The left are set to emasculate James Bond in the name of advancing feminism...

Not even sure this nonsense will be worth pirating.

Gotta emasculate one of the last remaining symbols of masculinity. Good thing I own thousands of older GOOD movies.

Bye Bye, Hollywood. You can suck my dick, you sick bastards!

Bond's a fictional character, I read a book by Rory Miller and he more or less revealed that films are just theatrics, and that real life "combat" is nothing like you see in the movies, movies are meant to be pretty, he says.

Not even sure this nonsense will be worth pirating.

Gotta emasculate one of the last remaining symbols of masculinity. Good thing I own thousands of older GOOD movies.

Bye Bye, Hollywood. You can suck my dick, you sick bastards!

Bond's a fictional character, I read a book by Rory Miller and he more or less revealed that films are just theatrics, and that real life "combat" is nothing like you see in the movies, movies are meant to be pretty, he says.

See Edward L Bernays.
Our problem isn't toxic masculinity, it is the lack of masculinity that allows this garbage to continue...
The problem is grown men (and women) who can't find anything better to do with their time than gripe about the opposite sex, as if they are stuck in arrested development and still haven't learned the other sex have cooties.

The "radical feminists" and the "incels" both deserve each other, nothing but a waste of oxygen and an example of consumerist decadence if you ask me.
The only James Bond was Sean Connery, but since he's like a million years old now, it doesn't really matter who they put in the role.
Agree James Bond has been on life support since Sean Connery left the role. They are just trying to end the series once and for all. If starring a Black female doesn't do it, they will get Buttigieg to star as Bond. Finito.

Not even sure this nonsense will be worth pirating.

It's called capitalism. They're making it because they think it will sell.

If it doesn't, then they lose money. If it does, then they make money.

You think they give a shit about anything other than money?

If money was their top priority they would not be pushing the SJW nonsense.

Multiple tv shows
And MANY MANY movies pushing the PC shit have crashed and burned. Yet Hollywood keeps pushing the agendas in new movies. From Ghostbusters to Terminator to the new Charlie's Angels. There is PLENTY of evidence that their agenda is KILLING their profit margins but they keep on keeping on.

Capitalism is slapping them in the face via low ticket sales and massive losses.

You seem to be as stupid as they are

Not even sure this nonsense will be worth pirating.

It's called capitalism. They're making it because they think it will sell.

If it doesn't, then they lose money. If it does, then they make money.

You think they give a shit about anything other than money?

If money was their top priority they would not be pushing the SJW nonsense.

Multiple tv shows
And MANY MANY movies pushing the PC shit have crashed and burned. Yet Hollywood keeps pushing the agendas in new movies. From Ghostbusters to Terminator to the new Charlie's Angels. There is PLENTY of evidence that their agenda is KILLING their profit margins but they keep on keeping on.

Capitalism is slapping them in the face via low ticket sales and massive losses.

You seem to be as stupid as they are

Your best bet would be to boycott TV and film altogether - I more or less have.

The same with the alleged social justice warriors and their conspiracy theories about "toxic masculinity", or whatnot. Most people seem to agree that film and TV especially isn't generally great art to begin with, but is often laden with product placement, "special interest" groups attempting to promote a "message", and so on - I prefer reading books myself.

Why nitpick over a restaurant like McDonald's serving nasty food, when boycotting fast food and processed food altogether is a better option.

Honestly, it wouldn't shock me if video games end up replacing Hollywood and the like as the primary entertainment medium, I think they have quite a bit more to offer a consumer than TV, radio, film, and the like do.
SCENE IV: Bond sex scene.. take 1
Opening scene Jamie Bond moaning while being pegged by dominate female character...
Potential homo Bond movie titles..

Thunderballs, Goldsphincter, Dr. Yessssss, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Agent, Moonraper,
Who's triggered by a movie?

the same “men” who are offended by the words “Happy Holidays”
I think it's less being offended by Happy Holidays, and more about being offended over people who get offended if you don't say Happy Holidays.
Some us us don't give a fuck at all. That upsets everyone.

Not even sure this nonsense will be worth pirating.

It's called capitalism. They're making it because they think it will sell.

If it doesn't, then they lose money. If it does, then they make money.

You think they give a shit about anything other than money?

If money was their top priority they would not be pushing the SJW nonsense.

Multiple tv shows
And MANY MANY movies pushing the PC shit have crashed and burned. Yet Hollywood keeps pushing the agendas in new movies. From Ghostbusters to Terminator to the new Charlie's Angels. There is PLENTY of evidence that their agenda is KILLING their profit margins but they keep on keeping on.

Capitalism is slapping them in the face via low ticket sales and massive losses.

You seem to be as stupid as they are

Your best bet would be to boycott TV and film altogether - I more or less have.

The same with the alleged social justice warriors and their conspiracy theories about "toxic masculinity", or whatnot. Most people seem to agree that film and TV especially isn't generally great art to begin with, but is often laden with product placement, "special interest" groups attempting to promote a "message", and so on - I prefer reading books myself.

Why nitpick over a restaurant like McDonald's serving nasty food, when boycotting fast food and processed food altogether is a better option.

Honestly, it wouldn't shock me if video games end up replacing Hollywood and the like as the primary entertainment medium, I think they have quite a bit more to offer a consumer than TV, radio, film, and the like do.

Because most of "us" are just whining and will never put that much thought or introspection into it.
Potential homo Bond movie titles..

Thunderballs, Goldsphincter, Dr. Yessssss, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Agent, Moonraper,
Who's triggered by a movie?

the same “men” who are offended by the words “Happy Holidays”
I think it's less being offended by Happy Holidays, and more about being offended over people who get offended if you don't say Happy Holidays.
Some us us don't give a fuck at all. That upsets everyone.
In the grand scheme of things, I tend to view these things as minute obsessions, yet everything I've seen is that humanity is plagued with them.

