The IMPOSSIBLE didn't happen on 911

What experience do you have with structural steel?

What experience?

I've dealt with structural steel and much more. Below is just a little of what I have done.

I did on-site damage assessment studies for the following two disaster sites:

IMC/Angus Chemical
NHRA News: Plant explosion leads to nitro shortage

Shell Oil
Fatal Shell blast may disrupt TPEs. (Shell Chemical Co. explosion in Belpre, Ohio, thermoplastic elastomers) - Chemical Week | HighBeam Research

I was a construction supervisor for blast furnace relinings. I designed, supervised the installation of, and the cleaning of an oxygen line in the River Rouge Complex. I design the hydraulic system for a slab mill. I've done thickness testing on vent stacks in steel mills. I designed and installed piping modules for Anhueser Busch. I designed pipe supports for the The Deseret Chemical Depot in Tooele Utah. I've done design work for all the various disciplines such as structural, mechanical, architectural, process piping, and civil, working directly with engineers who did all sorts of calculations and analysis.

Good enough for you?

I'll take you at your word. Doesn't make you right though.

You're the one defending the conspiracy theory, so you are going with the pancake "theory". Show evidence of pancaked floors.

Also provide extraordinary proof of the extraordinary claim that for the first time in history a steel framed high rise suffered sudden, immediate and total collapse due to a moderate office fire as happened to WTC7, it's also part of your theory.
the jet didnt vanish most of it turned to plasma

as for the harder pieces

you can see parts laying all over the place

that day

The whole plane was vaporized? Even the engines? From a hydrocarbon fire?


no the pictures i posted show engine parts landing gear and other parts of the plane

most of the "vaporizing" was plasma that occurred before the fire

as for a "hydrocarbon" fire it is the available 02 that dictates the temp

of the fire

Are you claiming there was a source of pure oxygen feeding the fire?
It shows how metal can turn into nearly nothing when striking a reinforced wall....

I guess it is pointless if you want to believe there should have been a complete whole plane buried in the ruble at the pentagon

Very small parts of a plane should still add up to the same amount, it doesn't mean that they would vanish.

And if the plane was obliterated when it hit the Pentagon wall how did it punch through the wall and the support columns and the "C"ring wall?

You have to have an answer or your theory is debunked.

The impossible didn't happen on 9-11.

I agree. What happened is what we saw. Two planes hijacked by Al-Queda terrorists flew a plane into each of the towers. As a result, the towers fell. That's the possible.

The impossible is that some shadowy cabal masqueraded as Al-Queda, with Osama Bin Laden in full cooperation, and flew the planes into the buildings, killing all of the innocent people on board plus those in the building, then a crew of demolition experts, who had previously rigged both buildings to fall from the point of impact without anyone in the buildings seeing them do it, set off the explosions AFTER they knew that firemen and policemen would be in the buildings, killing a whole bunch of innocent first responders.

That is exactly what we've been saying. The impossible did not happen on 9-11.

You seam to have forgotten the vanishing plane and the never before occurrence of sudden, immediate and total collapse of a steel framed high rise,WTC7 due to a moderate fire, which is impossible.
As for a conspiracy, since you are defending one you obviously believe that it IS possible.
What experience?

I've dealt with structural steel and much more. Below is just a little of what I have done.

I did on-site damage assessment studies for the following two disaster sites:

IMC/Angus Chemical
NHRA News: Plant explosion leads to nitro shortage

Shell Oil
Fatal Shell blast may disrupt TPEs. (Shell Chemical Co. explosion in Belpre, Ohio, thermoplastic elastomers) - Chemical Week | HighBeam Research

I was a construction supervisor for blast furnace relinings. I designed, supervised the installation of, and the cleaning of an oxygen line in the River Rouge Complex. I design the hydraulic system for a slab mill. I've done thickness testing on vent stacks in steel mills. I designed and installed piping modules for Anhueser Busch. I designed pipe supports for the The Deseret Chemical Depot in Tooele Utah. I've done design work for all the various disciplines such as structural, mechanical, architectural, process piping, and civil, working directly with engineers who did all sorts of calculations and analysis.

Good enough for you?

You don't have to prove yourself to the CT'rs. They are the ones who have no proof...

I know. It's all part of the "game" to these dipshits though. Some like wihosa, because that worked a little with steel or have built houses, think they have an understanding of how steel structures and the engineering used to design said structures seem to work.

