The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry

The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry

The impeached president trump has his panties in a knot because a FOX Noise talking head attempted to improve her credibility as a journalist by reporting a small measure of truth.

The dissemination of facts is a rarity at FOX Noise.‭ ‬So the talking head offering facts concerning the impeached president trump’s shameful exhibitions denigrating living military service members and those who have been killed broke every rule in the FOX Noise playbook.

The FOX Noise talking head disobeyed FOX Noise management when she failed to rewrite events to put a positive spin on the RWNJs‭’ ‬orange-tinted hero’s ongoing disrespect for military service personnel.

As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s history of draft-dodging has been erased from the memories of his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬which includes those veterans who served in the United States‭’ ‬defeat in South Vietnam.‭ ‬These millions of devoted fanatics have joined with their cult leader in demanding the FOX Noise talking head be fired.‭

There is also a strong belief among his devoted fanatics that the FOX Noise talking head’s actions gave substantial aid and comfort to the enemies of the impeached president trump,‭ ‬so she should face a charge of treason.

you mean the innocent president
WRONG In a real trial, not the Kangaroo Court put on by Moscow Mitch, the vote would have been a hung jury. Trump was not declared Innocent, nor was he proclaimed Not Guilty, something a real American who is aware of American Jurisprudence knows.
The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry

The impeached president trump has his panties in a knot because a FOX Noise talking head attempted to improve her credibility as a journalist by reporting a small measure of truth.

The dissemination of facts is a rarity at FOX Noise.‭ ‬So the talking head offering facts concerning the impeached president trump’s shameful exhibitions denigrating living military service members and those who have been killed broke every rule in the FOX Noise playbook.

The FOX Noise talking head disobeyed FOX Noise management when she failed to rewrite events to put a positive spin on the RWNJs‭’ ‬orange-tinted hero’s ongoing disrespect for military service personnel.

As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s history of draft-dodging has been erased from the memories of his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬which includes those veterans who served in the United States‭’ ‬defeat in South Vietnam.‭ ‬These millions of devoted fanatics have joined with their cult leader in demanding the FOX Noise talking head be fired.‭

There is also a strong belief among his devoted fanatics that the FOX Noise talking head’s actions gave substantial aid and comfort to the enemies of the impeached president trump,‭ ‬so she should face a charge of treason.

you mean the innocent president
WRONG In a real trial, not the Kangaroo Court put on by Moscow Mitch, the vote would have been a hung jury. Trump was not declared Innocent, nor was he proclaimed Not Guilty, something a real American who is aware of American Jurisprudence knows.

In a real court he wouldn't have been indicted simply because the prosecutor hated him.

Don't go there, you won't win that argument.
The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry

The impeached president trump has his panties in a knot because a FOX Noise talking head attempted to improve her credibility as a journalist by reporting a small measure of truth.

The dissemination of facts is a rarity at FOX Noise.‭ ‬So the talking head offering facts concerning the impeached president trump’s shameful exhibitions denigrating living military service members and those who have been killed broke every rule in the FOX Noise playbook.

The FOX Noise talking head disobeyed FOX Noise management when she failed to rewrite events to put a positive spin on the RWNJs‭’ ‬orange-tinted hero’s ongoing disrespect for military service personnel.

As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s history of draft-dodging has been erased from the memories of his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬which includes those veterans who served in the United States‭’ ‬defeat in South Vietnam.‭ ‬These millions of devoted fanatics have joined with their cult leader in demanding the FOX Noise talking head be fired.‭

There is also a strong belief among his devoted fanatics that the FOX Noise talking head’s actions gave substantial aid and comfort to the enemies of the impeached president trump,‭ ‬so she should face a charge of treason.

you mean the innocent president
WRONG In a real trial, not the Kangaroo Court put on by Moscow Mitch, the vote would have been a hung jury. Trump was not declared Innocent, nor was he proclaimed Not Guilty, something a real American who is aware of American Jurisprudence knows.

In a real court he wouldn't have been indicted simply because the prosecutor hated him.

