The Left-Leaning Bigots At ESPN


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I've noticed a change at ESPN this year. I think it's been going on for quite some time but this year it's gotten worse.

Used to be you could watch a sporting event without having to listen to a rant from one of their commentators about whether a player is black enough or hate filled commentary about Tim Tebow. I've noticed the obvious disdain they show towards Tebow and it's pretty plain it's because of his faith. The latest episode is over whether Robert Griffin III is an authentic black.

This commentator for ESPN. Rob Parker asked an extremely racist question.

Quote; "Is he a brother or is he a cornball brother?"

RG3 doesn't want to be known as a black quarterback but just as a quarterback. He feels that the color of his skin has nothing to do with his career. How refreshing. Well Rob Parker doesn't like that. He also doesn't like the fact that RG3 has a white fiance.

Trust me. This is racism at it's core. Leave it up to me and this guy would already have his walking papers.

[ame=]ESPN Says RG3 is a Cornball Brother - Rob Parker Worried He's not Down with Blacks - YouTube[/ame]

I watch these events because usually with sports you don't have to listen to all of the garbage in Washington or listen to all of the double-standards the left enjoys.

Now this crap is invading ESPN. I think they're even trying to change football or get rid of if entirely. All of the emphasis on head injuries whenever something happens to an NFL player. The league is actually trying to turn football into a pansy sport just to keep the PC crowd off their backs. Hank Williams jr was fired for less offensive comments than this Rob Parker guy. Rush Limbaugh was a guest commentator years ago and he made the mistake of bringing up Eagles QB Donavon McNabb stating plainly that he didn't think he was that great of a QB. He felt that journalists were praising him because of his race.

"I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well,'' Limbaugh said. "There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."

Turns out Rush was right. He still had to quit. I think many of the bigots on ESPN didn't want him there anyway.

The left is going to ruin this country. There's no place to escape their BS. Best thing we can do is shut the damned TV off and stop watching the garbage they call programming because they will continue to try to shape our ideology.

ESPN admits Rob Parker’s RG3 comments were inappropriate | ProFootballTalk

Hank Williams Jr Gets Pulled By ESPN | WebProNews GEN - Limbaugh resigns from ESPN
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How many have been presented this well?

You're just steamed because it doesn't give you a chance to call whitey a racist.
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I've noticed a change at ESPN this year. I think it's been going on for quite some time but this year it's gotten worse.

Used to be you could watch a sporting event without having to listen to a rant from one of their commentators about whether a player is black enough or hate filled commentary about Tim Tebow. I've noticed the obvious disdain they show towards Tebow and it's pretty plain it's because of his faith. The latest episode is over whether Robert Griffin III is an authentic black.

This commentator for ESPN. Rob Parker asked an extremely racist question.

Quote; "Is he a brother or is he a cornball brother?"

RG3 doesn't want to be known as a black quarterback but just as a quarterback. He feels that the color of his skin has nothing to do with his career. How refreshing. Well Rob Parker doesn't like that. He also doesn't like the fact that RG3 has a white fiance.

Trust me. This is racism at it's core. Leave it up to me and this guy would already have his walking papers.

ESPN Says RG3 is a Cornball Brother - Rob Parker Worried He's not Down with Blacks - YouTube

I watch these events because usually with sports you don't have to listen to all of the garbage in Washington or listen to all of the double-standards the left enjoys.

Now this crap is invading ESPN. I think they're even trying to change football or get rid of if entirely. All of the emphasis on head injuries whenever something happens to an NFL player. The league is actually trying to turn football into a pansy sport just to keep the PC crowd off their backs. Hank Williams jr was fired for less offensive comments than this Rob Parker guy. Rush Limbaugh was a guest commentator years ago and he made the mistake of bringing up Eagles QB Donavon McNabb stating plainly that he didn't think he was that great of a QB. He felt that journalists were praising him because of his race.

"I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well,'' Limbaugh said. "There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."

Turns out Rush was right. He still had to quit. I think many of the bigots on ESPN didn't want him there anyway.

The left is going to ruin this country. There's no place to escape their BS. Best thing we can do is shut the damned TV off and stop watching the garbage they call programming because they will continue to try to shape our ideology.

ESPN admits Rob Parker’s RG3 comments were inappropriate | ProFootballTalk

Hank Williams Jr Gets Pulled By ESPN | WebProNews GEN - Limbaugh resigns from ESPN

So true, it's become a left wing cesspool! Costa illogical and HIGHLY arrogant rant on guns was icing on the cake. They let black commentators, like Michael Irving, say that white boy has to have some black in him because he is too athletic. Imagine if a white commentator said RJ3 has to have some white in him because he makes such good decisions on the field! The reverse racism liberal hypocrisy in sports is insulting!