The perfect example is wihosa's claim that any given floor is designed to support everything above it.
Don't forget it didn't gain weight and each floor was designed to support all the weight above it with a safety factor of four.

This is completely incorrect as I had shown in my previous post. wihosa has no clue whatsoever what he is talking about. As you and everyone else can see, he's run away with his tail between his legs and NOBODY from the truther side cares to support him. He's been handed his ass and he knows it.

Just because I can't spend all my time here and so there is a delay in my answering doesn't mean I don't have and answer.

As I've already said, I was speaking of the columns, the vertical support for the structure. If as you seem to be implying that the floors pancaked, why is there no evidence of pancaked floors. Why did ALL the columns fail all the way to the ground? Wouldn't there be at least some columns still vertical with pancaked floors around them?

Also it still doesn't explain the vanishing plane or WTC7.

It's you conspiracy theory, defend it!
I know. It's all part of the "game" to these dipshits though. Some like wihosa, because that worked a little with steel or have built houses, think they have an understanding of how steel structures and the engineering used to design said structures seem to work.

The perfect example is wihosa's claim that any given floor is designed to support everything above it.

This is completely incorrect

yes exactly

It should be noted that the author of that silliness - Wilhosa - has since slipped into the fog, perhaps never to be heard from again. Nonetheless it is extremely doubtful that his exposure to facts here will alter his beliefs. :cuckoo:

Wishful thinking on your part to be sure. I have a very busy life and can't spend every waking hour pointing out the obvious to the gullible.

By the way, all the assertions made by the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory, are just that, assertions as NONE have ever been proven in a court of law.

You would think that the defenders of the official conspiracy would want that.

Nope, they believe because they want to believe.
my favorite is missile hits pentagon, in the seconds fallowing the blast a crew of several hundred the managed to place fake plane parts in such away to mimic a crash with real dead bodies and everything.
then disappear with out a trace..
for you dumbshits that's sarcasm...

come on you know not a single body or body part of a plane passenger was found at the pentagon only bodies of pentagon employees..I am unsure as to what occurred at the pentagon but you should at least stick to the facts
a quick check reveals as always that eots is talking out his ass.
the no bodies of passengers of flight 77 claim is brought to you by the usual inside job not credible or verifiable slap dicks who in better then 11 years have done nothing but speciously speculate on the false inside job masturbation fantasy.

flight 77 bodies

Ok, charred bodies, where is the evidence that they are passengers from the plane? There were people in the Pentagon. Shouldn't there have been more than one hundred such charred bodies? And where is the plane, oh that's right, it incinerated.
Previously I started a thread entitled "do you believe the official 911 story?" It was immediately moved to the conspiracy theory category even though I advocated no theory at all. I then followed that up with a thread called "who's the conspiracy theorist?" Where I pointed out that the defenders of the official story are the conspiracy theorists since there was never a criminal trial and so no facts were established and we are left only with the assertions of the official conspiracy theorists.

In my first thread I pointed to two parts of the story which just don't stand scrutiny. First the vanishing pentagon plane and second the collapse of WTC7. These are not the only parts of the story which don't add up, just the most glaring and obvious.

We are to believe that the highjacker was with very little flight training able to make a very tight descending spiral turn and slam into the Pentagon. Professional pilots have attested to the difficulty of this maneuver and doubted an amateur could pull it off. Then the plane punched thought the side of the Pentagon which is two feet thick steel reinforced concrete, the wings folded back but remained attached to the fuselage as well as the tail section and were dragged into the building where it continued on through the structural support columns (these are very substantial as it is a three story structure) and all the way to where it punched another hole in the "C ring" wall in the interior of the Pentagon. Then the entire plane along with the passengers and baggage almost completely burned up, leaving only a couple of pieces of wreckage which could have come from an airliner. Pictures taken immediately after the impact make clear that the exterior wall was still intact and the large structural failure was due to the ensuing fire so what ever hit the pentagon punched through the exterior as it did the "C ring" wall. I noted that one would expect to find at least the tail section on the ground outside the building and much more debris. The conspiracy theorists (defenders of the official story) pointed to a video of a fighter jet on a rail being slammed into a block of concrete as evidence that the plane would have been obliterated, but the video doesn't show the aftermath so it's hard to tell what was left of the plane, besides if the plane was obliterated upon contact how did it punch through the exterior wall, the structural columns and the "C"ring wall? Additionally, even if all these improbable events did occur, the idea that the plane was almost entirely consumed by fire is silly. Aluminum melts at around 1600degrees F but does not burn until heated to over 6000degrees F far beyond the temps resulting from hydrocarbon fires. There should have been large globs of melted aluminum inside the pentagon but the pictures of the aftermath don't show this. Finally I pointed out that there is YouTube video of an airliner of like size and weight which crashed on takeoff in Lagos Nigeria. It slammed into the side of a much less substantial wood frame apartment building. It did not penetrate all the way through. The tail section as expected was almost untouched and though the plane exploded and burned the airframe is easily recognized, and passengers and luggage are clearly evident. The conspiracy theorists want to hang their hat on the fact that some debris which looks similar to airliner parts were found and that light poles out side the Pentagon were knocked down or that DNA was "found" inside the Pentagon days later. Clearly, this was a conspiracy and if as I am saying it was not as a result of the official conspiracy theory, then the real conspirators had every motivation to plant phony evidence to cover their tracks.

