The Japanese are pulling another Pearl Harbor on America with the Toyota sneak attack

Jan 17, 2010
What a clever way to get back at American's by importing defective Toyota's that will kill or injure American drivers. This is another reason why the Japs should never be trusted. They are great at deception and have known about these vehicles and their problems. I urge all Americans to come together and boycott buying these vehicles. That's put them out of business and start buying American Cars and Trucks. Show your patriotism.
one of the dumbest....but naw...not the dumbest thread ever.
My Toyota trucks are the most reliable vehicles I have ever owned. I think the government and state controlled media are trying to do Government Motors a favor. I don't buy into this crap that a vehicle as far back as a 2004 is suddenly a death trap on the road.

Not to mention, many Toyotas are built in the USA.

So, carry on with your "boycott", although I doubt you've ever actually owned one. I'll keep driving mine.
What a clever way to get back at American's by importing defective Toyota's that will kill or injure American drivers. This is another reason why the Japs should never be trusted. They are great at deception and have known about these vehicles and their problems. I urge all Americans to come together and boycott buying these vehicles. That's put them out of business and start buying American Cars and Trucks. Show your patriotism.

Holy shit....did you REALLY just say that? You DO know that all Toyotas sold in the USA are made in the USA now, right?
What a clever way to get back at American's by importing defective Toyota's that will kill or injure American drivers. This is another reason why the Japs should never be trusted. They are great at deception and have known about these vehicles and their problems. I urge all Americans to come together and boycott buying these vehicles. That's put them out of business and start buying American Cars and Trucks. Show your patriotism.

Does that mean that crap cars like Ford, GM, and Chrysler are Americans out to get us?
So the Japanese are trying to attack us by spending billions while recalling their products so that no one gets hurt?

Wouldnt a better revenge be to keep taking our money and laugh at us?
What a clever way to get back at American's by importing defective Toyota's that will kill or injure American drivers. This is another reason why the Japs should never be trusted. They are great at deception and have known about these vehicles and their problems. I urge all Americans to come together and boycott buying these vehicles. That's put them out of business and start buying American Cars and Trucks. Show your patriotism.

I do not agree with this asessment. In anycase? The American people being of sound MIND will cease buying their product. End Story. THEY LOSE in your scenario.
So they're willing to throw a ton of money into recalling cars, settling lawsuits and get bad press to kill Americans.

What a clever way to get back at American's by importing defective Toyota's that will kill or injure American drivers. This is another reason why the Japs should never be trusted. They are great at deception and have known about these vehicles and their problems. I urge all Americans to come together and boycott buying these vehicles. That's put them out of business and start buying American Cars and Trucks. Show your patriotism.

You do realize that the majority of Toyota's sold here, are made here, by american workers?

I also, do hope you realize that you are bat shit insane.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I think the OP sees Japanese people as this:

You do realize that the majority of Toyota's sold here, are made here, by american workers?

I also, do hope you realize that you are bat shit insane.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The birther and Palin threads were dead giveaways. This is just icing on the delicious cake that is irony. :lol:
What a clever way to get back at American's by importing defective Toyota's that will kill or injure American drivers. This is another reason why the Japs should never be trusted. They are great at deception and have known about these vehicles and their problems. I urge all Americans to come together and boycott buying these vehicles. That's put them out of business and start buying American Cars and Trucks. Show your patriotism.


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