The Lap Dog Media Tries to Save the Skin of Gavin Newsom

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Checked my old home town newspaper as I occasionally do.
This story from the San Jose Mercury News is making the rounds in California newspapers and media.
It says, in effect, Hey! Don't impeach imperious clown Gavin Newsom. It will really cost you money if you do.

"Four-hundred million dollars.
That's one estimate for how much the election to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom could cost taxpayers this fall.
Could the hefty price tag become the focus of voter backlash against the Republican-led effort to oust the Democratic governor just a year before he would otherwise face re-election?"

Look at the fear and desperation as they (media monkeys) try all the subtle threatening messages they can to save the skin of one time democrat Golden Boy Newsom. Don't impeach Newsom, it implores.
That's what the republicans (oooh, yech) want you to do! It doesn't matter that plenty of democrats, tired of the Sacramento cesspool put their names on a recall petition too, looks like

And that "one estimate" of how much some unknown dem consultant said a recall would cost (Four hundred that really news, now....what some anonymous unaccountable voices guess?). Although other unquoted voices presumably have their own estimates but they aren't referenced at all. Hmmm, I wonder why?

Everyone now knows the famous, or infamous, three star restaurant in Yountville ( The French Lanudry) where Gavin and some Sacramento lobbyists were busted spending lots of taxpayer dollars cooking up deals of some sort while stuffing their faces and boozing it up. Gov. Gavin Newsom's 'Dinnergate' Apology Grows From Little White Lie to Whopper - California Globe
$310 per diner, reportedly. The liquor bill was somewhere between $12 and $15 thousand dollars!
Let them eat three star California/French cuisine says emperor Newsom.

And adding insult to injury, in a state where cops were busting surfers for not wearing face diapers while out in the Pacific ocean surfing, Gavin's little get together went sans masks!

And that pissed many people off at the "let them eat cake" audacity and impudence Newsom, who was already in hot water, displayed with his do what I say, not what I do, King of France boldness.

So after trying to laugh off the recall effort it qualified for the ballot (one of California's few saving graces is the ability to recall scumbag politicians, like Gavin, as granted in the state constitution).
And Newsom has lots of big important friends to help pull his ass out of the fire he's built for himself (While in school, Newsom spent a semester studying abroad in Rome. Newsom's aunt was married to Ron Pelosi, the brother-in-law of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.).

So a save Gavin campaign is going on and undoubtedly we will see many editorials trying to gas light voters and spare Gavin's skin (Newsom also granted his own Plump Jack winery and diner in Napa an exemption from a covid lock down that of course put many small business owners, not named Gavin Newsom, in the economic grave). So let's see how voters react. Will they forgive and forget? Or give him a political Jacobin hair cut, starting at the neck?
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Why does Gavin Newsom remind me of a Star Trek villain?


Checked my old home town newspaper as I occasionally do.
This story from the San Jose Mercury News is making the rounds in California newspapers and media.
It says, in effect, Hey! Don't impeach imperious clown Gavin Newsom. It will really cost you money if you do.

"Four-hundred million dollars.
That's one estimate for how much the election to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom could cost taxpayers this fall.
Could the hefty price tag become the focus of voter backlash against the Republican-led effort to oust the Democratic governor just a year before he would otherwise face re-election?"

Look at the fear and desperation as they (media monkeys) try all the subtle threatening messages they can to save the skin of one time democrat Golden Boy Newsom. Don't impeach Newsom, it implores.
That's what the republicans (oooh, yech) want you to do! It doesn't matter that plenty of democrats, tired of the Sacramento cesspool put their names on a recall petition too, looks like

And that "one estimate" of how much some unknown dem consultant said a recall would cost (Four hundred that really news, now....what some anonymous unaccountable voices guess?). Although other unquoted voices presumably have their own estimates but they aren't referenced at all. Hmmm, I wonder why?

Everyone now knows the famous, or infamous, three star restaurant in Yountville ( The French Lanudry) where Gavin and some Sacramento lobbyists were busted spending lots of taxpayer dollars cooking up deals of some sort while stuffing their faces and boozing it up. Gov. Gavin Newsom's 'Dinnergate' Apology Grows From Little White Lie to Whopper - California Globe
$310 per diner, reportedly. The liquor bill was somewhere between $12 and $15 thousand dollars!
Let them eat three star California/French cuisine says emperor Newsom.