Then there is WTC7, the smoking gun as it were. Here, if it weren't so monstrously evil it would be laughable. The evidence which can be gleaned overwhelmingly points to controlled demolition. Watch the YouTube video of the collapse, it falls neatly straight down at near free fall speed into its own footprint. This can ONLY happen if ALL the support columns fail simultaneously on each floor and synchronously from floor to floor. The chances of this happening from a random event are so vanishingly small that it must be considered IMPOSSIBLE! The NIST report asserts that this was the result of a moderate office fire but presented no science to back it up. They may as well have blamed it on fairies. Again YouTube video provides an example of what structural failure due to fire looks like. Look at the 2005 Windsor Tower fire in Madrid Spain. Here you see a modern steel frame high rise fully engulfed in fire. It rages uncontrolled for nearly two days and finally there is some structural failure. This failure is as would be expected, near the top (heat rises), slow in developing and asymmetrical. The aftermath shows a burned out wreck but with the structural frame largely in tact. The building did not simply collapse entirely in seconds.
If you are honest with yourself you simply can't ignore the obvious, WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition.


If you make a thread advocating a conspiracy it gets put here. Simple really.

Well since I am debunking the official conspiracy theory of which you seem to be an advocate I guess this is where it has to go.

I on the other hand have not put forth a theory. I just keep pointing out the flaws in yours.
lol where the one that posted pictures with no link then titled yourself as flight 77 bodies and claimed they where flight to prove YOUR claim ?
if you look at the bottom of the photos there's a tag...

It's fun watching the "logic".

No passengers on the plane so that means something else:

Blew up at the Pentagon
Took Down the Lightpoles
Crashed in the Cab Driver's Windshield
Knocked the generator off of it's moorings
Planted the airplane wreckage


Paid (and are still paying) the investigators to say it was passenger DNA they found
Paid (and are still paying) air traffic controllers to hold to the story of tracking a plane into the Pentagon
Paid (and are still paying) the dozens of eye witnesses who said they saw AA77 hit the building
Paid (and are still paying) the medical examiners, first responders, and other officials who investigated the crash scene

And (did largely the same) at three other crime scenes as well.

You are the one defending a conspiracy theory which sounds even more implausible. Guys living in caves outwit the best intelligence agencies the world has ever known. Hijack airliners but there is no response from the ANG. Fly them into some of the most highly engineered buildings in the world which COMPLETELY COLLAPSE. Then fly one into one into one of the best defended buildings in the world which for some reason does not defend itself, by the way all this flying by total amateurs. Then the plane vanishes. And then to top it off a building which was not struck by a plane suffers sudden, immediate and total collapse due to a moderate office fire, something which has NEVER, REPEAT NEVER, happened before.

Oh yes, so believeable.

And since that is your conspiracy theory, start defending it. Especially WTC7, which after eleven years NIST still can't explain.
if you look at the bottom of the photos there's a tag...

It's fun watching the "logic".

No passengers on the plane so that means something else:

Blew up at the Pentagon
Took Down the Lightpoles
Crashed in the Cab Driver's Windshield
Knocked the generator off of it's moorings
Planted the airplane wreckage


Paid (and are still paying) the investigators to say it was passenger DNA they found
Paid (and are still paying) air traffic controllers to hold to the story of tracking a plane into the Pentagon
Paid (and are still paying) the dozens of eye witnesses who said they saw AA77 hit the building
Paid (and are still paying) the medical examiners, first responders, and other officials who investigated the crash scene

And (did largely the same) at three other crime scenes as well.

