Funding America: The Negotiation (iTV)


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Sep 22, 2013
Americans deeply care about consumerism, and understanding the links between society customs and marketing helps us appreciate the modernism psychological value of 'aesthetics films' such as Toys.



"Americans were interested in celebrating a special competitive 'aesthetic' which made sports and athlete-celebrities such as Michael Jordan icons for marketing and companies (e.g., Nike). Funding this aesthetic required a serious mediation on consumerism philosophy itself, since media was the 'arm' of commerce-based networking (e.g., Facebook)."


"American sports-fans loved NCAA basketball champions and the two iconic coaches, Coach K (Duke University) and Rick Pitino (University of Kentucky), squared off in a classic 1992 tournament game which would be hailed as the greatest college athletics game of the 20th century, an overtime classic that was decided by a heart-stopping buzzer-beater. As fans and audiences celebrated these two masterful coaches, Coach K and Pitino, coordinating their outstanding teams, they realized how fun modern TV could be in this age of sports-marketing."


"America is really about division of labor with minimal governmental interference. Therefore, democracy/capitalism is like 'separated lions' of aspiration. Each conceptual lion represents a 'face' of American civilization --- e.g., jurisprudence, commerce, religion, networking. To negotiate a balanced America, consumers had to appreciate why commerce was wed to the 'aesthetics' of 'customs-discourse philosophy' (e.g., MTV)."


"After 9/11, Americans were paranoid about networking breaking down in the face of great anti-capitalism/anti-Western angst. The destruction of the World Trade Center in NYC frightened the everyday consumer who believed a blithe celebration of 'shopping' did not require too much mediation on the gravity of capitalism itself. Now, the Trump Administration had to deal with commercial political institutions such as the European Union and OPEC."


"A ruthless Chicago gangster named Kingpin who had ties to the legitimate business world, importing olive oil very lucratively from Italy, created a new local TV network called 'iTV.' This network featured all kinds of commentaries on the fun of capitalism and the practicality of bravado in this new age of aesthetics-based fortune-hunting. Soon, iTV became the new 'piracy-chatter caravan.' Kingpin was a god."


"As iTV became the new standard for 'underground dialogue,' nearly becoming as popular as MTV, Kingpin decided to distribute his recorded speeches about 'capitalism-fitness' on vintage 1980s compact audio cassettes. When the FBI got hold of one of these tapes, they realized Kingpin was more powerful now in America than even the 'revolutionary druglord' Pablo Escobar had become in South America."


"Apple Computers were considered the iconic/symbolic consumerism 'trophies' in America, since they were useful for life and business but also resembled toys. It was as if commerce was creating a brand new 'intellectual negotiation.' So, who would be the true 'society diplomats' in this new age of merchandising?"


TRUMP: I hate iTV, Carter!
CARTER: It's the 'evil version' of MTV, sir...
TRUMP: Kingpin's tapes were rather clever.
CARTER: The FBI believes his ambitions were overly-inflated.
TRUMP: It's so challenging 'prosecuting ambition.'
CARTER: Yes, capitalism almost 'fosters' pure yearning.
TRUMP: Anti-Western terrorists hate our consumer-trophies (e.g., Playboy, MTV).
CARTER: Fundamentalists simply think capitalism/consumerism is superficial.
TRUMP: We have to negotiate with OPEC and the European Union using economics.
CARTER: Well, in America, brand-marketing is very symbolic of convenience.
TRUMP: That's true --- e.g., Energizer, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Gap, etc.
CARTER: If capitalism is to become global, we have to address socialism.
TRUMP: Cuba, North Korea, and China are our main rivals in this department, Carter!
CARTER: Maybe Americans should appreciate the archaeological value of Consumer Reports!
TRUMP: Yes, Consumer Reports (magazine) offers shoppers a 'glimpse' of serious reviews.
CARTER: Americans love to be critics but hate being demonized in the world.
TRUMP: Let's hope 9/11 does not become another Pearl Harbor!
CARTER: Everything rests on the quality of responsible-television perhaps (e.g., QVC).



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