The Key To Meeting With Obama Is Question Everything

I'm expecting a LOT of good to come from this.

Chiefly being the TRUTH about the Republican Party's agenda will be exposed.

The only people that are AGAINST this are the people that have an agenda to keep the TRUTH...FROM the population.

Me....? I can't wait.

How's it going so far? Anybody have a link online to watch and/or listen to it live?


We've been very clear about our agenda from the beginning.

We want to fix the problem. Not make it worse.
Well then you agree that the Republicans are as wrong now as those Democrats were wrong then.

Interesting that you cited the year 2005. That's the year the Republicans passed Medicaid and Medicare reform with a tiebreaking vote by VP Cheney... much for the Republicans crying about reconciliation.


Reconciliation had nothing to do with the Medicaid and Medicare "reform"

And if I opposed the Republicans then, why on earth would i now support the Democrats making things even worse?
Obama is about to start his dog and pony show.

The only safe way to treat him is like you would treat N. Korea. Nether practices honesty.

So Obama is using this sham to appear presidential and he's gonna hog the time never answering questing with yes or no answers.

Does anyone expect anything good to come from this?

Obama is well know for talking the talk but never walking the walk.

Jobs are being lost in increasing numbers so this is all just bad timing that they're back to talking about health care.

We just can't afford to work on something when people are about to lose their homes and haven't been working for one maybe two years now.

What a waste of time and money.

Yesterday the gaudawful display with Toyota's CEO was bad. I expect this to be even worse.

What say you??

The key to any politician is to question everything. They are beholden to us, after all.
there is no ticker in the on line streaming.


So you ARE aware that they ALWAYS do this on the actual cable channel then?

Good...we are on the same page.

I do not watch Fox on TV so I wouldn't say I am on the same page as you. And I don't get the "LOL!!!" what is so funny?

I happened to Google something like "health care summit live stream" and the Fox one was the first to come up.
there is no ticker in the on line streaming.


So you ARE aware that they ALWAYS do this on the actual cable channel then?

Good...we are on the same page.

I do not watch Fox on TV so I wouldn't say I am on the same page as you. And I don't get the "LOL!!!" what is so funny?

I happened to Google something like "health care summit live stream" and the Fox one was the first to come up.

But Fox is the DEBIL!!!!!!!! At least that's what momma says.

You know, even watching a live stream from Fox online I might get brainwashed. I mean come on, we all know Fox is evil and has powers to do this kind of thing.

You've been very clear from the beginning alright...that you want to DESTROY Obama and his Administration at all costs. Anything to make his "Waterloo" a reality. Even at the cost of America. And you've said as much...publicly...from the beginning.
You've been very clear from the beginning alright...that you want to DESTROY Obama and his Administration at all costs. Anything to make his "Waterloo" a reality. Even at the cost of America. And you've said as much...publicly...from the beginning.

And fortunately for us he's made the job much much easier!
At least Rabbi's honest about his contempt for America. Will the rest of you Neo-Cons come out of your closet at well?
At least Rabbi's honest about his contempt for America. Will the rest of you Neo-Cons come out of your closet at well?

I'd really like to know how you figure that the people that you label "Neo-Cons" have contempt for America, when it's the Democrats who are pushing this health care bill that right around 70% of Americans don't want. Please explain.

You've been very clear from the beginning alright...that you want to DESTROY Obama and his Administration at all costs. Anything to make his "Waterloo" a reality. Even at the cost of America. And you've said as much...publicly...from the beginning.

Maybe you'd like to actually specify who you're talking about here?

Nice to see wingnuts going from complaining about closed door meetings to complaining about televised meetings.

You know, once in awhile you people could at least aspire to demonstrating an ounce of credibility.

Yeah, remember when you heard complaints about Obama always being on TV and campaigning for health care reform, and then when it didn't get passed they claimed he didn't do anything.

I appreciate that this is complicated but.... He had a SUPERMAJORITY for a WHOLE YEAR. Why didn't he pass it?
Nice to see wingnuts going from complaining about closed door meetings to complaining about televised meetings.

You know, once in awhile you people could at least aspire to demonstrating an ounce of credibility.

Well, considering that the bulk of their arguments have dealt with procedure and other side issues and the small part of their arguments that have been about actual ideas has been shown to be mostly a steaming pile of dogshit, what other choice do they have?
Nice to see wingnuts going from complaining about closed door meetings to complaining about televised meetings.

You know, once in awhile you people could at least aspire to demonstrating an ounce of credibility.

We still want the Hearings Televised like Barry Promised... This isn't a Hearing, leftwingnut. ;)



Couldn't have been hearings because the POTUS isn't in control of hearings, congress is. If you went back and checked, I think you'd find that he said 'negotiations'. Now, whether or not this is a 'negotiation', I'll leave for you to decide.

Arguing the point with them is fruitless, cuz no matter how this got done, it would have been unfair to the Repubs.
well, the asswipe just blew John McCain off on the issue of favored status.. that ain't gonna sit well with Americans..

What makes you so sure? Maybe more Americans are gonna see the grumpy old sore loser a lot of us on here saw.
Could one of our liberal friends, any of our liberal friends, please explain how the hell the Republicans are responsible for not passing the damned bill already? The Democrats had 60 damned senators.... WHY no bill?

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