And, of course, not one of the ever-expanding list of co-conspirators whispers a word. Not one. At some point the CTs will have everyone but themselves on the hook for 9/11. Everyone. :D

Threatened death to oneself or ones loved ones could be a pretty powerful motivator for one to remain silent. After committing mass murder what a few more?
you could goggle it .

Location of human remains, forensics, dna identification, personal effects found

excerpt fromcollapse rescue operations at the pentagon 9-11 attack a case study on urban search and rescue disaster response (pdf)

the following approach was applied to the recovery of pentagon incident fatalities: When a victim was located, work in the area was halted to protect the body, personal belongings, and evidence. An fbi evidence team (one of several on constant standby in front of the collapse) would document the site and gather evidence. If physical extrication was required, a rescue squad from the assigned us&r task force was given this task. The next step in the process was a military mortuary team who collected and removed the victim from the building.

All the debris removed from the building was spread out by the heavy equipment, and (on the signal of the ist us&r specialist) the equipment would stop and canine search teams from the us&r task forces would deploy across the material in search of any scent indicating human remains. Then us&r search team members would conduct a physical search for remains, crawling and walking over all the debris. Finally, after being searched three or more times, the debris would be loaded into trucks with skip loaders, where it would be taken to one of the pentagon parking lots to be further combed for human remains and evidence by the fbi, atf, military units, and the arlington police department. (p. 8)

the remains of every flight 77 victim but one (a two-year-old) was recovered and positively identified by forensics experts. Personal effects of many survived the crash and fires and were returned to the victims' families.

Articles on pentagon disaster morgue operations and victim identification

human identification in a post-9/11 world: The attack on american airlines flight 77 and the pentagon (pdf)

personal effects found– flt. 77 passenger suzanne calley's body found –mortuary affairs artifacts

the only two brothers who died at the pentagon on 9/11 were hijackers nawaf and salem al-hazmi. Remains of two brothers were identified by dna:
"the dna results strengthened the hypothesis that two of the terrorists were brothers, as indicated by other evidence. Two of the terrorist str profiles aboard the aa flight 77 gave a sibling index greater than 500. To further test the hypothesis of maternal relatedness, afdil sequenced the hvi and hvii regions of mtdna for these individuals. The sequences generated did match in hvi and hvii, which is consistent with a maternal relationship between the two men."–Material Measurement Laboratory Homepage (p. 83)

still no bodies
bullshit :Suzanne Calley died aboard American Airlines Flight 77 when terrorists hijacked the plane and sent it crashing into the Pentagon... Rescue crews were able to pull Calley’s body from Flight 77’s wreckage. Jensen [Calley’s husband] spent last year’s anniversary of the national tragedy in Washington, D.C. There, a Pentagon official - assigned to Calley’s family as a liaison - gave Jensen his wife’s wedding ring, which had been recovered from the plane.”
The Dispatch


So the wedding ring proves the plane went into the Pentagon? There is no other way it could have been gotten?

Interesting that the fire was hot enough to incinerate aluminum but a presumably gold ring survived intact.

Your theory looks more and more like Swiss cheese.
All I can say is, NO BODY, absolutely no one legit would get to directly and openly oppose NSA and/or pentagon official policies and keep their job... Not even a lowly linguist in the linguistics core, or simple data dink. Speaking even at all on their policies by any worker there is grounds for permanent and immediate dismissal and waiver of all compensation, including retirement bennys and everything else..

Take it how you want to view it.

Well that helps answer the question as to why people have kept their mouths shut all these years, doesn't it?

Loss of livelihood, a powerful motivator.
Sorry, it's your claim she is to be trusted at her word correct? Wasn't that the point in the overly padded resume and flowering credentials? To dissuade any doubts to her credibility as witness your conspiracy theory here? It's your theory dude, I just pointed out she was able to openly stand against pentagon and NSA policies while working for them and keep her job until taking up conspiracy writing full-time...

Do you really think a person can get away with open and very public opposition to NSA policy and keep their job, if they were genuine? LOL, if so I recommend you visit Fort Meade sometime, take a drive through the base and look for large mirrored glass building. Ask the guards at the door about policy. Or better ask to speak to the director about it..


so you put more credibility on wikki than you do her military bio...what a clown

You mean I put more faith in a non-biased source over her own padded claims? Yes I do..

She ran for Representative of her state last election correct? Yeah came from the same wikki article, want to deny that as well? Oh and guess what she ran as a republican... You know the ones you pretty much blame this wacky theory on...

