The Latest Socialist Excuse...


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
... Is that conservatives are the real socialists. If that were true, he'd be a Repub.


Trump is the poster boy for one specific brand of capitalism:
The vultures and raiders who swing from speculation to swindling and qualify as criminal or extralegal excrescences of society.

Bernie correctly identifies Trump as the current token of class struggle in the US and the threat to democracy he represents.

Trump is the poster child for why capitalism needs to be modulated

"Sanders attracts the intense support of a small left-wing intellectual vanguard who see American politics in fundamentally different terms than most Democrats do.

"The primary struggle in American politics as they see it is not between liberalism and conservatism, but between socialism and capitalism.

"Sanders labels himself as a socialist and frames his rhetoric in Marxian class terms, which sets him apart from other Democrats…Socialists — at least those who aren’t willing to settle for the incremental advances traditionally held out by liberal Democrats as their only option — see Sanders’s presidential candidacy as uniquely compelling.

"The struggle between Sanders and other Democrats strikes them as far more significant than the contest between the non-socialist Democrats and the Republicans."

Donald Trump, Lumpen Capitalist
"Sanders attracts the intense support of a small left-wing intellectual vanguard who see American politics in fundamentally different terms than most Democrats do.

"The primary struggle in American politics as they see it is not between liberalism and conservatism, but between socialism and capitalism...
I agree that the primary struggle in American politics is between socialism and capitalism and that Bernie and at least 1/3 of Americans are dim enough to prefer the former. In fact, pretending what they promote is anything but the end of American freedom and prosperity is naive at best.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
"Sanders attracts the intense support of a small left-wing intellectual vanguard who see American politics in fundamentally different terms than most Democrats do.

"The primary struggle in American politics as they see it is not between liberalism and conservatism, but between socialism and capitalism...
I agree that the primary struggle in American politics is between socialism and capitalism and that Bernie and at least 1/3 of Americans are dim enough to prefer the former. In fact, pretending what they promote is anything but the end of American freedom and prosperity is naive at best.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole
What problem do you have with businesses being run by a majority of workers instead of the richest one percent of shareholders/stakeholders?
at this profound moment in american history, where the billionaires want it all for me me me me, we have to fight back toe to toe and not give up an inch. we cannot allow the billionaire class to take over DC, and we will not allow them to take over america
the United States has been an economic and innovation marvel and our national wealth has been good for our citizens and enabled us to be a force of good throughout the world

Trump is the poster child for government "modulating" capitalism - and a shining example of why it's such a bad idea.
Trump's the second generation poster child for socialism for the rich and rugged, "free" market individualism for the poor.

Exactly. That's part of the deal. When you let government control the economy, then those in charge of government get their way.
What problem do you have with businesses being run by a majority of workers instead of the richest one percent of shareholders/stakeholders?
The majority of workers aren't running companies right now because they don't know how to effectively run a company, Einstien....

If you'd ever signed the front of a paycheck, you couldn't possibly have asked such a stupid question.

Trump is the poster child for government "modulating" capitalism - and a shining example of why it's such a bad idea.
Trump's the second generation poster child for socialism for the rich and rugged, "free" market individualism for the poor.

Exactly. That's part of the deal. When you let government control the economy, then those in charge of government get their way.
Exactly. That's part of the deal. When you let government control the economy, then those in charge of government get their way
If rich individuals and corporations control the government and Federal Reserve, does not the ultimate control of the economy reside with private capitalists?

Trump is the poster child for government "modulating" capitalism - and a shining example of why it's such a bad idea.
Trump's the second generation poster child for socialism for the rich and rugged, "free" market individualism for the poor.

Exactly. That's part of the deal. When you let government control the economy, then those in charge of government get their way.
Exactly. That's part of the deal. When you let government control the economy, then those in charge of government get their way
If rich individuals and corporations control the government and Federal Reserve, does not the ultimate control of the economy reside with private capitalists?

Well, I think ultimate control of the economy should reside with private capitalists, so that's a wash - but not through the Fed or via control of the government. Government should have no part to play. That's the problem now.
What problem do you have with businesses being run by a majority of workers instead of the richest one percent of shareholders/stakeholders?
The majority of workers aren't running companies right now because they don't know how to effectively run a company, Einstien....

If you'd ever signed the front of a paycheck, you couldn't possibly have asked such a stupid question.
The majority of workers aren't running companies right now because they don't know how to effectively run a company, Einstien....

If you'd ever signed the front of a paycheck, you couldn't possibly have asked such a stupid question.
If you're so smart, how do you explain Mondragon's success?

Mondragon Corporation - Wikipedia

"Mondragon co-operatives are united by a humanist concept of business, a philosophy of participation and solidarity, and a shared business culture.

"The culture is rooted in a shared mission and a number of principles, corporate values and business policies...."

"This framework of business culture has been structured based on a common culture derived from the 10 Basic Co-operative Principles, in which Mondragon is rooted: Open Admission, Democratic Organisation, the Sovereignty of Labour, Instrumental and Subordinate Nature of Capital, Participatory Management, Payment Solidarity, Inter-cooperation, Social Transformation, Universality and Education.[20]

"This philosophy is complemented by four corporate values: Co-operation, acting as owners and protagonists; Participation, which takes shape as a commitment to management; Social Responsibility, by means of the distribution of wealth based on solidarity; and Innovation, focusing on constant renewal in all areas."
What problem do you have with businesses being run by a majority of workers instead of the richest one percent of shareholders/stakeholders?
The majority of workers aren't running companies right now because they don't know how to effectively run a company, Einstien....

If you'd ever signed the front of a paycheck, you couldn't possibly have asked such a stupid question.
Elitism ^

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