The Kiss Of Death! Team Bush and Karl Rove are Group Behind Ron DeSantis Effort….

How is it useful to be associated with people whom the base despises?

Agreed. While there are many good things I've seen that I like very much in DeSantis, a LOT of questions remain. Perhaps like Trump whose inexperience in Washington led him to pick many bad people as the best he could find or was lead to at the time, maybe DeSantis is too getting bad advice. Or maybe it is exactly what he really wants.

I was less than thrilled with DeSantis' replies to the topic of Trump's possible indictment the other week.

Trump has a number of negatives that makes him less than perfect that I already long know about. Few candidates ever are "perfect." The question now is whether he will shed any of them going into '24 as we learn what all of DeSantis' negatives are.
Sigh, if you are serious about removing Biden/Harris from the WH, there is no objective reason to support Trump in the primary, only feels.

The right-leaning are not supposed to be as subject to feels-based actions as the leftists do time and again.

Don't act the leftist in that regard.
Just goes to show, like most things rightwing, it’s just a facade (as if all the right’s behavior since losing in 2020 wasn’t emotional).
Just goes to show, like most things rightwing, it’s just a facade (as if all the right’s behavior since losing in 2020 wasn’t emotional).
Meh, I've no doubt that there was massive cheating and ballot harvesting but I moved on when the Kraken did not appear.

Voting regs have been shored-up in many states with more to follow (like Virginia) once the dems are tossed aside this coming November.....Just in time for '24.

The task ahead is what is important and IMHO there is no point in voting for Trump in the primary if there is a viable alternative.

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