Whether you realize it or not, you are being played like a harp. Political parties are the show to keep us arguing. No party is going to do anything alone, it takes both parties to do any thing at all. She is a peddler of BS who gets paid for stirring up conspiracy nuts like you. She tried to move up the ladder from peddler to BS artist first class and failed...

You're the one defending a conspiracy theory.

Interesting that you point out her political party. It seems that many of the official conspiracy theory defenders do so out of fear that admitting the obvious might implicate their (Republican) party.

You make a good point that both parties are implicated in this and I don't care if my ox gets gored on this as I am anAmerican first.
Wow, you can not point to a single instance of what you are claiming in the case of WTC7. NOT ONE! Please show me where it has ever happened.

Oh you can't, you just have your totally debunked theory that somehow a moderate office fire caused the sudden, immediate and total collapse of the type of building which is the most engineered in history.

Your theory is as plausible as claiming fairies did it.

As for the Pentagon, again it is your theory that somehow a plane punched through two feet of steel reinforced concrete, plowed through major support columns and somehow caused the punch out hole in the "c" ring wall and then completely burned up leaving only a couple small parts behind.

None of that theory was ever proven, but that is the theory you have chosen to defend.

You are the conspiracy theorist.

For the 3rd time the bldg was missing 18 floors at one corner.

Again....explain the wreckage on the pentagon lawn and the downed light poles if AA77 didnt crash well as the DNA.


For the third time, it is the curtain wall which is damaged, a non structural element. That's akin to saying that if you scrape the skin off you leg you can't stand.

By the way I'm not playing chess, I'm pointing out the flaws in your theory.

The bolded and underlined part, nonsense...

The outer "curtain" as you called it was a structural element. It was explained in the construction videos you twoofers use a lot.. The outer mesh curtain helped to maintain structural integrity at the outside edges. that's why there was no outer pillars or concrete and rebar shafts anywhere but near the core or center... It so they had more "window space"... Other structures wanting more window space rely on corner pillars and inside shafts at various spots near the outer walls...

True for the twin towers, but WTC7 was a conventional steel framed high rise, the curtain wall was not a structural element. And it was not hit by a plane yet suffered sudden, immediate and total collapse.

It's your theory to defend. You have to defend all of it, not just the parts that are plausible.
It took me three hours to answer all of you conspiracy theorists. It might be a while before I have that kind of time again, but don't think for a minute that I won't.

This is too important. It's time you conspiracists demand proof for what you believe.

Only a prosecutor with subpoena power supported by will of the American People can prove fact from fiction.

Or are you afraid you may be proved wrong. Our posterity will examine the evidence from 911 with a dispassionate eye. What will you tell your grandchildren, you were afraid to be call a conspiracy theorist so you just went along with the official conspiracy theory, you didn't demand proof?
if you look at the bottom of the photos there's a tag...

It's fun watching the "logic".

No passengers on the plane so that means something else:

Blew up at the Pentagon
Took Down the Lightpoles
Crashed in the Cab Driver's Windshield
Knocked the generator off of it's moorings
Planted the airplane wreckage


Paid (and are still paying) the investigators to say it was passenger DNA they found
Paid (and are still paying) air traffic controllers to hold to the story of tracking a plane into the Pentagon
Paid (and are still paying) the dozens of eye witnesses who said they saw AA77 hit the building
Paid (and are still paying) the medical examiners, first responders, and other officials who investigated the crash scene

And (did largely the same) at three other crime scenes as well.

You are the one defending a conspiracy theory which sounds even more implausible. Guys living in caves outwit the best intelligence agencies the world has ever known.
That is an inaccuracy. The hijackers lived here. Two of the hijackers were university trained. If you're going to try to come off as being cerebral, you should study the facts a bit more.

Hijack airliners but there is no response from the ANG.
That is an inaccuracy. There was a response from the air force. The Army National Guard (ANG?) didn't have that in their job description.

Fly them into some of the most highly engineered buildings in the world which COMPLETELY COLLAPSE.
That is an inaccuracy. Multiple floors of at least one of the WTC towers remained intact at the base of the tower.

Then fly one into one into one of the best defended buildings in the world
That is an inaccuracy. Though true there was a defense from ground assault, there was no air defense from the Pentagon.

which for some reason does not defend itself, by the way all this flying by total amateurs.
And the amateurs did what you expect them to do, crash. Why is this so hard for conspiracy theorists to understand?

