The left are set to emasculate James Bond in the name of advancing feminism...

This is no surprise. The entire European continent it a bunch of PUSSIES.

As each generation of males loses testosterone, European males are ahead of the rest of world by hundreds of generations.

Little faggy, low testosterone fairy bois. Might as well pass it on to Bond to properly reflect their identity... EMASCULATED PUSSIES.
Sounds like someone is whimpy can you possibly be?
Yep, my comment triggered you, which is nothing new. Most of my comments trigger you little leftist snowflakes, especially comments pointing out what kind of pussies you little queenies are.
Ian Fleming created the character of James Bond to be a fictional version of himself; as such, I believe that in the case of some fictional characters (not all), they should remain as the creators desired them to be. So, to me, James Bond should be a Caucasian male heterosexual, the same with Superman. All others can be changed to whatever prevailing minds wish them to be.
Not everybody has to be changed, as we who have enjoyed these characters for many years, should be allowed to retain some characters to represent the culture or race we prefer them to remain.
There's nothing keeping the LGBTQ's or blacks, Asians, or Hispanics from creating their own superheroes, or action spies and when they do, I hope that their characters are just as successful or even more successful than those we enjoy.
Bottom line, to each their own preference.
But this isn’t about promoting blacks or homos, etc.
It’s about expunging from the earth the creature that has caused genocide and death and destruction everywhere; the white hereto male.
Armenian genocide: Middle Eastern Muslims. Cambodian genocide: Asians. China's "Great Leap Forward": Asians. Rwandan genocide: Black Africans. Mongol conquest of Western Xia. Indonesia: Asian genocide.
No race is without its guilt in genocide. If you are going to claim that the wars with the Native Americans was a genocide, you would be wrong. It was an ongoing, war that claimed an estimated 50% of the Native American population and 30% of the settlers. That's what you get with wars, casualties.
While not mentioned in the topic, there's also the issue of slavery, a once "worldwide" practice (all races were slaves at one time or another). Muslims were responsible most of the slavery and Muslim nations continued slavery well into the 20th century and slavery didn't end officially in Oman and Yemen until 1970 and in Mauritania in 1981.
Based upon your hatred for whites, I can only make an assumption that you are black (obviously, I could be wrong) and no doubt are buying into the absurd concept that you are somehow a victim. You're not. Slaves across the world were victims, but you are not. You and everyone else in this nation are the most privileged persons on the planet. Having a roof over your head, cash in your pocket, a cellphone, a bank account, can read, write and have a job, can vote for the candidate of your choice and perhaps have a flat-screen tv, a refrigerator, an oven and range, food in the cabinets, heat in the winter and transportation, puts you and others here, well ahead of much of the rest of the world.
You are not a victim of white supremacy, never were and aren't going to be. If your ancestors were slaves, that's unfortunate, however, travel to your ancestor's homeland try living there for awhile and see what their lives are like.
Ian Fleming created the character of James Bond to be a fictional version of himself; as such, I believe that in the case of some fictional characters (not all), they should remain as the creators desired them to be. So, to me, James Bond should be a Caucasian male heterosexual, the same with Superman. All others can be changed to whatever prevailing minds wish them to be.
Not everybody has to be changed, as we who have enjoyed these characters for many years, should be allowed to retain some characters to represent the culture or race we prefer them to remain.
There's nothing keeping the LGBTQ's or blacks, Asians, or Hispanics from creating their own superheroes, or action spies and when they do, I hope that their characters are just as successful or even more successful than those we enjoy.
Bottom line, to each their own preference.
But this isn’t about promoting blacks or homos, etc.
It’s about expunging from the earth the creature that has caused genocide and death and destruction everywhere; the white hereto male.
Armenian genocide: Middle Eastern Muslims. Cambodian genocide: Asians. China's "Great Leap Forward": Asians. Rwandan genocide: Black Africans. Mongol conquest of Western Xia. Indonesia: Asian genocide.
No race is without its guilt in genocide. If you are going to claim that the wars with the Native Americans was a genocide, you would be wrong. It was an ongoing, war that claimed an estimated 50% of the Native American population and 30% of the settlers. That's what you get with wars, casualties.
While not mentioned in the topic, there's also the issue of slavery, a once "worldwide" practice (all races were slaves at one time or another). Muslims were responsible most of the slavery and Muslim nations continued slavery well into the 20th century and slavery didn't end officially in Oman and Yemen until 1970 and in Mauritania in 1981.
Based upon your hatred for whites, I can only make an assumption that you are black (obviously, I could be wrong) and no doubt are buying into the absurd concept that you are somehow a victim. You're not. Slaves across the world were victims, but you are not. You and everyone else in this nation are the most privileged persons on the planet. Having a roof over your head, cash in your pocket, a cellphone, a bank account, can read, write and have a job, can vote for the candidate of your choice and perhaps have a flat-screen tv, a refrigerator, an oven and range, food in the cabinets, heat in the winter and transportation, puts you and others here, well ahead of much of the rest of the world.
You are not a victim of white supremacy, never were and aren't going to be. If your ancestors were slaves, that's unfortunate, however, travel to your ancestor's homeland try living there for awhile and see what their lives are like.
I was being cynical. The left wants white males to be the boogeyman for everything.
You'll find out the damage you have done after the first round in a world conflict.

We haven't "won" a war since 1945, and then we had "help".

I don't think we are losing wars because James Bond is a chick now. (Actually, it isn't James Bond, it's 007). We lose them because instead of "How do we win" we think, "How do we drag this out forever so the Military Industrial Complex can maximize profits".
The social justice left is dead set on getting their grubby fingers into everything and ruining it forever.

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