The kid is going to work


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
She worked last year as a 14 y.o. in Idaho, while she was staying with her brother...but I wasn't there to witness it. This summer she's 15 and going to be working at a place literally a block away, I can see her work from my front door and that is awesome.

The youngest boy won't be able to work this year, he's only 14 and Oregon doesn't like 14 y.o. kids to work. But he will next year and that is a huge milestone for us...when kids are able to work and contribute towards the household.

The oldest boy and his fam are going to move out at some point this month. I'm looking forward to having a little less financial burden and fewer people for a while. Though honestly, the burden never really goes away at least not in any of the families I know lol. And I will miss my grandkids! We went fishing last weekend and gramma was running from one pole to the other yanking hooks out pretty fast for an old lady.

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