The idiot Susan Rice blames Russia for the violence and looting this weekend.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Man, Barry sure knows how to find the dumbest of the dumb. And instead of asking for evidence to back up her batshit crazy claim, Wolf Blitzed played right along like the dumbass he is.

Susan Rice Blames ‘Foreign Actors’ for Stirring George Floyd Protests: ‘Right Out of the Russian Playbook’

Former Obama adviser Susan Rice has blamed the violent protests that rocked major American cities over the weekend on “foreign actors,” and even suggested that Russia could be involved in stirring them up.

“I’m not reading the intelligence today, or these days — but based on my experience, this is right out of the Russian playbook,” Rice, who served as national-security adviser to president Obama, said in a CNN interview on Sunday. “But we cannot allow the extremists, the foreign actors, to distract from the real problems we have in this country that are longstanding, centuries old, and need to be addressed responsibly.”

Anchor Wolf Blitzer responded, “you’re absolutely right on the foreign interference.” Blitzer then asked Rice if she thought the Russians were attempting to “embarrass” the U.S. by “promoting the racial divide in our country.”

“Well we see it all the time, we’ve seen it for years, including on social media where they take any divisive, painful issue . . . and they play on both sides,” Rice said. “I would not be surprised to learn that they have fomented some of these extremists on both sides on social media . . . [or] that they’re funding it in some way, shape, or form.”

Pretty dumb because it is 100% Trump's fault. You can only push people so far.

Pretty dumb because it is 100% Trump's fault.
Yup, just like Ferguson and Baltimore were Trumps fault
How many decades have republicans waged war on cities and minorities now? It's not Russia's fault.
But of course your "evidence" to support this howler, will never show up as your fat cat ate it!
Pretty dumb because it is 100% Trump's fault. You can only push people so far.

Pretty dumb because it is 100% Trump's fault.
Yup, just like Ferguson and Baltimore were Trumps fault
How many decades have republicans waged war on cities and minorities now? It's not Russia's fault.

How many decades have republicans waged war on cities and minorities now? It's not Russia's fault.

It's not Trumps fault either.
Pretty dumb because it is 100% Trump's fault. You can only push people so far.

Pretty dumb because it is 100% Trump's fault.
Yup, just like Ferguson and Baltimore were Trumps fault
How many decades have republicans waged war on cities and minorities now? It's not Russia's fault.
I hate to tell ewe this shithead, but all these cities being burned to the ground are democrat cities. I don’t recall Republicans starting wars in any cities. Stop being so stupid.
Those responsible for the savagery of the last week are all..............democrats! The DNC funds antifa, the mayor of Mlps is antifa down to his Marxist blood vessels, as is the Minnesota Attorney General, Keith Ellison who just a year or so back enthusiastically endorsed them then tried to hide his pride for the DNC financed "fascist thugs" by deleting his tweet, however too late Keith as Breitbart had already copied it! Ellison's son whose name escapes me, just swore fealty to antifa on twitter yesterday, and he has a seat on the Minneapolis city council! Do you folks now understand what is going on???? The top democratic party leadership in Minnesota, and Seattle WA, Portland OR, Colorado, California, New York, Chicago IL, Michigan, ect ect ect all support antifa! And folks if ever the designation "Orwellian" was ever in order it is in the case of antifa, which is run by elite educators at the middle school, high school, and collegiate levels and fully funded by George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, the Koch brothers, and is entirely, totally committed to a one party fascist utopian society! So, to kill antifa, we need to kill the democratic socialist fascist billionaires funding it!
She’s a moron.

Not at all. Anyone with a few active braincells would realize this is the sort of thing Russia's been doing.

You must be kin to the moron.
She’s a moron.

Not at all. Anyone with a few active braincells would realize this is the sort of thing Russia's been doing.

But anyone with more than few active brain cells would realize that it is all nonsense and conspirology.
She’s a moron.

Not at all. Anyone with a few active braincells would realize this is the sort of thing Russia's been doing.

But anyone with more than few active brain cells would realize that it is all nonsense and conspirology.

Apparently it's not. Do a little research.

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