The Incredbles vs. The Watchmen...the right vs. the left...explains a lot....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
this is written by a former atheist science fiction is a great piece and he really explains a lot when he discusses the Incredibles and the Watchmen......

Superheroes and Antiheroes Story and Antistory John C. Wright s Journal

Upon a time, my son overheard me critiquing the movie WATCHMEN, and asked what I, supposing I had been hired as an author, would have done to revise the ending, or theme, or character arcs, to make the movie hale and sound?

How would I have filmed WATCHMEN?

It is a good question, worth pondering. My answer is: I would have filmed THE INCREDIBLES instead.

The comparison of the two films highlights the differences instructively.

Elsewhere I have described my admiration for WATCHMEN, as I watched it descent through the stages of reluctant admiration, mixed feelings, indifference, and then into a distaste deepening into contempt. I do not propose to repeat those observations here, nor perform that autopsy again.

Nor will I rob Alan Moore of the high praise of which his genius is due: he can be credited with inventing an entire genre and inspiring generation of epigones and imitators. This alone makes his name immortal, and elevates it above the crowded pantheon of lesser writers. He shares the empyrean throne along with such names as Thomas More, Edgar Alan Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle, along with Robert E Howard and JRR Tolkien (who invented the utopian, horror, detective, sword-and-sorcery, high fantasy).

But I will not doff my cap, but rather bite my thumb, at what Alan Moore here wrought. WATCHMAN is act of wanton deconstruction, desecration, and mockery of an entire genre. You have heard of antiheroes. Not until Alan Moore have we heard of antisuperheroes.
And thinking on goes right to the heart of the gun debate...the way anti gunners see those of us who simply want to be left alone, but want to keep ourselves and our families safe.....and the way they sneer at us and put onto us all sorts of depraved motives.......

Read the post by Mr. Wright and everything he describes about the two versions of the hero myth describes the gun debate.....down to the obsession that anti gunners have with penises and guns......

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