The Left in total meltdown


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Don't ya just luv it ?

CNN distances itself from rouge lying journalists...I swear most of them post on here every day
The Latest: 3 CNN journalists resign over retracted story

Supreme court reinstates and upholds Trump's Muslim travel bans.
Supreme Court decision shifts momentum in Trump travel ban case

If Democrats are relevant in US politics within the next 10 years I'd be surprised.
EVERY ONE of the insane leftists who posts all the Trump garbage here EVERY day can't even deny their failures and stupidity as REAL EVIDENCE and REAL COMMON SENSE prevails.

Don't ya just luv it ?

CNN distances itself from rouge lying journalists...I swear most of them post on here every day
The Latest: 3 CNN journalists resign over retracted story

Supreme court reinstates and upholds Trump's Muslim travel bans.
Supreme Court decision shifts momentum in Trump travel ban case

If Democrats are relevant in US politics within the next 10 years I'd be surprised.
EVERY ONE of the insane leftists who posts all the Trump garbage here EVERY day can't even deny their failures and stupidity as REAL EVIDENCE and REAL COMMON SENSE prevails.



Once you have heard one of their fake ass tunes, you have heard them all.
Loretta Lynch is facing a ten year prison sentence.

The entire FBI case against Flynn has been exposed as political payback and that fell apart.

The democrats are in full collapse!
Nice meltdown thread.

What new trouble is Trump in now?

Denial runs strong in them. But we all know the amount of butthurt that is taking place:


Now enjoy the snowflake tears! Trump's salt mines are turning in massive profits..
Loretta Lynch is facing a ten year prison sentence.

The entire FBI case against Flynn has been exposed as political payback and that fell apart.

The democrats are in full collapse!

Lynch and Comey should do time. Clearly they colluded on letting Clinton skate. And not only that, but Lynch's 'Un-Masking' actions were likely illegal. That's why the Obama regime is desperately trying to cover for her by way of attaching her actions to 'Privileged Information.' Why try so hard to keep it secret? They know she likely broke the law. Corrupt criminals. Both of em.
Yeah but the new president can close the door on the executive privilege idea. oshitass AINT DUH PRES NO MO!!! and the DOJ will have some heads we hope his too. When we find the far reaching extent of all of this I feel like the dimshits will all be moving to Russia or some foreign state that accepts treasonous scum long enough to use them before they are executed as spies.
Then we can riot in the streets drag them out and pepper spray them, set them on fire, attack them rape them with foreign objects before they are impaled, pour lye in their mouths and eyes, EVEN practice RETROACTIVE ABORTION!!! CMON DOJ Lets raise Jeff Sessions up on our shoulders every day as he scrubs the scum from our streets. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Don't ya just luv it ?

CNN distances itself from rouge lying journalists...I swear most of them post on here every day
The Latest: 3 CNN journalists resign over retracted story

Supreme court reinstates and upholds Trump's Muslim travel bans.
Supreme Court decision shifts momentum in Trump travel ban case

If Democrats are relevant in US politics within the next 10 years I'd be surprised.
EVERY ONE of the insane leftists who posts all the Trump garbage here EVERY day can't even deny their failures and stupidity as REAL EVIDENCE and REAL COMMON SENSE prevails.

with all of it's bungling, corruption and getting caught, the democrat party hasn't been this low, maybe since it's origin.

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