Then the plane vanishes.
Another inaccuracy. Wreckage was found from all four planes.

And then to top it off a building which was not struck by a plane suffers sudden, immediate and total collapse due to a moderate office fire, something which has NEVER, REPEAT NEVER, happened before.
And the building was missing 18 floors at the corner.

Oh yes, so believeable.
What is unbelievable is that you're trying to come off as some sort of scholar on the subject when clearly you are so ignorant that you continue to repeat inaccuracies.

And since that is your conspiracy theory, start defending it. Especially WTC7, which after eleven years NIST still can't explain.

The 9/11 Commission Report that details the events of the morning remains 100% accurate on all of the major points. To date, no one can quote an inaccuracy in the report.

As for WTC 7, it was missing 18 floors at the corner, had four major disasters happen across the street, suffered major fire, etc... Other buildings that day also were destroyed that didn't have a plane hit them. The only people attributing special significance to it are, I'm afraid, those who are missing something essential in their cognitive ability.
Last edited:
That's right the person who was there couldn't possibly know what she saw, but the official conspiracy theorists know what happened because they believe in spite of what this woman says, and in spite of the obvious which I pointed out when I started this thread.

The official conspiracy theory lives on and America goes on living the lie!

How many witnesses say there was no plane?

Now how many witnesses saw the plane?

Think about it..............
Wow, you can not point to a single instance of what you are claiming in the case of WTC7. NOT ONE! Please show me where it has ever happened.

Oh you can't, you just have your totally debunked theory that somehow a moderate office fire caused the sudden, immediate and total collapse of the type of building which is the most engineered in history.

Your theory is as plausible as claiming fairies did it.

As for the Pentagon, again it is your theory that somehow a plane punched through two feet of steel reinforced concrete, plowed through major support columns and somehow caused the punch out hole in the "c" ring wall and then completely burned up leaving only a couple small parts behind.

None of that theory was ever proven, but that is the theory you have chosen to defend.

You are the conspiracy theorist.

What am I claiming? What are you claiming? There was no Moderate office fire in Bldg 7 there was a uncontrolled office fire if you would get off the truther sites and find real proof, but you don't want real proof do you. Take a look at the south side of WTC 7 instead of the north side....Moderate office fire? i think not.

[ame=]WTC 7 fires and south side hole - YouTube[/ame]!

A couple small parts at the pentagon? And the DNA evidence? Do you understand how the pentagon is built? What the walls are like after the reinforced Facade? Once the plane was through that it was nothing for the blast of the fuel to reach the C ring wall. Besides all the parts that were found of the plane and the bodies...

I bet you think a missile did it, And you want to know why the Air defense systems didn't stop it...

I'm still waiting for you to show another steel frame high rise that collapsed suddenly, immediately and totally as a result of fire.

As for a missile hitting the Pentagon, is that what you think but are afraid to say?

You really should find another vocation, you suck at this. Show me another building built to the same specifics as the twin towers, that was hit full speed by a commercial jet liner.

No, I don't think a missile had anything to do with 911. and you know that. 4 planes were hijacker three of them hit buildings one drove into the ground. Of course i also know there are no air defense batteries around the Pentagon......

There were no other planes, or Missiles, or ray beams or nukes or Thermite.....

Please carry on......
So, based on my post above wihosa, how much of a load was each floor able to support/resist?

Next, figure out how much of a load was imparted on the immediate floor below the descending upper section?

Let us know what you get.

Hopefully you'll begin to see that the floor below was no match for the upper descending section's load and sheared the floor connections from the perimeter and core columns. This happened all the way down the towers. This is why you see the perimeter columns falling outward like a peeled banana. Once the floors were sheared away, there was no lateral support to keep the perimeter columns from falling outward from the tower itself.

That's why you see many of the perimeter columns in the debris with their floor truss connections sheared off.

What looked like these, circled in red:

Now look like this:

Where are the pancaked floors?

Oh they turned to dust I suppose. Or maybe the fairies took them away.

Don't forget that you still have to defend the Achilles heal of your conspiracy theory, WTC7. No steel framed high rise has ever suffered sudden, immediate and total collapse due to fire, and the NIST still after eleven years can't explain it but maybe you can.
It's your theory to defend.

Sudden and immediate? WTC 7? Are we talking about the same building that had uncontrolled fires for 7 hours? I wouldn't call that sudden or immediate. Especially since the firefighter had warned it was going to collapse hours before it did........Or do you believe they were in on the plot?

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