Don't go there, you won't win that argument.

What do you know about the criminal Justice system?
The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry

The impeached president trump has his panties in a knot because a FOX Noise talking head attempted to improve her credibility as a journalist by reporting a small measure of truth.

The dissemination of facts is a rarity at FOX Noise.‭ ‬So the talking head offering facts concerning the impeached president trump’s shameful exhibitions denigrating living military service members and those who have been killed broke every rule in the FOX Noise playbook.

The FOX Noise talking head disobeyed FOX Noise management when she failed to rewrite events to put a positive spin on the RWNJs‭’ ‬orange-tinted hero’s ongoing disrespect for military service personnel.

As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s history of draft-dodging has been erased from the memories of his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬which includes those veterans who served in the United States‭’ ‬defeat in South Vietnam.‭ ‬These millions of devoted fanatics have joined with their cult leader in demanding the FOX Noise talking head be fired.‭

There is also a strong belief among his devoted fanatics that the FOX Noise talking head’s actions gave substantial aid and comfort to the enemies of the impeached president trump,‭ ‬so she should face a charge of treason.

Trump the authoritarian dictator.

Trump has nothing but contempt for the First Amendment and freedom of the press.

Trump demanding a journalist be fired is reprehensible, wrong, and utterly Nixonian.
Jennifer Griffin is doing her job. Shes one of the most respected reporters on TV. But that being said, shes using anon sources that I'm sure exist, but that doesn't mean the sources aren't lying.

isn't one of them john kelly? wouldn't he say so if it wasn't true? & why did donny single him out if it weren't? hmmmmm....

what he supposedly said is so his M.O.

No, none of griffins sources have been dislcosed.

But John Bolton, no fan of Trump, said it never happened and he never once heard Trump even say anything CLOSE.

why is donny going after kelly then?

I have no idea, but he wasn't one of Jennifer G's sources.
i'm not familiar with her actual reporting in this matter - but if her sources are confidential, other than bolton who denied it - why not john kelly? who would know whether he is or not? unless they all came fwd, ID themselves & deny the accusation.
The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry

The impeached president trump has his panties in a knot because a FOX Noise talking head attempted to improve her credibility as a journalist by reporting a small measure of truth.

The dissemination of facts is a rarity at FOX Noise.‭ ‬So the talking head offering facts concerning the impeached president trump’s shameful exhibitions denigrating living military service members and those who have been killed broke every rule in the FOX Noise playbook.

The FOX Noise talking head disobeyed FOX Noise management when she failed to rewrite events to put a positive spin on the RWNJs‭’ ‬orange-tinted hero’s ongoing disrespect for military service personnel.

As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s history of draft-dodging has been erased from the memories of his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬which includes those veterans who served in the United States‭’ ‬defeat in South Vietnam.‭ ‬These millions of devoted fanatics have joined with their cult leader in demanding the FOX Noise talking head be fired.‭

There is also a strong belief among his devoted fanatics that the FOX Noise talking head’s actions gave substantial aid and comfort to the enemies of the impeached president trump,‭ ‬so she should face a charge of treason.

you mean the innocent president
WRONG In a real trial, not the Kangaroo Court put on by Moscow Mitch, the vote would have been a hung jury. Trump was not declared Innocent, nor was he proclaimed Not Guilty, something a real American who is aware of American Jurisprudence knows.

In a real court he wouldn't have been indicted simply because the prosecutor hated him.

Don't go there, you won't win that argument.

What do you know about the criminal Justice system?

Apparently a lot more than you. If you don't know that indicting someone because you hate them is against the law then you're one stupid son of a bitch.
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The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry
Trump was impeached?

indeed. just call him #3.


But history shows that the first case was done purely out of political spite just because he didn't get along with the party, Democrats have said a thousand times that Clinton was a nothingburger done purely over politics, that there was nothing wrong and it was all about a blowjob, but now we're supposed to believe Trump was done over something legitimate, real? That DJT was actually a real imminent danger and threat to the security of the nation and Constitution leaving Nancy and Schiff no choice but to act swiftly to save the country?


