The left wing and the right wing have something in common. They've both gone bat s..t crazy


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Hello--New Hampshire--where a confirmed dyed in the wool Socialist wins. Bernie Sanders--turned Democrat recently from his Socialist party to take on Hillary Clinton. Who would have guessed--"free college education" right around the corner--LOL. Everything will be for "free" now. Just joking of course. Little do his supporters realize that the most liberal democrat on the hill wouldn't support any of Bernie's policies, much less a single Republican. But hey man--it's all that free stuff. If Bernie were the nominee of this party, you wouldn't be able to get the 1st beer down on election night before they called the election for whomever the Republican nominee is. Mickey Mouse could beat him in the general election. This country is center, it always has been, always will be.


So let's move on to the Reich wing. Donald Trump another liberal but not near as bad as Bernie Sanders.
Hail to the chief of great actors. Supporting all the liberal policies you can shake a stick at, but man can he put on a great show. Oh that's right, that's what he does. "Make America great again" is the theme--but the script hasn't been written yet for act 2--on how he accomplishes that. Except that Mexico is going to pay for a wall--LOL Better than Bernie Sanders, who hasn't come up with a plan to get people to work for free, especially college professors.

I imagine this was Bernie Sander's last stand in New Hampshire--where the far out left are so left they might as well be on Mars. Hillary Clinton will eventually get the nomination--and we'll get back to a little more solution talk, and kick the babble to the curb. The Republican party, on the other hand has some real issues. What New Hampshire also said tonight is that 60% of the Republican party is saying Oh Hell No to Donald Trump. Meaning there better be some lower tier candidates dropping out of this race very quickly, or Donald Trump will end up as the nominee, and OH that 60% may just move over to Hillary Clinton's column to make certain he is not the next POTUS. Why? Because Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump is.


So in ending--just one more thing to say.


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Sadly, this is too true. American politics is spinning out of control. What the hell is wrong with people? Maybe there's something to that vaxxer nonsense after all.
A guy from a neighboring state wins in New That almost never happens except every 4 years that there is someone from a neighboring state running.
A guy from a neighboring state wins in New That almost never happens except every 4 years that there is someone from a neighboring state running.

When you campaign on FREE college educations for all, it's going to attract a lot of people to your calling. And it's younger people who do not understand the workings of government, who apparently don't know that there is a congress and senate that have to vote on all this free shit, and they would never vote for it. You wouldn't be able to find the most liberal democrat on the hill that would even consider voting for free college tuition.

Bernie Sanders is a SOCIALIST--he is NOT a Democrat.

Trump has attracted the ignorant--angry white voter. White hate groups have actually formed a super pac for him.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

So you've got angry and ignorant on the left and angry and ignorant on the right and this is what comes out of New Hampshire.

No, you have one contest of 50 won by a guy who is not mainstream

CNN--polling tonight--stated that the most least issue of importance to these voters was electability. So basically New Hampshire was making a statement. They didn't care if they were voting for someone who could win the White House.

Hillary Clinton will be the eventual nominee of the Democrat party, she has a firewall in the south. Trump will probably win South Carolina--and if all of these GOP candidates remain in this race, who are just there to split the vote, he will be the nominee of the party, only to lose to Hillary Clinton in November 2016. The only thing that would change that outcome would be a Bernie Sanders nominee. who would get wiped out in the General Election, by whomever the GOP nominee is.
So let's move on to the Reich wing.

Er... you could have done without the Nazi reference.

No the Reich wing fits perfectly.--The Reich wing needs to understand also, that this country is center, always has been, and always will be.

Sure, comparing them to Nazis who slaughtered 6 million Jews makes you sound smart. The country being "center" is not in dispute.

The bigger question is... just what about the Republican Party reminds you of Nazis? Are they genocidal? Do they send death squads throughout the American countryside killing gay people?

Do you grasp the magnitude of the comparison you make?
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No, you have one contest of 50 won by a guy who is not mainstream

CNN--polling tonight--stated that the most least issue of importance to these voters was electability. So basically New Hampshire was making a statement. They didn't care if they were voting for someone who could win the White House.