And adding insult to injury, in a state where cops were busting surfers for not wearing face diapers while out in the Pacific ocean surfing, Gavin's little get together went sans masks!

And that pissed many people off at the "let them eat cake" audacity and impudence Newsom, who was already in hot water, displayed with his do what I say, not what I do, King of France boldness.

So after trying to laugh off the recall effort it qualified for the ballot (one of California's few saving graces is the ability to recall scumbag politicians, like Gavin, as granted in the state constitution).
And Newsom has lots of big important friends to help pull his ass out of the fire he's built for himself (While in school, Newsom spent a semester studying abroad in Rome. Newsom's aunt was married to Ron Pelosi, the brother-in-law of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.).

So a save Gavin campaign is going on and undoubtedly we will see many editorials trying to gas light voters and spare Gavin's skin (Newsom also granted his own Plump Jack winery and diner in Napa an exemption from a covid lock down that of course put many small business owners, not named Gavin Newsom, in the economic grave). So let's see how voters react. Will they forgive and forget? Or give him a political Jacobin hair cut, starting at the neck?
You noticed they completely ignored Cuomo at the same time?
Newsome is a bad person with a phony smile. His worse traits are that he's a liar, a weasel and an insider crook. The papers that come to his rescue should be boycotted.
Cracks me up every time I see 'Republican led...'

Seventy percent of the signatures came from LA County.
And that price tag of $400 million dollars...

is crumbs compared to the > $1 Trillion Cali is in debt.
Newsome is a bad person with a phony smile. His worse traits are that he's a liar, a weasel and an insider crook. The papers that come to his rescue should be boycotted.
I'd love to see Newsom ousted, but not if it means Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is the next governor.
Newsome is a bad person with a phony smile. His worse traits are that he's a liar, a weasel and an insider crook. The papers that come to his rescue should be boycotted.
Like Your guy was any better. The only difference is, right wingers prefer actors to politicians.
I prefer successful businessmen who treat my country like he or she treats their business. I don't like the monkey see monkey do Democrat approach that always thinks money is no object. I also despise the Marxism and racism which are running rampant in the Democrat party.
Newsome is a bad person with a phony smile. His worse traits are that he's a liar, a weasel and an insider crook. The papers that come to his rescue should be boycotted.
Like Your guy was any better. The only difference is, right wingers prefer actors to politicians.
I prefer successful businessmen who treat my country like he or she treats their business. I don't like the monkey see monkey do Democrat approach that always thinks money is no object. I also despise the Marxism and racism which are running rampant in the Democrat party.
Right wingers are worse. And, Republicans are just plain hypocrites regarding deficit spending and limited government.
How many millions did they spend unsuccessfully trying to impeach President Trump -- TWICE?
That's different! It's Trump and Putin...Russia Russia Russia! A dictator and threat to our democracy
blah blah...
Throw in the Mueller farce and other assorted attempts to smear and damage the Orange Man President
and the tab to subvert our democracy must be sky high. And still that does not even mention how much
Facebook Boy Mark Zuckerberg donated to the cabal that engineered the illegal usurpation of Trump.

Taking Gavin Newsom behind the woodshed in Sacramento for a California whipping must be a pittance compared to what was spent to illegally remove Donald Trump. But I commend the left with always
having the money to finance their anti Capitalist schemes and plans.

Karl Marx himself was an unemployed bum who was always broke and whining about the people who actually had gumption and drive and he founded an entire philosophy and political system to make sure the people that sponge off the rich are treated as co-equals though they are anything but.

I'm not claiming by the way that the rich won't exploit the poor if not closely watched. It's just obvious
that a society that thinks they can make everyone equal is fooling themselves and headed
for the trash bin of history. Equality of opportunity...not outcome! Down with Neo Marxist dogma!

The democrat party has been a Neo-Marxist organization for a long time, always willing and able to take the money of others to fund their own nefarious plans, such as usurping Donald Trump.
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Berkeley is hardly a bellweather community. Newsom is depending on the massive fraud machine to save him simply because that's how he got elected in the first place.

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