this past week.

This is the same person that attempted, they call it sedition, to have the Joint Chiefs take the nuclear codes from the C-in-C.

So, where are the Republicans in the House charging her with unethical behavior, accusing her of sedition, and calling on a vote to censure and remove her? That is what the Republicans in the House need to be doing, creating mayhem for Madame Mayhem.
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Where is the call from Nazi Pelousy to bring in the National Guard to squash this insurrection?


The Quisling Media refuses to let the people know what is really going on.....
"Meanwhile, FBI Director Chris Wray refuses to designate ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist organization, or merely acknowledge its existence. Trump Supporters are being hunted, de-platformed, put on lists, and violently attacked and murdered for their views. ANTIFA burns, loots, and destroys with no repercussions".
Hmm according to Biden designated AG Garland, It was at night time so under the China Joe administration this is not terrorism. :laughing0301:

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