The jobless recovery


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004

Michael Ramirez, cartoonist for Investor's Business Daily, may have summed it up best.

In a recent offering, he shows President Barack Obama bending over to address a pathetic, bug-eyed, obviously exhausted American businessman, who struggles on one knee to hold aloft on his shoulders an entire globe labeled "Taxes / Regulations / Uncertainty."

"Well, don't just sit there," the president instructs the capitalist with a wave of his hand, "Step up and hire workers."

"Nearly two years after the economic recovery officially began, job creation continues to stagger at the slowest post-recession rate since the Great Depression," USA Today reported Friday.

The nation has 5 percent fewer jobs today -- a loss of 7 million -- than it did when the recession began in December 2007. Hardest hit? Housing.

"That is by far the worst performance of job generation following any of the dozen recessions since the 1930s," the newspaper reports. "In the past, the economy recovered lost jobs 13 months on average after a recession. If this were a typical recovery, nearly 10 million more people would be working today than when the recession officially ended in June 2009."

But they're not.

The jobless recovery - Opinion -
Their numbers have all been lies. The real Unemployment numbers are much much higher than their 9% number. None of their numbers ever add up. This current Administration has cooked the books more than any other Administration in History has. Their 9% Unemployment is pure fantasy. It's much much worse.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers and workers are still not seeing eye to eye on the job market.

The government's highly anticipated April jobs report showed somewhat of a paradox Friday. Employers claim they added 244,000 jobs in April, but workers say they lost 190,000, pushing the unemployment rate up to 9%, from 8.8%.

914Print"We're still in this zone where we don't have these two surveys agreeing," said Heidi Shierholz, economist for the Economic Policy Institute. "Was April positive or negative? Our two major surveys don't agree on that simple fact."

So why the disparity? Read it here and see a graph:

Jobs report shows disconnect between workers and employers - May. 6, 2011
Their numbers have all been lies. The real Unemployment numbers are much much higher than their 9% number. None of their numbers ever add up. This current Administration has cooked the books more than any other Administration in History has. Their 9% Unemployment is pure fantasy. It's much much worse.

The unemployment number is higher because once someones unemployment runs off they take them off the books, regardless of whether they found a job or not. The numbers they have are for the people who are recieving unemployment compensation, if you are unemployed and your money has run out, you don't count in this 9% number.
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Obama is blaming everybody but himself for the sluggish are 3 examples of Obama's socialistic government policies that are holding back economic recovery....

...the reality is that Mr. Obama has set wheels in motion that cannot easily be reversed. Three recent examples of the government setting back the cause of commerce make this clear.

In the first, the National Labor Relations Board has petitioned the courts to prevent Boeing from moving some of its assembly operations to South Carolina, one of our country’s 22 right-to-work states.

Boeing has already spent billions of dollars on a new plant at which it intends to build it second line of Dreamliners.

This unprecedented interference in the private sector rings alarm bells among business managers, and rightly so. It exposes the inherently pro-union bias of this administration, which has been made manifest in many ways – including the appointment of Craig Becker, former Counsel to the SEIU and AFL-CIO, to the National Labor Relations Board.

The second is the effort by the Health and Human Services Department to remove Howard Solomon, CEO of Forest Labs, from office. Mr. Solomon has never been accused of any wrong-doing, much less convicted, in a case involving misleading advertising and kickbacks to doctors undertaken by one of the company’s divisions. Forest Labs settled all charges last year but recently the HHS sent a letter suggesting it may “exclude” Mr. Solomon from doing business with the government. If they follow through on this threat, Mr. Solomon will have to step down.

No pharmaceutical company can survive without access to the federal money spout. This tactic is a way to bolster President Obama’s claims that he can salvage Medicare by going after waste and fraud – a major element in his completely inadequate response to Paul Ryan’s aggressive program aimed at guaranteeing the survival of the healthcare plan.

The third is the EPA’s recent move to block Shell Oil from drilling on its leases offshore Alaska. The EPA is not charging that Shell has acted unsafely, or that it has polluted the ocean. Rather, it is preventing the company from following up on its multi-billion dollar investment in the program by charging that emissions from an ice-breaking vessel could harm the air quality in a village some 70 miles distant.