Hillary Clinton will be the eventual nominee of the Democrat party, she has a firewall in the south. Trump will probably win South Carolina--and if all of these GOP candidates remain in this race, who are just there to split the vote, he will be the nominee of the party, only to lose to Hillary Clinton in November 2016. The only thing that would change that outcome would be a Bernie Sanders nominee. who would get wiped out in the General Election, by whomever the GOP nominee is.

You seem to be forgetting one little bitty fact, polling shows a 20 point crossover of dems going to Trump.
The freak out is awesome.

Bernie Sanders is slightly to the left of center. Let me ask you a simple question.

If Bernie Sanders were to become president and get his policy regarding college education passed by congress.....would a person who goes to college have to pay for it?

Think first. Then answer.
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Hello--New Hampshire--where a confirmed dyed in the wool Socialist wins. Bernie Sanders--turned Democrat recently from his Socialist party to take on Hillary Clinton. Who would have guessed--"free college education" right around the corner--LOL. Everything will be for "free" now. Just joking of course. Little do his supporters realize that the most liberal democrat on the hill wouldn't support any of Bernie's policies, much less a single Republican. But hey man--it's all that free stuff. If Bernie were the nominee of this party, you wouldn't be able to get the 1st beer down on election night before they called the election for whomever the Republican nominee is. Mickey Mouse could beat him in the general election. This country is center, it always has been, always will be.


So let's move on to the Reich wing. Donald Trump another liberal but not near as bad as Bernie Sanders.
Hail to the chief of great actors. Supporting all the liberal policies you can shake a stick at, but man can he put on a great show. Oh that's right, that's what he does. "Make America great again" is the theme--but the script hasn't been written yet for act 2--on how he accomplishes that. Except that Mexico is going to pay for a wall--LOL Better than Bernie Sanders, who hasn't come up with a plan to get people to work for free, especially college professors.

I imagine this was Bernie Sander's last stand in New Hampshire--where the far out left are so left they might as well be on Mars. Hillary Clinton will eventually get the nomination--and we'll get back to a little more solution talk, and kick the babble to the curb. The Republican party, on the other hand has some real issues. What New Hampshire also said tonight is that 60% of the Republican party is saying Oh Hell No to Donald Trump. Meaning there better be some lower tier candidates dropping out of this race very quickly, or Donald Trump will end up as the nominee, and OH that 60% may just move over to Hillary Clinton's column to make certain he is not the next POTUS. Why? Because Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump is.


So in ending--just one more thing to say.


Both ends of the spectrum are currently under the control of their wings. That ain't good.

And while the goals of each end of the spectrum are obviously quite different, their behaviors are amusingly similar.

And oh, do they hate hearing THAT.

Hello--New Hampshire--where a confirmed dyed in the wool Socialist wins. Bernie Sanders--turned Democrat recently from his Socialist party to take on Hillary Clinton. Who would have guessed--"free college education" right around the corner--LOL. Everything will be for "free" now. Just joking of course. Little do his supporters realize that the most liberal democrat on the hill wouldn't support any of Bernie's policies, much less a single Republican. But hey man--it's all that free stuff. If Bernie were the nominee of this party, you wouldn't be able to get the 1st beer down on election night before they called the election for whomever the Republican nominee is. Mickey Mouse could beat him in the general election. This country is center, it always has been, always will be.


So let's move on to the Reich wing. Donald Trump another liberal but not near as bad as Bernie Sanders.
Hail to the chief of great actors. Supporting all the liberal policies you can shake a stick at, but man can he put on a great show. Oh that's right, that's what he does. "Make America great again" is the theme--but the script hasn't been written yet for act 2--on how he accomplishes that. Except that Mexico is going to pay for a wall--LOL Better than Bernie Sanders, who hasn't come up with a plan to get people to work for free, especially college professors.

I imagine this was Bernie Sander's last stand in New Hampshire--where the far out left are so left they might as well be on Mars. Hillary Clinton will eventually get the nomination--and we'll get back to a little more solution talk, and kick the babble to the curb. The Republican party, on the other hand has some real issues. What New Hampshire also said tonight is that 60% of the Republican party is saying Oh Hell No to Donald Trump. Meaning there better be some lower tier candidates dropping out of this race very quickly, or Donald Trump will end up as the nominee, and OH that 60% may just move over to Hillary Clinton's column to make certain he is not the next POTUS. Why? Because Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump is.


