The Hussein “demands” anti-Biden ad be pulled...

A private citizen. I can also pay a lawyer to draft and send such a demand. In my country, private citizens can do this, unlike in your mother russia.
^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


Liar. Mueller found plenty of collusion. But then again collusion is not a criminal conspiracy.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Sorry genius, sending a cease and desist request letter is precisely NOT censorship.
Who the hell is he to send such a demand? He’s a nobody. He’s a pathetic little Marxist who wishes all opposition to his ideology was silenced.
I didnt vote for him but he was presidential, loved by most, had the popular vote and respected by the whole world. Cant say the same about drumpf

Well that’s what’s important, “the rest of the world liked him”. Of course they liked him, he bent America over for them to take our jobs and make us weaker.

That's a lie. And apparently the majority of Americans who voted liked him. And he still gets higher approval ratings than trump.

Hey look everyone, more IQ2 lies

Today's rating:

Trump 51%
Barry Hussein 45%

President Trump > Barry Hussein.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


Liar. Mueller found plenty of collusion. But then again collusion is not a criminal conspiracy.
You are full of shit.

Quote the part of the Mueller report saying Trump colluded with Russia.

You won't, you can't, because you are a lying sack of shit.
Who the hell is he to send such a demand?
A private citizen. I can also pay a lawyer to draft and send such a demand. In my country, private citizens can do this, unlike in your mother russia.

Yes, if they steal your intellectual property and publish it, you send a C&D to the copyright infringer.

So sorry anything anyone in a public office says in public is in the public domain and NOT subject to trademark, copyright or patent law.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


Liar. Mueller found plenty of collusion. But then again collusion is not a criminal conspiracy.
You are full of shit.

Quote the part of the Mueller report saying Trump colluded with Russia.

You won't, you can't, because you are a lying sack of shit.
BlindBoo is one of the biggest leftwing maggot liars here. He is always full of shit.
IM2 sez: "I see just fine. You have the problem."

Well my oh my, sez the spider to the fly. :laughing0301:

IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
The Civil Rights Act Democrats filibustered.

It took Republicans to break the racist Democrat filibuster. And you continue to support those racists. Birds of a feather.............

It was a coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans that passed the CRA in 1964. The opposition came from the Rebel, former Slave States and current Banana Republican stronghold in the South.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.
And yet you Dimsocialist whine and cry when Trump calls out Fake News.:21:

Here's the thing: Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges. Had Roger Stone testified truthfully to the FBI and Congress, and not threatened other witnesses, who knows what would have been found.

They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance, while Mitch McConnell blocks all legislation and sanctions against Russia for doing so.

Trump is still trying to prosecute members of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who investigated him. Undermining the rule of law, the courts, and jury tampering.

What about any of this is "fake news". Of course the Billionaire Media, whose owners are profiting mightily from a Trump Presidency are lying to you and touting the economy. Well the economy is about to get slapped around real good. And Trump has done nothing to prepare for it before last night.
IM2 sez: "I see just fine. You have the problem."

Well my oh my, sez the spider to the fly. :laughing0301:

IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.

And when Johnson signed the CRA he proclaimed it would keep the 'n-words' voting for Dims for decades. He was right. You are still on the Dimsocialist Plantation.


He actually said 200 years, not decades.

That's how long he thought is gonna take for blacks to realize they've been scammed.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.
And yet you Dimsocialist whine and cry when Trump calls out Fake News.:21:

Here's the thing: Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges. Had Roger Stone testified truthfully to the FBI and Congress, and not threatened other witnesses, who knows what would have been found.

They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance, while Mitch McConnell blocks all legislation and sanctions against Russia for doing so.

Trump is still trying to prosecute members of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who investigated him. Undermining the rule of law, the courts, and jury tampering.

What about any of this is "fake news". Of course the Billionaire Media, whose owners are profiting mightily from a Trump Presidency are lying to you and touting the economy. Well the economy is about to get slapped around real good. And Trump has done nothing to prepare for it before last night.

Wrong, the collusion conspiracy theory was debunked.

All Stone ever did was talk to WiKi about email releases. Nothing illegal about anything he did. He supposedly lied to Congress members on the details of emails. Oh, and he threatened a dog. These are literally the worst “crimes” by the Trump Administration....except Stone was never even in the administration.

We do know for a fact that Comey, Clapper, and Brennen all lied under oath. And we know several FBI agents broke protocols and doctored evidence in order to persecute President Trump. Which is why there are continuing investigations into those agencies.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


Liar. Mueller found plenty of collusion. But then again collusion is not a criminal conspiracy.
You are full of shit.

Quote the part of the Mueller report saying Trump colluded with Russia.

You won't, you can't, because you are a lying sack of shit.
BlindBoo is one of the biggest leftwing maggot liars here. He is always full of shit.

Starts on page 66.
The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


Liar. Mueller found plenty of collusion. But then again collusion is not a criminal conspiracy.
You are full of shit.

Quote the part of the Mueller report saying Trump colluded with Russia.

You won't, you can't, because you are a lying sack of shit.
BlindBoo is one of the biggest leftwing maggot liars here. He is always full of shit.