Oh Plaything, you continually reinvent yourself as less credible and a complete jackass, one of the biggest jokes on this forum. The House's "evidence" and methods were so strained and tortured as to set a new low mark in dirty Washington politics that even they had to know would never go anywhere but the trashcan.

And after all, "impeached" only means ACCUSED. The DNC has cried wolf so many times that no one even listens anymore.
The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry

The impeached president trump has his panties in a knot because a FOX Noise talking head attempted to improve her credibility as a journalist by reporting a small measure of truth.

The dissemination of facts is a rarity at FOX Noise.‭ ‬So the talking head offering facts concerning the impeached president trump’s shameful exhibitions denigrating living military service members and those who have been killed broke every rule in the FOX Noise playbook.

The FOX Noise talking head disobeyed FOX Noise management when she failed to rewrite events to put a positive spin on the RWNJs‭’ ‬orange-tinted hero’s ongoing disrespect for military service personnel.

As commander-in-chief of the military,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s history of draft-dodging has been erased from the memories of his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬which includes those veterans who served in the United States‭’ ‬defeat in South Vietnam.‭ ‬These millions of devoted fanatics have joined with their cult leader in demanding the FOX Noise talking head be fired.‭

There is also a strong belief among his devoted fanatics that the FOX Noise talking head’s actions gave substantial aid and comfort to the enemies of the impeached president trump,‭ ‬so she should face a charge of treason.

I’d sorta forgotten about the impeachment thing. Be a shame for the dims not to play it up for Magoo’s campaign considering how much time, effort, and money they invested in it. If nothing else it should be a topic of focus each time the dims morph into circle jerk mode.
The Impeached President trump Has Been Made Angry
Trump was impeached?

indeed. just call him #3.


But history shows that the first case was done purely out of political spite just because he didn't get along with the party, Democrats have said a thousand times that Clinton was a nothingburger done purely over politics, that there was nothing wrong and it was all about a blowjob, but now we're supposed to believe Trump was done over something legitimate, real? That DJT was actually a real imminent danger and threat to the security of the nation and Constitution leaving Nancy and Schiff no choice but to act swiftly to save the country?

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Oh Plaything, you continually reinvent yourself as less credible and a complete jackass, one of the biggest jokes on this forum. The House's "evidence" and methods were so strained and tortured as to set a new low mark in dirty Washington politics that even they had to know would never go anywhere but the trashcan.

And after all, "impeached" only means ACCUSED. The DNC has cried wolf so many times that no one even listens anymore.

i listen to the 17 intel agencies that say donny is a security threat... 10 people in his orbit have been convicted or plead guilty to various illegal activities & YOU will cheerlead for donny until your last breath.

lol ... you're just a trump humping deplorable. oh & i didn't vote for slick willy, so MY conscience is clear.
i listen to the 17 intel agencies that say donny is a security threat...

Sure you do Plaything, they all report directly to YOU. Is that why many in these agencies have been charged and convicted of corruption and politicking? ITMT, 17 agencies all have proof Donnie is a threat yet none of them or collectively can't prove anything? That must be why Donnie is still on the ticket. :auiqs.jpg:
i listen to the 17 intel agencies that say donny is a security threat...

Sure you do Plaything, they all report directly to YOU. Is that why many in these agencies have been charged and convicted of corruption and politicking? ITMT, 17 agencies all have proof Donnie is a threat yet none of them or collectively can't prove anything? That must be why Donnie is still on the ticket. :auiqs.jpg:

uh-huh ... you got credible unbiased links to back up those claims?

all barr had to do was petition the court to release mueller's report...

all the senate had to do was vote for a trial & get john bolton in to testify....

but they - much like you... are trump humpers.

donny chooses to ankle grab for putin, rather than believe our own intel people. that alone should raise an eyebrow with you - but since you are a poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable MAGAT that trump loves long time, no critical thinking biped such as myself - is holding their breath waiting for you to suddenly join those who have more than 2 working brain cells.

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