So in ending--just one more thing to say.


Both ends of the spectrum are currently under the control of their wings. That ain't good.

And while the goals of each end of the spectrum are obviously quite different, their behaviors are amusingly similar.

And oh, do they hate hearing THAT.


No. We don't hate hearing it. We simply know it's wrong.

One....Sanders isn't on a wing. He's no more on wing than FDR was.

Two...those who support Sanders and those who support Trump do not behave the same way.

When you make comparisons that are accurate, I will let you know.

Both ends of the spectrum are currently under the control of their wings. That ain't good...

Bernie and Trump aren't under the control of "their" parties, I would say that's a very good thing

And the corporate party (with the democratic and republican wings) is getting desperate, if only the peasants could see reason and select a Bu$h or Clinton instead everything would be fine....

Both ends of the spectrum are currently under the control of their wings. That ain't good...

Bernie and Trump aren't under the control of "their" parties, I would say that's a very good thing

And the corporate party (with the democratic and republican wings) is getting desperate, if only the peasants could see reason and select a Bu$h or Clinton instead everything would be fine....

I completely get the frustration that both parties have with their status quo.

But I think we're in the "you've gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet" phase of all this, wherever it is we're headed.

Things will probably settle down at some point, but holy crap, this is pretty crazy.
Both ends of the spectrum are currently under the control of their wings. That ain't good...

Bernie and Trump aren't under the control of "their" parties, I would say that's a very good thing

And the corporate party (with the democratic and republican wings) is getting desperate, if only the peasants could see reason and select a Bu$h or Clinton instead everything would be fine....

I completely get the frustration that both parties have with their status quo.

But I think we're in the "you've gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet" phase of all this, wherever it is we're headed.

Things will probably settle down at some point, but holy crap, this is pretty crazy.

I'm not sure why you think things are going to settle down.

Generations of propaganda have convinced the Democratic Base(s) that this county is a racist hellhole and that all their problems are caused by White People.

White people are increasing getting angry over being blamed for crap that has nothing to do with them and being punished for it.

As power shifts more and more to the delusional side of that equation, the strife will only worsen.

Enjoy the wonderful Civil Society you have now, because these are the Good Old Days.
Both ends of the spectrum are currently under the control of their wings. That ain't good...

Bernie and Trump aren't under the control of "their" parties, I would say that's a very good thing

And the corporate party (with the democratic and republican wings) is getting desperate, if only the peasants could see reason and select a Bu$h or Clinton instead everything would be fine....

I completely get the frustration that both parties have with their status quo.

But I think we're in the "you've gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet" phase of all this, wherever it is we're headed.

Things will probably settle down at some point, but holy crap, this is pretty crazy.

I'm not sure why you think things are going to settle down.

Generations of propaganda have convinced the Democratic Base(s) that this county is a racist hellhole and that all their problems are caused by White People.

White people are increasing getting angry over being blamed for crap that has nothing to do with them and being punished for it.

As power shifts more and more to the delusional side of that equation, the strife will only worsen.

Enjoy the wonderful Civil Society you have now, because these are the Good Old Days.

I'm so glad that you aren't consumed by things concerning race.
Both ends of the spectrum are currently under the control of their wings. That ain't good...

Bernie and Trump aren't under the control of "their" parties, I would say that's a very good thing

And the corporate party (with the democratic and republican wings) is getting desperate, if only the peasants could see reason and select a Bu$h or Clinton instead everything would be fine....

I completely get the frustration that both parties have with their status quo.

But I think we're in the "you've gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet" phase of all this, wherever it is we're headed.

Things will probably settle down at some point, but holy crap, this is pretty crazy.

I'm not sure why you think things are going to settle down.

Generations of propaganda have convinced the Democratic Base(s) that this county is a racist hellhole and that all their problems are caused by White People.

White people are increasing getting angry over being blamed for crap that has nothing to do with them and being punished for it.

As power shifts more and more to the delusional side of that equation, the strife will only worsen.

Enjoy the wonderful Civil Society you have now, because these are the Good Old Days.
Holy crap, if this is "civil", I'd hate to see CRANKY!

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