Your wrong on Rush though. His criticism of McNabb was off base! McNabb was VERY good at one point in his career and was one of the best in the game. He got injured and slower and his game suffered, but people still remembered when he got them a half step away from winning it all. Rush didn't need to bring race into it and should have kept it to "I just don't think he is good like he used to be." He could have even said washed up!

I've noticed a change at ESPN this year. I think it's been going on for quite some time but this year it's gotten worse.

Used to be you could watch a sporting event without having to listen to a rant from one of their commentators about whether a player is black enough or hate filled commentary about Tim Tebow. I've noticed the obvious disdain they show towards Tebow and it's pretty plain it's because of his faith. The latest episode is over whether Robert Griffin III is an authentic black.

This commentator for ESPN. Rob Parker asked an extremely racist question.

Quote; "Is he a brother or is he a cornball brother?"

RG3 doesn't want to be known as a black quarterback but just as a quarterback. He feels that the color of his skin has nothing to do with his career. How refreshing. Well Rob Parker doesn't like that. He also doesn't like the fact that RG3 has a white fiance.

Trust me. This is racism at it's core. Leave it up to me and this guy would already have his walking papers.

ESPN Says RG3 is a Cornball Brother - Rob Parker Worried He's not Down with Blacks - YouTube

I watch these events because usually with sports you don't have to listen to all of the garbage in Washington or listen to all of the double-standards the left enjoys.

Now this crap is invading ESPN. I think they're even trying to change football or get rid of if entirely. All of the emphasis on head injuries whenever something happens to an NFL player. The league is actually trying to turn football into a pansy sport just to keep the PC crowd off their backs. Hank Williams jr was fired for less offensive comments than this Rob Parker guy. Rush Limbaugh was a guest commentator years ago and he made the mistake of bringing up Eagles QB Donavon McNabb stating plainly that he didn't think he was that great of a QB. He felt that journalists were praising him because of his race.

"I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well,'' Limbaugh said. "There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."

Turns out Rush was right. He still had to quit. I think many of the bigots on ESPN didn't want him there anyway.

The left is going to ruin this country. There's no place to escape their BS. Best thing we can do is shut the damned TV off and stop watching the garbage they call programming because they will continue to try to shape our ideology.

ESPN admits Rob Parker’s RG3 comments were inappropriate | ProFootballTalk

Hank Williams Jr Gets Pulled By ESPN | WebProNews GEN - Limbaugh resigns from ESPN

So true, it's become a left wing cesspool! Costa illogical and HIGHLY arrogant rant on guns was icing on the cake. They let black commentators, like Michael Irving, say that white boy has to have some black in him because he is too athletic. Imagine if a white commentator said RJ3 has to have some white in him because he makes such good decisions on the field! The reverse racism liberal hypocrisy in sports is insulting!

Your wrong on Rush though. His criticism of McNabb was off base! McNabb was VERY good at one point in his career and was one of the best in the game. He got injured and slower and his game suffered, but people still remembered when he got them a half step away from winning it all. Rush didn't need to bring race into it and should have kept it to "I just don't think he is good like he used to be." He could have even said washed up!

That's a matter of opinion and that's what annalists are paid to give. But when you get to the point that you're saying the guy isn't black enough to suit your ideology then you're showing overt racism.
People are always dancing around the issue of race. If you talk about it you're labeled a racist, but if you don't talk about it you're Attorney General calls you a coward.
Did you get to the end of the video where Steve Smith, a black man, seems completely disgusted by Parker's comments?

Is the racist who made the remarks still employed at ESPN? Where is Al Sharpton? Do you think there is a double standard? What happened to IMUS?

I've noticed a change at ESPN this year. I think it's been going on for quite some time but this year it's gotten worse.

Used to be you could watch a sporting event without having to listen to a rant from one of their commentators about whether a player is black enough or hate filled commentary about Tim Tebow. I've noticed the obvious disdain they show towards Tebow and it's pretty plain it's because of his faith. The latest episode is over whether Robert Griffin III is an authentic black.

This commentator for ESPN. Rob Parker asked an extremely racist question.

Quote; "Is he a brother or is he a cornball brother?"

