Obama doesn't ask for approval on the Libya war

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Under the War Powers Act, President Barack Obama had until Friday to get congressional authorization to continue U.S. military operations in Libya. But the day passed without his even asking for it, which means he has to disengage within 30 days. Obama may not heed that requirement either....

Obama is on the horns of a dilemma. As a candidate, he said the president does not have the power to go to war on his own except in cases of actual or likely attack. But if he were to ask Congress to authorize the Libyan intervention, he would probably be rebuffed. So he's chosen to simply ignore the law.

President Barack Obama's war in Libya, and Congress' inaction, show War Powers Act is not effective - chicagotribune.com

This, folks, is an impeachable offense, in what should be anyone's book.
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Obama has played fast and loose with the law in any number of cases. Since the press is totally in the tank for him he can get away with anything short of an actual martial law declaration.
The GOP in Congress needs to call him out on it and cut off funding for his illegal undeclared war.

[Countdown to "BOOOSH" in 3...2....1....]
Under the War Powers Act, President Barack Obama had until Friday to get congressional authorization to continue U.S. military operations in Libya. But the day passed without his even asking for it, which means he has to disengage within 30 days. Obama may not heed that requirement either....

Obama is on the horns of a dilemma. As a candidate, he said the president does not have the power to go to war on his own except in cases of actual or likely attack. But if he were to ask Congress to authorize the Libyan intervention, he would probably be rebuffed. So he's chosen to simply ignore the law.

President Barack Obama's war in Libya, and Congress' inaction, show War Powers Act is not effective - chicagotribune.com

This, folks, is an impeachable offense, in what should be anyone's book.

What was it: Bush's coalition going into Iraq had three times as many countries, and he got congressional approval. In his process, he also went to the UN a few times. Is this right? Does anyone know the process the Bush administration took compared to Obama's?

Is there a clear difference between a "kinetic military operation" and a "war" that would make these two examples not analogous? I don't think so.
Obama is a warmonger, like Bush, attacking a country completely unprovoked.

Qadaffi is an awful man, but has a history of being open to diplomacy, and despite all the campaign rhetoric Obama has proven himself to be a cruise missile launcher first-diplomacy 2nd (if ever) type.
Under the War Powers Act, President Barack Obama had until Friday to get congressional authorization to continue U.S. military operations in Libya. But the day passed without his even asking for it, which means he has to disengage within 30 days. Obama may not heed that requirement either....

Obama is on the horns of a dilemma. As a candidate, he said the president does not have the power to go to war on his own except in cases of actual or likely attack. But if he were to ask Congress to authorize the Libyan intervention, he would probably be rebuffed. So he's chosen to simply ignore the law.

President Barack Obama's war in Libya, and Congress' inaction, show War Powers Act is not effective - chicagotribune.com

This, folks, is an impeachable offense, in what should be anyone's book.
What was it: Bush's coalition going into Iraq had three times as many countries, and he got congressional approval. In his process, he also went to the UN a few times. Is this right? Does anyone know the process the Bush administration took compared to Obama's?
GWB acted on a resolution of force - a de facto declaration of war - from Congress and held to the requirements of the WPA.
Obama is a warmonger, like Bush, attacking a country completely unprovoked.
Qadaffi is an awful man, but has a history of being open to diplomacy, and despite all the campaign rhetoric Obama has proven himself to be a cruise missile launcher first-diplomacy 2nd (if ever) type.
The Obama said that the CinC has no power to act militarily w/o authorization from Congress.

The Obama should lead the charge for impeachment.
This is another of the many issues surrounding The Obama that will seperate the Liberals from the partisan bigots.


The war in Libya goes against many conservative and liberal principles.

Time to see who will stick to those principles, or has them in the first place.

1) Has Libya attacked us?

2) Are they an imminent threat?

3) Is there a US interest there?

4) Are we involved in a civil war?

5) Is there Congressional approval?

6) Is it in contravention of actual, codified US law?

The Obama comes up on the wrong side of each one of those questions - keep in mind that it was His side who created the checklist to begin with.
Obama asks Congress for resolution on Libya

L.A. Times) - Facing criticism from Congress that authority for U.S. military action in Libya is about to expire under the War Powers Act, President Obama asked congressional leaders late Friday for a resolution of support for continuing the military involvement.

"It has always been my view that it is better to take military action, even in limited actions such as this, with congressional engagement, consultation and support," Obama wrote in a letter to the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate. "Congressional action in support of the mission would underline the U.S. commitment to this remarkable international effort."

The War Powers Act requires the White House to seek approval of Congress within 60 days of notification of military activity, a law put in place during the political fallout of the Vietnam War. Friday marked the 60th day since the administration announced the U.S. role in Libya.

Summary of the American and International Press on the Libyan Revolution - <i>Morgan Strong</i>

I do love the call for impeachment too. Hahahahaha.
But the original premise, that Obama was not asking Congress at all, was in fact a fallacy. Correct?

Therefore this thread is in fact DOA.
Under the War Powers Act, President Barack Obama had until Friday to get congressional authorization to continue U.S. military operations in Libya. But the day passed without his even asking for it, which means he has to disengage within 30 days. Obama may not heed that requirement either....

Obama is on the horns of a dilemma. As a candidate, he said the president does not have the power to go to war on his own except in cases of actual or likely attack. But if he were to ask Congress to authorize the Libyan intervention, he would probably be rebuffed. So he's chosen to simply ignore the law.

President Barack Obama's war in Libya, and Congress' inaction, show War Powers Act is not effective - chicagotribune.com

This, folks, is an impeachable offense, in what should be anyone's book.
And who in the Senate has the ability and balls to start the proceedings? I can't think of a one.

Therefore, why should he worry about violating the law? Nobody's going to hold him accountable.

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