Starts on page 66.

And? Nothing in the report about rigging an election. Just talk about Hillary emails being released. Which he called for in public all the time. Where’s the crime?
IM2 isn’t the sharpest tool. A tool, nonetheless. He uses the sig of Malcom X, a man that tried to warn black people that white liberal Democrats are the worst people in the world.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
The Civil Rights Act Democrats filibustered.

It took Republicans to break the racist Democrat filibuster. And you continue to support those racists. Birds of a feather.............

It was a coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans that passed the CRA in 1964. The opposition came from the Rebel, former Slave States and current Banana Republican stronghold in the South.
Dimwingers filibustered it.

Your spin is pathetic.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.
And yet you Dimsocialist whine and cry when Trump calls out Fake News.:21:

Here's the thing: Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges. Had Roger Stone testified truthfully to the FBI and Congress, and not threatened other witnesses, who knows what would have been found.

They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance, while Mitch McConnell blocks all legislation and sanctions against Russia for doing so.

Trump is still trying to prosecute members of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who investigated him. Undermining the rule of law, the courts, and jury tampering.

What about any of this is "fake news". Of course the Billionaire Media, whose owners are profiting mightily from a Trump Presidency are lying to you and touting the economy. Well the economy is about to get slapped around real good. And Trump has done nothing to prepare for it before last night.
You really are just dumb.
The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


Liar. Mueller found plenty of collusion. But then again collusion is not a criminal conspiracy.
You are full of shit.

Quote the part of the Mueller report saying Trump colluded with Russia.

You won't, you can't, because you are a lying sack of shit.
BlindBoo is one of the biggest leftwing maggot liars here. He is always full of shit.

Starts on page 66.
Quote it.
I am way sharper than you guys. This ain't 1963 dumb ass and I won't be falling disingenuous bullshit from white republicans.

Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
The Civil Rights Act Democrats filibustered.

It took Republicans to break the racist Democrat filibuster. And you continue to support those racists. Birds of a feather.............

It was a coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans that passed the CRA in 1964. The opposition came from the Rebel, former Slave States and current Banana Republican stronghold in the South.
Dimwingers filibustered it.

Your spin is pathetic.

Your spin is the pathetic part here. Southern senators filibustered it. The disingenuous half story you are trying to pass off here is sorry. In the end a southern democrat pushed for and signed the Act.
Keep voting Dem, maybe in another 60 years they’ll actually do something to help the black community.

The democratic president signed the civil rights act when I was 4 years old. I didn't have to wait 60 years. We know what republicans want to do. And don't try lying to me about it.
The Civil Rights Act Democrats filibustered.

It took Republicans to break the racist Democrat filibuster. And you continue to support those racists. Birds of a feather.............

It was a coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans that passed the CRA in 1964. The opposition came from the Rebel, former Slave States and current Banana Republican stronghold in the South.
Dimwingers filibustered it.

Your spin is pathetic.

Your spin is the pathetic part here. Southern senators filibustered it. The disingenuous half story you are trying to pass off here is sorry. In the end a southern democrat pushed for and signed the Act.
Spin? It is reality. Your racist party filibustered it.

Deal with it, racist.
^^ Says the commie who is going to vote for a Marxist that praised the USSR and Cuba.
I think when you support trump, a man working for Putin, you might want to stay quiet about Marxism and the USSR.
Your ugliness of speech is unsupported by the Senate Report finding no fault with President Trump, the House Report finding no fault with President Trump, the Mueller Dossier finding no fault with President Trump, the Attorney General's Report finding no fault with and no obstruction by President Trump, the House Inquiry into Impeachment finding no fault with President Trump, and the actual Impeachment of President Trump finding no fault with President Trump in collusion with Russia or Putin, no fault at all.

But you are an idiot.

The problem with all your words is that they are untrue. The fact trump refused to let witnesses testify renders your comments to partisan lunacy. And when Putin says he supported trump and trump stands next to Putin and disses his own intelligence, again, your words turn to partisan lunacy.
Mueller, $35 MILLION, and 3 years of investigations say you are full of shit, liar.

No collusion.


Liar. Mueller found plenty of collusion. But then again collusion is not a criminal conspiracy.
so the left made something NOT criminal, criminal?

how like them.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

The OP should have read the linked article before posting it:

"This unauthorized use of President Obama's name, image, likeness, voice and book passage is clearly intended to mislead the target audience of the ad into believing that the passage from the audiobook is a statement that was made by President Barack Obama during his presidency, when it was in fact made by a barber in a completely different context more than 20 years ago," stated the letter written by Patchen M. Haggerty."​

This ad is a dishonest misuse of President Obama's public image, persona, and intellectual work that is intended to mislead the public. The cease-and-desist letter is not "a brazen call for censorship."

Republicans seem to be very comfortable with dishonesty.

The passage was in his audiobook.


the passage was NOT about joe biden. but the ad mislead & was edited to make it seem obama was talking about joe biden.

thinking bipeds know that was a lie... troglodytes accept it as fact despite it be being fake news & propaganda as long as it helps donny.

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