RG3 doesn't want to be known as a black quarterback but just as a quarterback. He feels that the color of his skin has nothing to do with his career. How refreshing. Well Rob Parker doesn't like that. He also doesn't like the fact that RG3 has a white fiance.

Trust me. This is racism at it's core. Leave it up to me and this guy would already have his walking papers.

ESPN Says RG3 is a Cornball Brother - Rob Parker Worried He's not Down with Blacks - YouTube

I watch these events because usually with sports you don't have to listen to all of the garbage in Washington or listen to all of the double-standards the left enjoys.

Now this crap is invading ESPN. I think they're even trying to change football or get rid of if entirely. All of the emphasis on head injuries whenever something happens to an NFL player. The league is actually trying to turn football into a pansy sport just to keep the PC crowd off their backs. Hank Williams jr was fired for less offensive comments than this Rob Parker guy. Rush Limbaugh was a guest commentator years ago and he made the mistake of bringing up Eagles QB Donavon McNabb stating plainly that he didn't think he was that great of a QB. He felt that journalists were praising him because of his race.

Turns out Rush was right. He still had to quit. I think many of the bigots on ESPN didn't want him there anyway.

The left is going to ruin this country. There's no place to escape their BS. Best thing we can do is shut the damned TV off and stop watching the garbage they call programming because they will continue to try to shape our ideology.

ESPN admits Rob Parker’s RG3 comments were inappropriate | ProFootballTalk

Hank Williams Jr Gets Pulled By ESPN | WebProNews GEN - Limbaugh resigns from ESPN

So true, it's become a left wing cesspool! Costa illogical and HIGHLY arrogant rant on guns was icing on the cake. They let black commentators, like Michael Irving, say that white boy has to have some black in him because he is too athletic. Imagine if a white commentator said RJ3 has to have some white in him because he makes such good decisions on the field! The reverse racism liberal hypocrisy in sports is insulting!

Your wrong on Rush though. His criticism of McNabb was off base! McNabb was VERY good at one point in his career and was one of the best in the game. He got injured and slower and his game suffered, but people still remembered when he got them a half step away from winning it all. Rush didn't need to bring race into it and should have kept it to "I just don't think he is good like he used to be." He could have even said washed up!

That's a matter of opinion and that's what annalists are paid to give. But when you get to the point that you're saying the guy isn't black enough to suit your ideology then you're showing overt racism.

It amazes me when a black man speaks with proper and classy English, wears nice clothes, doesn't droop his pants, is intelligent, respectful and a class act, he becomes a fake brother! :confused:
Did you get to the end of the video where Steve Smith, a black man, seems completely disgusted by Parker's comments?

Is the racist who made the remarks still employed at ESPN? Where is Al Sharpton? Do you think there is a double standard? What happened to IMUS?

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it wasn't racist. At least not in the traditional sense of what racism is. It was highly stupid though, that much we can agree on.
Was Costas's rant on ESPN? Or was it NBC?

Rush should never have been put on a sports program. Like Dennis Miller, I don't know why a network thinks putting a political commentator or comedian in a sports program is a good idea.

I only watch actual sporting events on ESPN, I haven't even watched sportscenter in years. I don't know how liberal the programming may have become of late. I didn't appreciate the Costas rant, even though I don't think it was ESPN. These latest comments about RGIII seem fairly ridiculous, although I am not sure of the context; was the guy making a bad attempt at a joke, or was he serious? Either way, what I've read is that ESPN has said they don't agree with him and are weighing their options at the moment, so maybe he'll be fired.

Whatever the case, I wish all the sportscasters would keep politics/religion/race/other social issues out of their comments as much as possible.
Did you get to the end of the video where Steve Smith, a black man, seems completely disgusted by Parker's comments?

Is the racist who made the remarks still employed at ESPN? Where is Al Sharpton? Do you think there is a double standard? What happened to IMUS?

Nope, don't "think" there's a double standard, it's painfully obvious there is one, and it's been going on for so long it's been accepted by the follow the crowd, cave to political correctness bubble heads as the norm, so to merely point it out to them is RACIST, because to do so also points out their hypocrisy and ineptness, and they don't like that. We have a couple of those here in this thread already.
Did you get to the end of the video where Steve Smith, a black man, seems completely disgusted by Parker's comments?

True... Glad he said what he said.

As far as I'm concerned, what Parker said wasn't racist, it's insecurity and a sense of victimization that permeates through the black-American community. Parker doesn't get self-validation from other blacks that don't act like they're being held down by whitey, and it bothers him.

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