Actually, the clamp-down stemmed from a theoretical estimation forecasting that the drilling would render the village’s air “close to air quality standards.” With Americans struggling to manage $4 per gallon gasoline prices, having the EPA step in the way of exploring a region estimated to hold an estimated 27 billion barrels of oil is unimaginable.

President Obama may have pivoted towards the center after the election, but the officials he put in place to direct his administration have not changed, and are just gathering steam. Across government today we have virulently pro-union, pro-environmental and anti-business activists in place. If Americans are wondering what’s slowing us down, they can start here.

3 Ways Team Obama Is Holding Back Our Economic Recovery -
The right crashed this economy by not inforcing the protections written into Gramm leach Bliely act.

They held up the broker rules for years so the banks could act in any manner they wished.

They did and crashed the economy.
They don't care about the economy, jobs or our business as long as the government workers keep on getting their annual 3% raises & retire on their multi million dollar pensions after only working 20 years.
Why did the SEC under Bush try over and over again to not put in place the protections written into GLBA?
Note which party controlled things when the JOBS were created!!!!!

Average Stock Market gain during Democratic Congress: +9.8%
Average Stock Market gain during Republican Congress: +30.1%

Average Stock Market gain during Democratic President:
with Democratic Congress support: +13.2%
with Republican Congress opposition: +32.6%
(+18.8% regardless of Congress)

Average Stock Market gain during Republican President:
With Democratic Congress opposition: +6.6%
With Republican Congress support: +25.3%
(+13.3% regardless of Congress)

This is not my opinion. These are facts.


The fact that the SEC unders Bush gamed the protections in GLBA will not go away because you ignore it
The right crashed this economy by not inforcing the protections written into Gramm leach Bliely act.

They held up the broker rules for years so the banks could act in any manner they wished.

They did and crashed the economy.

Bitching about the past does not excuse what Obama is doing right now.....

Besides....regarding the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act.....that was legislation signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1999.....and the facts are it was President George Bush and McCain(R) among others who repeatedly warned Democrats about a financial and housing crisis....

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I don't know how much plainer it can be, we raised spending dramatically in 2009 - 2011, but we're no better off. We're not creating enough jobs and our economy is barely treading water, at 1.8% in the 1st qtr of this year. The current Obama policies just are not working.
Umm one must look to who/when/how the foundations for this mess was laid to come up with a soloution. Looking only at the result and trying to find a soloution is just asinine.
And once again a handful here show exactly why nothing will improve.
There are always those that blame one side or the other, never even pausing to understand that they are all complicit in this mess - and BOTH sides have done little to change a damn thing.
Oh remember the days when the Democrats used to be so outraged over Bush's 4% Unemployment and Record High Stock Markets? Yea now look at em spin their Hopey Changey's awful 9% Unemployment and Record High Poverty. And i still stand by what i said earlier. Their 9% Unemployment number is a lie. It's really much much worse.
And once again a handful here show exactly why nothing will improve.
There are always those that blame one side or the other, never even pausing to understand that they are all complicit in this mess - and BOTH sides have done little to change a damn thing.

Agreed, but at least the GOP has put out a budget plan with some details to it. Obama and the Dems have offered nothing but criticism. Obama is the President of the United States, why isn't he leading on this instead of campaigning for re-election 18 months out. Until the Dems sit down at the table and cut spending, we're screwed.
The right crashed this economy by not inforcing the protections written into Gramm leach Bliely act.

They held up the broker rules for years so the banks could act in any manner they wished.

They did and crashed the economy.

Bitching about the past does not excuse what Obama is doing right now.....

Besides....regarding the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act.....that was legislation signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1999.....and the facts are it was President George Bush and McCain(R) among others who repeatedly warned Democrats about a financial and housing crisis....

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown‬‏[/ame]

Yup. TDM don't want to hear that though.

In her pea brain the Dems can do no wrong and they had nothing whatsoever to do with the economy crashing. They are in fact saving the day. (according to TDM that is)

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