The Insanity Of Libertarian Politics


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Libertarians oppose government .. The result? If they get their way, we will repeal the Antitrust laws which prevent huge corporations from destroying the freemarket in their search for profits.
The end of antitrust laws means destruction of small business, soaring prices and unemployment for the small business owners and their employees. The majority of jobs in the USA are created by small business.

Without a strong Federal government, we will have a weakened military. China, Russia and Iran will overwhelm us on the world stage.

Many Libertarians oppose the war on drugs. The devastation caused by Cocaine, Heroin and Methamphetamine will get much worse. Organized crime will expand on the increased profits and the violence we see at the Mexican Border will get much worse.

The libs want to privatize education. Many people cannot afford to pay tuition to private schools. Their lives and futures will go south.
If they get their way, we will repeal the Antitrust laws which prevent huge corporations from destroying the freemarket in their search for profits.

Anti-trust laws only succeed in letting governments set up the monopolies they choose. Government sanctioned monopolies sold to the highest bidder.

"When buying and selling are legislated, the first thing to be bought and sold are legislators"

-- P.J. O'Rourke, "Parliament of Whores"
Libertarians oppose government .. The result? If they get their way, we will repeal the Antitrust laws which prevent huge corporations from destroying the freemarket in their search for profits.
The end of antitrust laws means destruction of small business, soaring prices and unemployment for the small business owners and their employees. The majority of jobs in the USA are created by small business.

Without a strong Federal government, we will have a weakened military. China, Russia and Iran will overwhelm us on the world stage.

Many Libertarians oppose the war on drugs. The devastation caused by Cocaine, Heroin and Methamphetamine will get much worse. Organized crime will expand on the increased profits and the violence we see at the Mexican Border will get much worse.

The libs want to privatize education. Many people cannot afford to pay tuition to private schools. Their lives and futures will go south.
Lol. That’s absurd.

Could you point to a libertarian movement in this country that has any power to accomplish anything? Do you think the libertarian party has has control of Congress?

Was your OP an effort to continue the status quo because you know? we’re doing so great under a quasi Fascist rapacious oligarchy.
Libertarians oppose government .. The result? If they get their way, we will repeal the Antitrust laws which prevent huge corporations from destroying the freemarket in their search for profits.
The end of antitrust laws means destruction of small business, soaring prices and unemployment for the small business owners and their employees. The majority of jobs in the USA are created by small business.

Without a strong Federal government, we will have a weakened military. China, Russia and Iran will overwhelm us on the world stage.

Many Libertarians oppose the war on drugs. The devastation caused by Cocaine, Heroin and Methamphetamine will get much worse. Organized crime will expand on the increased profits and the violence we see at the Mexican Border will get much worse.

The libs want to privatize education. Many people cannot afford to pay tuition to private schools. Their lives and futures will go south.
Once you get this one figured out then we can begin work on your other deficiencies.
Libertarians oppose government .. The result? If they get their way, we will repeal the Antitrust laws which prevent huge corporations from destroying the freemarket in their search for profits.
The end of antitrust laws means destruction of small business, soaring prices and unemployment for the small business owners and their employees. The majority of jobs in the USA are created by small business.

Without a strong Federal government, we will have a weakened military. China, Russia and Iran will overwhelm us on the world stage.

Many Libertarians oppose the war on drugs. The devastation caused by Cocaine, Heroin and Methamphetamine will get much worse. Organized crime will expand on the increased profits and the violence we see at the Mexican Border will get much worse.

The libs want to privatize education. Many people cannot afford to pay tuition to private schools. Their lives and futures will go south.
More Government is definitely not the answer.
The problem with the Libertarian Children is that they think civilization happens without government.

They like the nice parts of civilization, they just don't like the taxes or the regulation that goes along with it.

And that would be great, if they didn't have some high-powered sugar daddies who keep their silly ideas in the public eye and have hijacked the Republican Party.
Libertarians can have the ideas of Dems and Republicans. We live in a high tax nation at this point. Which is part of the conversation. So, Libertarians may also have a left wing and right wing of their ways. In any case, lower taxes are part of it.
The problem with the Libertarian Children is that they think civilization happens without government.

Civilizations don't spontaneously appear. The coalesce from those societal interactions that do spontaneously appear between individuals when they create the communities that allow them survive and prosper.

When a community approaches a tipping point, a few individuals in it will see the benefit of ruling the society rather than merely being a part of it. They take control, sometimes through persuasion, often through violence.

Those who take control, will set up a hierarchy that allows them to perpetuate their control and ensure they will continue to receive the largess that the control allows them to plunder.

When power is firmly established, they will used the power of the state they have created to transform from a force used to maintain the security of the community to one that can turn to conquest, increasing the holdings of the elite, and their subsequent wealth and power.

