The Latest Jobs Report


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
While Obama is touting it as great strides, digging deeper shows the truth.

Low-quality positions accounted for nearly 1/3 of the new jobs. In total, 55% of the new jobs were below the median wage level. The article doesn't include how many were part-time.

Sour story @ Dad29 Obozo s Jobs Report w/links
That is some serious pointless information without a frame of reference.

What percentage of jobs were low quality 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago?
That is some serious pointless information without a frame of reference.

What percentage of jobs were low quality 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago?

dear we all know low quality service jobs are replacing what used to be our higer class middle class jobs. We are devolving under barry's socialism exactly as the USSR did.
Okay, then tell me what metric is being used to define "low quality" jobs and if they consist of 1/3 of new jobs today what was the average over previous years? Without this information the 1/3 is pointless.
Okay, then tell me what metric is being used to define "low quality" jobs and if they consist of 1/3 of new jobs today what was the average over previous years? Without this information the 1/3 is pointless.

dear there are now more part time jobs and fewer full time jobs than when Barry took office. What does that tell you??

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