The Lavrentiy Beria States of America


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. In so very many ways, today's Democrat Party mirrors their forebears in the Soviet Union.

Political opponents had to deal with the power of the state.

It is not the rectitude of ideas, nor the votes of the populate, it is the raw, unlimited, near absolute power of the Left that motivates the judicial system.

2. The Left owes so very much to their judicial godfather, Lavrentiy Beria.....
"Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria (29 March 189923 December 1953) was a Soviet politician, and chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus under Stalin. He was top deputy of the NKVD during the Great Purge, responsible for many of the millions of imprisonments and killings."
Lavrentiy Beria - Wikiquote

3. "Dershowitz points out that this was a technique developed by Beria, the infamous sidekick of Stalin, who said, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.” That really is something that has survived the Soviet Union and has arrived in the good old USA. “Show me the man,” says any federal prosecutor, “and I can show you the crime.” This is not an exaggeration."
Policy Report: The Criminalization of Almost Everything

4. The insipid IG Report lays out what is clearly a political opposition to the American people's choice for President, Donald Trump.....

....and then slithers away from the obvious conclusion:

a. Clinton and associates get immunity...

b. Trump associates indictments and jail time.


5. "..... the spirit of modern American republicanism requires impartial governance. It precludes the notion, taught by Don Corleone to Amerigo Bonasera, that there is a genuine distinction between the "justice" and the "justice" due his daughter's assailants. It rules out the legitimacy of using one's government to help one's friends, and harm one's enemies. And it thereby condemns as "corruption," a practice which is perfectly normal in all premodern societies and which is all too common in politics that have not yet fully completed the transition to modernity."
Paul Rahe, NamSouth :: View topic - Don Vito Corleone, Friendship and the American Regime

6. Today's lesson for the Left:

"Invidious discrimination generally refers to treating one group of people less well than another on such grounds as their race (racism), gender (sexism), religion (religious discrimination), caste, ethnic background, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, sexual preference or behavior, results of IQ testing, age (ageism) ...or political views."
Invidious Discrimination Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Beware, Democrats/Liberals.....
"If anything should happen to my son Michael, my son Fredo….there are certain people in this room that I will hold responsible."
The Godfather
7. Living up to the Beria doctrine....“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime”....we have the Mueller-Comey-McCabe (Hillary should be in there) Axis of corruption.

Asked numerous times of the Democrats/Liberals/anti-Trump Republicans.....
Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

....the only semblance of a response has been the miasma of dust as the cowards sprint off.

8. Jake Tapper‏Verified account @jaketapper
These are stunning texts for FBI officials to have written.

Lisa Page: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”

Peter Strzok: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

9:54 AM - 14 Jun 2018

Who is "we"?????

You know who.
People are most conservative when they know nothing, expect everything and want it tax free.

Watch me force you to prove what I have just said:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?

1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Either answer or make known what a cur you really are.
Evidence which is sufficiently useful to prove something important in a trial is missing in the OP by Ms. PoliticalChic.

Hence, one must conclude the allegations of corruption and wrongdoing are simply an echo of another of Trump's BIG LIES, which dominate the thinki ... um ... ah .. beliefs of Conservative Trump Supporters.
Liberals (another name for commie lite) have never meet a socialist / communist dictator they wouldn't support; no matter how brutally he treats his citizens. ... :cool:

The above message is brought to you by Bigots r Us, an organization which prides itself on the duality of moral corruption and hateful rhetoric. Please donate a pork chop to today's author, so that he(?) can remain diligent in his(?) hateful endeavors.
Evidence which is sufficiently useful to prove something important in a trial is missing in the OP by Ms. PoliticalChic.

Hence, one must conclude the allegations of corruption and wrongdoing are simply an echo of another of Trump's BIG LIES, which dominate the thinki ... um ... ah .. beliefs of Conservative Trump Supporters.

PC = quintessential pshchobabble.

