`The Impossible Must Be Possible` How the Durham Whodunit Became Who Didn't Do It


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
`The Impossible Must Be Possible`
How the Durham Whodunit Became Who Didn't Do It
19 May 2023 ~~ By Jonatan Turley

Below is my column in the New York Post, which turned out to be the theme for the cover. Despite impressive efforts at spinning the findings by the media, the Durham Report highlighted two scandals. First, there was a comprehensive effort of the political and media establishments to perpetrate one of the great hoaxes in history — a political hit job that ultimately derailed an American presidency. Second, there was no real accountability for that effort for the main players from Clinton to Comey to Congress. It was much like The Murder on the Orient Express. The question is not “whodunit” but who didn’t do it. Spoiler alert: they all did it so no one was punished.
Here is the column:
In Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express,” detective Hercule Poirot observes, “The impossible could not have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances.”​
That may be the best summary of the findings of special prosecutor John Durham in his 305-page report issued yesterday.
Not only did the impossible happen, but they all did it: the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and the media.
In hindsight, it would appear impossible.
A political campaign hatches a plot to create a false claim of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Making this even more implausible is that the CIA and FBI knew about the plan.
As detailed in the report, President Barack Obama and his national security team were briefed on how “a trusted foreign source” revealed “a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”
It then happened a few days later.
It was a plot that required everyone to take a hand in derailing a duly elected president and effectively shutting down his administration for three years of investigation and prosecutions.
In this conspiracy, there were dozens of key participants in the campaign, the government, and the media. Here are a few of the characters implicated in this report.
The campaign
The report details how the Russian collusion conspiracy was invented by Clinton operatives and put into the now-infamous Steele dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign.
The funding was hidden as legal expenses by then-Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias. (The Clinton campaign was later sanctioned by the FEC over its hiding of the funding.)
When Vogel tried to report the story, he said Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.”
The government
Of course, this conspiracy could not occur without the assistance of the FBI, which Durham found played an eager role due to a “predisposition” of key players against Trump.
Special counsel John Durham completed a four-year review of the FBI’s investigation of allegations Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia
Durham found the FBI’s probe was “seriously flawed” and had no basis in evidence, according to a 306-page report released Monday.
The media
The most essential player in this conspiracy was the media, which pumped up the dossier as gospel. On MSNBC, Rachel Maddow assured her viewers that “no major thing from the dossier has been conclusively disproven.”
On CNN, one of the guests insisted, “I think we actually have to stop calling it the ‘infamous dossier’ and increasingly calling it ‘accurate dossier,’ the ‘damning dossier.’”
CNN host Alisyn Camerota attacked Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and said the dossier “hasn’t been discredited, in fact, it has been opposite, it has been corroborated.”
Durham has laid out how the most cited claims were not supported, let alone corroborated.
Indeed, he found there was no basis for this investigation to have been launched in the first place.
Yet, like in “Murder on the Orient Express,” all of the culprits were then let go.
Comey went on to make millions selling books and giving speeches on “ethical leadership.”
Former FBI special agent Peter Strzok was given a job by CNN.
Clinton general counsel Marc Elias is advising people on election ethics and running a group to “defend democracy.”
After all, this was a collective effort. In Washington, the more people involved in a conspiracy, the less culpable it becomes.
They all did it, so no one did.

Interesting thought and terrifying; A “conspiracy” so broad that it is, essentially, the entire Federal government wit a head sake from President Obama and Hillary.
The treatment the FBI gave to Hillary Clinton when she was possibly compromised by Russian disinformation and hence collusion was “tippy toe” compared to how they treated Trump, bent over without vaseline (NB: don’t get excited Svelaz) based on a bar conversation of an Australian at a London bar, the contents of which were hearsay. The sordid, testosterone driven, aggressive, carelessness, that FBI Special Assistants like Lisa Page committed, she being an immoral, sleazy, cheating wife, with Peter Strzok, another immoral degenerate, demonstrates the bias of the FBI, all conducted by violating long established FBI principles in writing. Indeed, it was a horrific example of the weaponization of the FBI against Americans.
Unfortunately, when Truth dies People follow. It is ludicrous to think that these people would hesitate, when they deem it necessary. They will kill, and massively without a single thought. They murder the unborn every day. They are turning our children into sexual mutants. Children! As of now, the People still have the right to confront this evil directly in the public square. There are no more sidelines. If you think there are, you are wrong. They’re coming for us, it’s happening here, and now there is no new America to flee to. We need a Revolution, and we need it now. It can be done.
The CPUSA controlled Maoist/DSA Democrats are in on the divisiveness and weaponization of government agencies right up to their eyeballs. It's their strategy, it's what they want in order to cement permanent power for their political party. Whenever a conservative news commentator refers to Biden or to some destructive Democrat policy or action as ineptitude or not well thought out, it tells me that he or she is just flat out stupid or ignorant, take your pick. None of it is ineptitude, it's all totally intentional, in keeping with their agenda. Anyone who hasn't figured that out by now needs to rethink things. It's literally impossible for any individual or group of educated people to so consistently pursue so many issues in a negative direction without it being by design. If several million voters on the Democrat side don't wake up very soon, they will find themselves living in a society they will find not at all to their liking and there won't be anything, short of protracted armed revolution, they can do about it. I have watched interviews with elderly Chinese who survived Mao Zedong's revolution in China who have said that we are now emulating everything they recall about it and know people who immigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union during the Cold War who have said they can't believe that Americans are allowing the Marxist Maoist left, via the Democratic Party, to drag us into the same quagmire they came here to escape.
The CPUSA controlled Maoist/DSA Democrats are in on the divisiveness and weaponization of government agencies right up to their eyeballs. It's their strategy, it's what they want in order to cement permanent power for their political party. Whenever a conservative news commentator refers to Biden or to some destructive Democrat policy or action as ineptitude or not well thought out, it tells me that he or she is just flat out stupid or ignorant, take your pick. None of it is ineptitude, it's all totally intentional, in keeping with their agenda. Anyone who hasn't figured that out by now needs to rethink things. It's literally impossible for any individual or group of educated people to so consistently pursue so many issues in a negative direction without it being by design. If several million voters on the Democrat side don't wake up very soon, they will find themselves living in a society they will find not at all to their liking and there won't be anything, short of protracted armed revolution, they can do about it. I have watched interviews with elderly Chinese who survived Mao Zedong's revolution in China who have said that we are now emulating everything they recall about it and know people who immigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union during the Cold War who have said they can't believe that Americans are allowing the Marxist Maoist left, via the Democratic Party, to drag us into the same quagmire they came here to escape.

Wow... I don't even know what to make of this rant.

Things are a lot better now than they were in 2020 when Trump messed up... well, everything.

And screaming about the Maoist under your bed is just laughable.

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