The Leatherface Haunted Mansion


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Leatherface has become synonymous with horror cinema and American 'noir-art,' so here's a Halloween-festive short-story about American teenagers being lured into an eerie and ultimately horrifying 'Leatherface-copycat haunted mansion' for Halloween Eve and finding the nerve to survive...and dare!


It's Halloween Eve in Texas, and some popular kids from East Texas High School in Austin receive a strange invitation in their lockers to go to a special 'Leatherface Haunted Mansion' adventure by an old abandoned estate situated by cornfields and the woods. The young Americans include Derek (the high school football team captain), Louise (his beautiful blonde cheerleader girlfriend and homecoming queen), Shelbye (the senior class vice-president), Adam (a West Point future student), Elizabeth (the class comedian), Ajay (a high school wrestler), Tim (the most attractive male at East Texas), and Corinne (his gorgeous brunette girlfriend from Afghanistan). The kids decide to accept the invitation and check out the Halloween event.

When they arrive, they notice a very large and creepy-looking abandoned mansion situated by cornfields and the woods, just as the invitation indicated. No one knows who actually sent the invitations, but the young Americans are all excited to wander around inside the mansion and around the cornfields and woods. Adam leads the pack, since he's a West Point dude, and he feels confident his combo of brains and brawn can provide the right 'security' the East Texas kids want. The kids wander around inside the mansion and notice very old furniture and some shabby lighting. Shelbye spots a strange woman who seems to be wearing a bloody apron wander inside a room in the dimly-lit hallway. "This is eerie!" she says to the group.

Derek has wandered inside the library with Louise and is checking out a shelf-book copy of Treasure Island when he think he hears the sound of a buzzing chainsaw coming from the basement beneath the library-room. Derek spots a stairwell leading down to the basement, so he and Louise go towards the chainsaw-sound. When they descend, they realize to their horror that a maniac in a very realistic-looking 'Leatherface' costume carrying a real chainsaw is moving towards them. They decide to flee and notice an opening in the basement wall that leads to the cornfield. As they are being chased through the cornfield by 'Leatherface,' they run into Tim and Corinne who have been wandering around the field for about 30 minutes. "Run! This guy is a real psycho!" screams Derek, and everyone is running.

Shelbye, Elizabeth, Ajay, and Adam find themselves in the woods being stalked by another 'member' of this 'Leatherface household' --- a man dressed as a witch and wielding an axe. They are in panic-mode and do not have time to worry about what happened to Derek, Louise, and the others in the cornfield and simply hope 'Leatherface' has not gotten them. As Adam and Elizabeth get away from the axe-witch ghoul, they run towards the cornfield and find the dead bodies of Tim and Corinne. Horrified, they run inside the mansion to find Tim and Corinne and get the hell out of there. However, Leatherface is waiting for them inside and has tied up Tim and Corinne who are bleeding to death from their abdomens. Adam tells Elizabeth to run to the library and they do so, and when Leatherface reaches them there, they begin throwing books at him.

Adam swipes out Leatherface's legs, and the brute's chainsaw lands on his own lower body and gashes it terribly. Adam and Elizabeth run out of the house screaming and hop into Adam's car and zoom away as fast as they can. "What the hell was that?" Elizabeth asks in fright, and Adam replies with some degree of self-composure, "It seems someone played a prank on us and lured us into the lair of a demonic psychopath for a Halloween hell-fest. We'll keep this all a secret, and I'll go back to the house with my dad's shotgun and a flame-thrower. I'll burn that damn mansion to the ground!" As Adam prepares his uncanny 'revenge,' Elizabeth mutters to herself, "I wish I just watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre tonight on Netflix!"


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Chapter 2: Liberty's Kids


Tom Cruise and Jennifer Connelly, two prominent American celebrities, had become 'America's sweethearts' and Hollywood's most glamorous couple. Connelly was the first girlfriend of Cruise who accepted all of his beliefs regarding the unusual Church of Scientology. Everything was going well between them, but the two started to feel their movie-star status had become spiritually 'shallow.' They wanted to do something, something 'more.' Cruise and Connelly craved some kind of 'pedestrian adventure.'

