The left wing war on cops..continues.Brooklyn College seeking to ban cops from using their bathrooms


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Brooklyn College doesn’t want police using campus bathrooms

Brooklyn College is kowtowing to cop-hating students by directing officers who need a bathroom break to the broken-down facilities in a building on the far edge of campus.

Amid a planned petition drive to ban cops from the taxpayer-funded campus, Donald Wenz, the school’s director of public safety, told the student newspaper The Excelsior that he’s trying to keep New York’s Finest out of sight.

While Wenz said all of the school’s restrooms were technically open to cops, the college prefers they stick to those in the isolated West End Building, “rather than walking across either quad to use the bathroom.”

A visit by The Post to the first-floor men’s room in the WEB — located past the school’s tennis courts and next to its athletic field — revealed a broken toilet with a hideously stained seat and an “OUT OF ORDER” sign taped to the door of its stall.

There was also a total lack of soap and paper towels.

A junior who’s majoring in psychology and who gave his name as Abe said it was far and away the worst place to go on the campus, which is part of the City University of New York system.

“The bathroom is horrendous,” Abe said. “You can only wash your hands in one of the sinks because the other two are broken.”

Meanwhile, an unidentified student is drafting a petition to college President Michelle Anderson to completely exile police, according to the Excelsior.

When can we start punching libs in the face for the sake of everything decent?
Well, maybe if cops worked in a safer environment, then it wouldn't be an issue.

But oh no, you ain't taking our there them gunsis.
Okay, re-assign the cops somewhere else, and these children can protect each other.

I'm sure nothing will go wrong.
It is a gun free zone already. Now with cops banned, criminals will have a certain level of safety assured them.
So if a cop shows up to one these bathrooms, what are the snowflakes going to do about it?
I don't blame them. There is no reason for the cops to be there, the college has its own security.
Maybe they are checking out the females , or profiling.
If I were one of them cops, I would smile and say, "Where would you rather my deposit be left, in the toilet where it belongs or on your feet if you don't stop with the harassment?"

God bless you always!!!

Fine, so when some lunatic decides to shoot up the campus the snowflakes won't need the police.

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