The above message is brought to you by Bigots r Us, an organization which prides itself on the duality of moral corruption and hateful rhetoric. Please donate a pork chop to today's author, so that he(?) can remain diligent in his(?) hateful endeavors.
You post about other people being bigots and their hateful rhetoric.

Then turn around and make an insensitive and intolerant hate post about pork chops directed at an American Muslim.

If it wasn't for double standards and blatant hypocrisy, Liberals would have nothing. ... :cool:
Evidence which is sufficiently useful to prove something important in a trial is missing in the OP by Ms. PoliticalChic.

Hence, one must conclude the allegations of corruption and wrongdoing are simply an echo of another of Trump's BIG LIES, which dominate the thinki ... um ... ah .. beliefs of Conservative Trump Supporters.

Let's review:

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier: they used law firm Perkins Coie to funnel money to GPS Fusion and Christopher Steele

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the election….an ‘insurance policy’

9. Loretta Lynch with Comey’s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillary’s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTW…..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. The FBI offered to pay Christopher Steele if he could corroborate the dossier….so he told Yahoo New’s Michael Isikoff about the dossier, had him print the information….then told the FBI that Isikoff independently discovered the “facts”…

Steele admitted, in a British court, that he leaked the material to Yahoo. September 23 Yahoo ran the story.

The FBI took the Isikoff Yahoo story to the FISA court to get the warrant….then fired Steele for sharing it with news outlets.

13. After the FBI fired Steele, he continued to confer with Bruce Ohr and the DoJ…and Rod Rosestein and Sally Yates.

In September of 2016, this was Steele’s statement to Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

14. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

15. Fired by the FBI as untrustworthy, Steele is maintained by the DoJ as a contact, and all the while, Bruce Ohr’s wife is drawing a salary from the group Hillary hired to produce the dossier….GPS Fusion.

Bruce Ohr’s wife’s connections to Hillary’s paid dossier-producers, GPS Fusion, was never disclosed to the FISA court.

16. Not Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, nor the DNC, nor Christopher Steel, nor Fusion GPS, nor Bruce Ohr’s wife, the roles of none of these participants in the creation of the dossier….not a one was revealed to the FISA court.

17. The memo also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated

18. Let’s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given above…..

19..The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS

…and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlin….

…completely different treatment.

20. And all of the players in on the fix were demanding the Memo not be released….and lied about why it should not be released.

Now, then......answer the question:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Liberals (another name for commie lite) have never meet a socialist / communist dictator they wouldn't support; no matter how brutally he treats his citizens. ... :cool:

The above message is brought to you by Bigots r Us, an organization which prides itself on the duality of moral corruption and hateful rhetoric. Please donate a pork chop to today's author, so that he(?) can remain diligent in his(?) hateful endeavors.

Did the Democrats support the homicidal regime of the Soviet Union???

Hence....Sunni is totally correct.

From this:

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

Through this:

Ted Kennedy appealing to the Kremlin to work together against the American President.

The American Left: not on our side during the Cold War, or the VietNam War, Ted Kennedy plotted with the Soviet Union against the American President, they’re with Hezbollah, with Iran

Sooo....which t-shirt are you sporting today....Che or Beria?
Liberals (another name for commie lite) have never meet a socialist / communist dictator they wouldn't support; no matter how brutally he treats his citizens. ... :cool:

The above message is brought to you by Bigots r Us, an organization which prides itself on the duality of moral corruption and hateful rhetoric. Please donate a pork chop to today's author, so that he(?) can remain diligent in his(?) hateful endeavors.

Did the Democrats support the homicidal regime of the Soviet Union???

Hence....Sunni is totally correct.

From this:

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

Through this:

Ted Kennedy appealing to the Kremlin to work together against the American President.

The American Left: not on our side during the Cold War, or the VietNam War, Ted Kennedy plotted with the Soviet Union against the American President, they’re with Hezbollah, with Iran

Sooo....which t-shirt are you sporting today....Che or Beria?

You're really stupid if you believe FDR's quote will convince anyone with any knowledge of WW II to mean anything more than what it meant, i.e, more Germans on the Western Front.