Cruise read about the stories of a Texas town where a supposed 'Leatherface haunted mansion' modelled after the American horror film franchise The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was supposedly really haunted and was presided by a deranged murderous family that actually copied the deeds of the Hewitt-Sawyer family of Leatherface (a maniacal chainsaw-wielding cannibal) from the horror films. The Texas town had turned these rumors of kids disappearing into a real local legend, and when it reached the gossip journals and Cruise read about the stories, he became fascinated.

Cruise convinced Connelly that the two should explore the area in the Texas town where this supposed 'Leatherface-copycat' was lurking and where there may have occurred the terrible incident of disappeared American high school teenagers who ventured into that area one fateful Halloween Eve. Connelly read the news clippings Cruise gave her, and remarked on the local police theories that someone 'lured' or 'invited' the kids into the 'haunted mansion' where they disappeared. Cruise conjectured that this hypothetical 'Leatherface-copycat' was craving attention and could therefore himself be 'lured.'

Cruise came up with a dastardly plan for Halloween Eve. He would publish in the local Texas town gazette that a special media stunt (related to the rumored incident of the disappearing kids in proximity to the apparent 'Leatherface-copycat') was being funded by an anonymous American movie star who hand-picked two 'stunt-doubles' (of movie stars) to dress up as the Marvel Comics superheroes Spider-Man and Firestar and wait for this 'Leatherface-copycat' at the crystalline visually wondrous hanging Luray Caverns:

"On Halloween Eve, two celebrity stunt-doubles will wait for 'Leatherface' at the Luray Caverns! If the 'dastardly villain' shows up (with his chainsaw and all), they must chase around these two stunt-doubles at the Luray Caverns and decide if it's more exciting to chase movie stars or sit and enjoy the natural splendor of the Luray Caverns. We will see if this little 'test' can help us determine if any kind of horror film ghoul 'copycat' truly is a damned psycho or simply a 'creative genius' who just might 'leave the world behind' to live peacefully and privately, forever hidden in the depths of the labryinths of the Luray Caverns!"

The notice in the Texas gazette received much attention and generated a great deal of local gossip. Would this 'Leatherface-copycat' take up this media PR stunt challenge and meet the two celebrity stunt-doubles at the Luray Caverns to see if he was intellectually capable of such an 'imagination challenge'? Many movie stars read about this media stunt and became interested, as it generated gossip among movie fans, film-makers, and especially horror film fans. Cruise and Connelly prepared and dressed up as Spider-Man and Firestar and headed to the Luray Caverns on Halloween Eve with tear-gas grenades and silencer-pistols. If the 'Leatherface-copycat' proved to be a true madman, then 'Spider-Man' (Cruise) and 'Firestar' (Connelly) would kill him immediately, but if the 'ghoul' discovered he wanted to hide in the natural splendor of the Luray Caverns and be left alone by society as an 'imaginarium incarcerated warlock,' then Cruise and Connelly could claim that their little imagination moment effectively 'caged' a wild beast into a 'twilight zone.'

When Halloween Eve arrived, Spider-Man and Firestar were at the Luray Caverns...and so was Leatherface. What ensued would change the face of American horror film fanfare and the allure of 'vigilantism' fervor in America forever. I would tell you the conclusion of this story, but that would ruin the surprise. After all, don't you want 'Leatherface' simply and forever to be a 'haunting movie-star'? Hollywood is the land of dreams, and this Luray Caverns dream is simply a totem of natural immortality. If you visit a Planet Hollywood restaurant on a Halloween Eve, don't be dumbfounded if a waiter dressed up as Leatherface for Halloween-festivity comes to your table and says, "Did you know I live in the Luray Caverns?" You might want to reply to this colorful waiter, "Well, we're sure Batman lives in the Luray Caverns too!"



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