An intelligent elite will use their plundered power to give their subjugated populations just enough bread and circuses to make them believe the elite will care for them. They may even convince the subjects that fighting, dying, and making sacrifices for the elite is in their best interest.

An unintelligent elite will squeeze their subjects to the point where they eventually will rebel, destroy the civilization (or at least degrade it) and the entire process begins again from what remains.
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Civilizations don't spontaneously appear. The coalesce from those societal interactions the do spontaneously appear between individuals when they create the communities that allow them survive and prosper.

When a community approaches a tipping point, a few individuals in it will see the benefit of ruling the society rather than merely being a part of it. They take control, sometimes through persuasion, often through violence.

Those who take control, will set up a hierarchy that allows them to perpetuate their control and ensure they will continue to receive the largess that the control allows them to plunder.

When power is firmly established, they will used the power of the state they have created to transform from a force used to maintain the security of the community to one that can turn to conquest, increasing the holdings of the elite, and their subsequent wealth and power.

An intelligent elite will use their plundered power to give their subjugated populations just enough bread and circuses to make them believe the elite will care for them. They may even convince the subjects that fighting, dying, and making sacrifices for the elite is in their best interest.

An unintelligent elite will squeeze their subjects to the point where they eventually will rebel, destroy the civilization (or at least degrade it) and the entire process begins again from what remains.

Um, yeah, that sounds like the cry of a loser who doesn't like that most people disagree with them.

The reality is, everything the government does, is something someone wants done. Even the worst governments only continue with the tacit support of their people.

No one rebelled against the Nazis, they fought for them to the last old man and little boy. And after the war, the people who weren't hung at Nuremburg wormed their way back into polite society and started all over again.

Governments, good or bad, are a reflection of our people. As much as I despise Trump, he was never the disease, he was the rash that it broke out into.
The problem with the Libertarian Children is that they think civilization happens without government.

They like the nice parts of civilization, they just don't like the taxes or the regulation that goes along with it.

And that would be great, if they didn't have some high-powered sugar daddies who keep their silly ideas in the public eye and have hijacked the Republican Party.

You are as confused as the OP.
Um, yeah, that sounds like the cry of a loser who doesn't like that most people disagree with them.

The reality is, everything the government does, is something someone wants done. Even the worst governments only continue with the tacit support of their people.

No one rebelled against the Nazis, they fought for them to the last old man and little boy. And after the war, the people who weren't hung at Nuremburg wormed their way back into polite society and started all over again.

Governments, good or bad, are a reflection of our people. As much as I despise Trump, he was never the disease, he was the rash that it broke out into.
Total propaganda.

You must like a government of by and for the ultra rich, as we have today.

The people have little say in what government does. So thinking this quasi Fascist rapacious oligarchy is a reflection of the people, is propaganda promoted by the oligarchy.
Um, yeah, that sounds like the cry of a loser who doesn't like that most people disagree with them.

Actually, it's just a very accurate reading of history of every civilization from Sumeria to so-called Western Civilization.

Believing that the state is the font from which all blessing flow is no different from believing the same of the church.

Oft time in History, the church and the state have been one in the same.

Our founding fathers were apt pupils of classical philosophers such as Locke, Kant, Voltaire, Smith, etc, and believed in a way out of the endless cycle of society -- to monarchy --- to despotism.

They gave us a taste of the Liberty these writers envisioned for human societies. Unfortunately, liberty is an acquired taste and it's often much easier to fall back into a steady diet of letting the state take from you, give some of it back, and imagine you are being cared for.
Lower spending has to come first.

The only way to lower spending is to limit that on which our money can be spent.

As long as an elected politician's only method staying elected is to keep giving us everything we ask for, spending will continue to grow.

Any politicians who doesn't give his constituents what they want will be tossed out of office to be replaced by someone who will.

We cannot reasonably expect any politician to cut spending when he knows full well he will lose his job for doing so.

A way forward might be to seriously restrict those things that a government can legally supply. If they aren't allowed to spend, they will cease to do so.
A way forward might be to seriously restrict those things that a government can legally supply. If they aren't allowed to spend, they will cease to do so.

And how will we do that? Will the politicians pass that law? Do you think that "we the people" can agree on what the Govt should be allowed to spend money on?
And how will we do that? Will the politicians pass that law? Do you think that "we the people" can agree on what the Govt should be allowed to spend money on?

Allow me to make a couple of suggestions:

1. Congress should be prohibited from providing subsidies, bail-outs, tax-incentives, etc. from any private enterprise. Everything from banks to farms. If they can't stay in business without them, they need to be out of business.

2. All defense spending for any territory outside of the borders of the United States should be cut. This includes any weapons programs that provide weapons to foreign countries.

3. End drug prohibition

4. End any government agencies whose mission is to legislate commerce and let markets operate freely.

5. Remove automatic funding of certain budget line items and their subsequent annual inflationary increases. Make all government spending subject to vote every budget cycle.

Just for starters.

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