For example, how many people here who believe Hollywood has become left-wing and feminist, or conversely believe it is a bastion of toxic masculinity, will simply boycott it altogether and go get some fresh air?

Most likely they will just pick another film or TV show to watch, then complain about some similar grievance in that film as well, and so on and so on - never taking a radical step, and probably apparently unable to imagine life without film and TV, despite them having been luxuries for the rich just a decade ago or so.
Potential homo Bond movie titles..

Thunderballs, Goldsphincter, Dr. Yessssss, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Agent, Moonraper,
Who's triggered by a movie?

the same “men” who are offended by the words “Happy Holidays”
I think it's less being offended by Happy Holidays, and more about being offended over people who get offended if you don't say Happy Holidays.
Some us us don't give a fuck at all. That upsets everyone.
In the grand scheme of things, I tend to view these things as minute obsessions, yet everything I've seen is that humanity is plagued with them.

For example, how many people here who believe Hollywood has become left-wing and feminist, or conversely believe it is a bastion of toxic masculinity, will simply boycott it altogether and go get some fresh air?

Most likely they will just pick another film or TV show to watch, then complain about some similar grievance in that film as well, and so on and so on - never taking a radical step, and probably apparently unable to imagine life without film and TV, despite them having been luxuries for the rich just a decade ago or so.
As the triggered whiners and moaners continue to cooperate with and participate in the very things they decry as the await a different outcome.
Who's triggered by a movie?

the same “men” who are offended by the words “Happy Holidays”
I think it's less being offended by Happy Holidays, and more about being offended over people who get offended if you don't say Happy Holidays.
Some us us don't give a fuck at all. That upsets everyone.
In the grand scheme of things, I tend to view these things as minute obsessions, yet everything I've seen is that humanity is plagued with them.

For example, how many people here who believe Hollywood has become left-wing and feminist, or conversely believe it is a bastion of toxic masculinity, will simply boycott it altogether and go get some fresh air?

Most likely they will just pick another film or TV show to watch, then complain about some similar grievance in that film as well, and so on and so on - never taking a radical step, and probably apparently unable to imagine life without film and TV, despite them having been luxuries for the rich just a decade ago or so.
As the triggered whiners and moaners continue to cooperate with and participate in the very things they decry as the await a different outcome.
Yeah, they're fools, just adults acting like infants.

If the "deep state's" a thing, and the government does eventually move in on them, most of them will be too fat and slovenly to fight, and gladly surrender their rights in exchange for free Xbox, I'd wager.
the same “men” who are offended by the words “Happy Holidays”
I think it's less being offended by Happy Holidays, and more about being offended over people who get offended if you don't say Happy Holidays.
Some us us don't give a fuck at all. That upsets everyone.
In the grand scheme of things, I tend to view these things as minute obsessions, yet everything I've seen is that humanity is plagued with them.

For example, how many people here who believe Hollywood has become left-wing and feminist, or conversely believe it is a bastion of toxic masculinity, will simply boycott it altogether and go get some fresh air?

Most likely they will just pick another film or TV show to watch, then complain about some similar grievance in that film as well, and so on and so on - never taking a radical step, and probably apparently unable to imagine life without film and TV, despite them having been luxuries for the rich just a decade ago or so.
As the triggered whiners and moaners continue to cooperate with and participate in the very things they decry as the await a different outcome.
Yeah, they're fools, just adults acting like infants.

If the "deep state's" a thing, and the government does eventually move in on them, most of them will be too fat and slovenly to fight, and gladly surrender their rights in exchange for free Xbox, I'd wager.
Which makes the myth of the gun as a tool of liberty all that more hilarious. It is but a fetish symbol for what we all watched slip away.
Potential homo Bond movie titles..

Thunderballs, Goldsphincter, Dr. Yessssss, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Agent, Moonraper,
Who's triggered by a movie?
Those are funny. You sound triggered. You must be a homo.

A movie I'll never watch has no impact on me whatsoever. How is it for you on a daily basis with such a fragile grip on your masculinity?
Diamonds Are For Bruce, For Your Ass Only...
Potential homo Bond movie titles..

Thunderballs, Goldsphincter, Dr. Yessssss, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service Agent, Moonraper,
Who's triggered by a movie?
Those are funny. You sound triggered. You must be a homo.

A movie I'll never watch has no impact on me whatsoever. How is it for you on a daily basis with such a fragile grip on your masculinity?
Diamonds Are For Bruce, For Your Ass Only...
So much white male fragility so little time.

Not even sure this nonsense will be worth pirating.

It's called capitalism. They're making it because they think it will sell.

If it doesn't, then they lose money. If it does, then they make money.

You think they give a shit about anything other than money?

New Woke Feminist ‘Charlie’s Angels’ Movie Was Expected to Make $35 Millon Opening Day…It made $8M

Ghostbusters Reboot Flopped. Why it Deserved to Bomb For Its Marketing

The verdict is in: You cannot build an effective marketing campaign around manufactured controversy and misandry slacktivism. You cannot attempt to manipulate the politics of gender wars for profit on a comedy franchise property.

Painting men as dumb when men represent over half the Ghostbusters fan demographic was idiotic. You don’t call the people you need to watch your movie “trolls” and expect to do well at the box office. Sony needed to win the male fans over and instead did everything possible to drive them away in a desperate attempt to appeal to misandric feminists.

That was a dumb idea. The fact is misandric feminists are not a significant consumer power in the world market. The idea they would make the film into a box office miracle was based in nothing factual.
Gosh. It's like people don't like to pay money to be insulted.

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