This might have changed the course of history (though given your hate for progressive and liberal policies I suppose you would have been pleased if Germany had repelled the Normandy Invasion and controlled all of Europe).
Liberals (another name for commie lite) have never meet a socialist / communist dictator they wouldn't support; no matter how brutally he treats his citizens. ... :cool:

The above message is brought to you by Bigots r Us, an organization which prides itself on the duality of moral corruption and hateful rhetoric. Please donate a pork chop to today's author, so that he(?) can remain diligent in his(?) hateful endeavors.

Did the Democrats support the homicidal regime of the Soviet Union???

Hence....Sunni is totally correct.

From this:

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

Through this:

Ted Kennedy appealing to the Kremlin to work together against the American President.

The American Left: not on our side during the Cold War, or the VietNam War, Ted Kennedy plotted with the Soviet Union against the American President, they’re with Hezbollah, with Iran

Sooo....which t-shirt are you sporting today....Che or Beria?

You're really stupid if you believe FDR's quote will convince anyone with any knowledge of WW II to mean anything more than what it meant, i.e, more Germans on the Western Front.

This might have changed the course of history (though given your hate for progressive and liberal policies I suppose you would have been pleased if Germany had repelled the Normandy Invasion and controlled all of Europe).
Nazis were just socialists... Wanting to control people they disagreed with
"WSJ Columnist: Hey, The ‘No Bias’ Claim In DOJ IG Report Is Not What It Seems
So, what about those allegations of bias that engulfed the FBI?

“He [referring to IG Horwitz] very carefully says that he found no ‘documentary’ evidence that bias produced ‘specific investigatory decisions.’ That's different,” she said. “It means he didn't catch anyone doing anything so dumb as writing down that they took a specific step to aid a candidate. You know, like: ‘Let's give out this Combetta immunity deal so nothing comes out that will derail Hillary for President.”

significant FBI “resources” were dedicated in October to spinning FBI “talking points” about the Clinton investigation—rather than actually investigating the new Anthony Weiner laptop emails the bureau discovered in September.


There’s former Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik, who was tipping off the Clinton campaign even as he took part in the investigation, and who “failed to strictly adhere to [his] recusal” when he finally stepped away. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe also did not “fully comply with his recusal,” and he’d already been found to have lied to the bureau about a leak to the media. Speaking of leaks, Mr. Horowitz needed full attachments and charts to list the entire “volume of communication” between FBI employees and the press.


…the bias is everywhere."
WSJ Columnist: Hey, The ‘No Bias’ Claim In DOJ IG Report Is Not What It Seems
"WSJ Columnist: Hey, The ‘No Bias’ Claim In DOJ IG Report Is Not What It Seems
So, what about those allegations of bias that engulfed the FBI?

“He [referring to IG Horwitz] very carefully says that he found no ‘documentary’ evidence that bias produced ‘specific investigatory decisions.’ That's different,” she said. “It means he didn't catch anyone doing anything so dumb as writing down that they took a specific step to aid a candidate. You know, like: ‘Let's give out this Combetta immunity deal so nothing comes out that will derail Hillary for President.”

significant FBI “resources” were dedicated in October to spinning FBI “talking points” about the Clinton investigation—rather than actually investigating the new Anthony Weiner laptop emails the bureau discovered in September.


There’s former Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik, who was tipping off the Clinton campaign even as he took part in the investigation, and who “failed to strictly adhere to [his] recusal” when he finally stepped away. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe also did not “fully comply with his recusal,” and he’d already been found to have lied to the bureau about a leak to the media. Speaking of leaks, Mr. Horowitz needed full attachments and charts to list the entire “volume of communication” between FBI employees and the press.


…the bias is everywhere."
WSJ Columnist: Hey, The ‘No Bias’ Claim In DOJ IG Report Is Not What It Seems

The saddest of all of this is that the DOJ and the FBI have become so polluted politically, I can't breathe at how one must deal with this.

I've not been in much. In the garden. But holy freaking toledo, hearing anyone claim that there is no political bias sends me over the top of Mount Everest.

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