The Humanitarian Gaza Flotillas Saga

P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), dealing with the trade of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), is not in force yet.

The illicit trade in conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market, or for unauthorized end use and end users, including in the commission of terrorist acts; and act constituting an offense under international conventions or protocols.

It goes without saying that in contemporary times, SALWs are the tools of choice in civil wars, organized crime, gang warfare and terrorist attacks, and insurgencies. They are well suited for these types of actions to use, to carry, and to conceal. Illicit flows of SALWs are the tools of choice for hostile activities to commence destabilization operations and regional security considerations.


To directly answer the question, there is no specific law, applicable to the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

There does not have to be. The Arab Palestinians in Gaza, continue to open hostilities with Israel on a regular basis. The Israeli attempts at establishing containment and quarantine of the region to reduce access to such conventional weapons is part and parcel, a Chapter VII, Article 51, self-defense measure.

Wherein, the Arab Palestinian have continuously conducted hostile operations against the State of Israel, a recognized member of the UN, for the last 67 years, and have made no good faith effort to establish peaceful relations. Hostile Arab Palestinians elements under the official control of the Government for the State of Palestine have attempted to use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of the State of Israel, attempting to use bombings, attacks, indiscriminate rocket fire, kidnapping and murder as a forms of coercion threatening the political independence, citizenry, and territorial integrity of Israel.

Most Respectfully,
To directly answer the question, there is no specific law, applicable to the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

There does not have to be. The Arab Palestinians in Gaza, continue to open hostilities with Israel on a regular basis.

So "smuggling" is just more Israeli bullshit.

The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.
The Palestinians wouldn't need to defend themselves if they didn't attack.

Firing rockets randomly into civilian areas in Israel is not defending themselves.
Wearing suicide vests and blowing up school busses is not defending themselves.

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have had to defend themselves since the European Zionists began their colonization of Palestine.
So. Nothing you said disputes what I said. Thus I repeat.

The Palestinians wouldn't need to defend themselves if they didn't attack.

Firing rockets randomly into civilian areas in Israel is not defending themselves.
Wearing suicide vests and blowing up school busses is not defending themselves.

Of course they need to defend themselves from Israeli aggression.

There would not be any Israeli aggression if the Palestinians did not fire rockets at Israel. You can go right back to 630 C.E. to see who started the violence
The Palestinians were attacking military targets. Just as the Israelis claim to have been attacking military targets in Gaza. Only, the Israelis killed a thousand or more Christian and Muslim women and children in their misses. The Palestinians were more careful and killed hardly no Jewish civilians.

So what military targets have the Palestinians targeted when they fire at children in school buses ?
Yours and Billy Bo Bobs, obviously. These silly Flotilla Escapades™ are propaganda stunts. They get minimal attention and even less credibility for that very reason. The islamist various islamic terrorist groups that promote these absurdities seek only to further fleece the international community for kafir dollars.
What a coincidence! You're something that rhymes with "stunt".

End the occupation and the flotillas will stop.
It's not at all a coincidence that you're slow.

There's no occupation.

End Islamic terrorism and the world will be a better place. But, as we know, the Arab beggars and squatters (so-called "Palestinian" Arabs), adhere to a fascist politico-religious ideology that is the invention of a desert Arab warlord.
Firing rockets into neighborhoods not directly attacking you is not defending yourself from anyones aggression.
Blowing up tea shops and school busses is not defending yourself from anyones aggression.

If they were actually attacking military targets I'd say go at em. But they purposely ignore military targets to target civilians and kids. And that is not defending yourself from anyones aggression.
They cannot target anything. Homemade rockets do not have guidance systems.

BTW, the occupation had been going on for 37 years, before the first rocket went up. If you don't want rockets, end the occupation. Because the rockets are in response to that.

The rockets are not the problem. The occupation is the problem.
Your profound ignorance is the problem.
Firing rockets into neighborhoods not directly attacking you is not defending yourself from anyones aggression.
Blowing up tea shops and school busses is not defending yourself from anyones aggression.

If they were actually attacking military targets I'd say go at em. But they purposely ignore military targets to target civilians and kids. And that is not defending yourself from anyones aggression.
They cannot target anything. Homemade rockets do not have guidance systems.

BTW, the occupation had been going on for 37 years, before the first rocket went up. If you don't want rockets, end the occupation. Because the rockets are in response to that.

The rockets are not the problem. The occupation is the problem.

This is why they are classed as an illegal weapon and a war crime everytime they are fired at Israel.

BTW then agrressiom has been going on since 630 C.E. when mo'mad wiped out the Jewish tribe at medina when they refused to worship him as god. This led to the explicit commands in the Koran to "KILL THE UNBELIVERS" and the more explicit commands in the hadiths to "KILL THE JEWS"

So the occupation is not the problem, and never was. It is the whole Islamic religion and its commands
So do Israelis have the same right to defend themselves, from the rocket attacks, terror tunnels, and suicide bombings. When a genocidal Islamic terrorist regime who's aim is to destroy the entire Jewish state is in charge of Gaza, then Isrsel has every right to make sure these animals don't get their hands on the weapons to commit mass murder.
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.

As we have shown and proven gaza is not occupied so the Israeli's can claim self defence and pound the Palestinians into dust
Yours and Billy Bo Bobs, obviously. These silly Flotilla Escapades™ are propaganda stunts. They get minimal attention and even less credibility for that very reason. The islamist various islamic terrorist groups that promote these absurdities seek only to further fleece the international community for kafir dollars.
What a coincidence! You're something that rhymes with "stunt".

End the occupation and the flotillas will stop.

End the violence, terrorism, acts of war and murders of children and the occupation and blockade will stop. Until this happens then the blockade and occupation will be in place.
1. Arms and Munitions: forbidden transfer under all circumstances across Israel's frontiers without specific permits - as defined in the Control of Exports Security Order (Arms and Munitions) 5768-2008, and in the Control of Exports Security Order (Missile Equipment) 5768-2008.

2. Dual Use goods and items: liable to be used, side by side with their civilian purposes, for the development, production, installation or enhancement of military capabilities and terrorist capacities. This list comprises:

Items listed under the Wassenaar Arrangement: As specified in the updated (2008) "Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Arms and Dual Use Goods and Technologies - List of Dual Use Goods and Technologies and Munitions List."

The Wassenaar Arrangement Homepage
You continue to find whole new levels of stupid!

From your link:
The Participating States of the Wassenaar Arrangement are:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States
Don't see Israel anywhere in there?

Does not need to be for it to be an International treaty dealing with blockades of nations. I don't see hamas as signatory of Human Rights yet they claim it every day
Ya don't say?!
That's why there's still an occupation going on.

Then where are the Israeli troops inside gaza for it
Israel is the land of the Jews it is not an occupation. Give it up and allow them to live there in peace.
The West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, is not Jewish land. It will never be Jewish land.

The world would not allow Hitler to keep Poland and it won't allow Israel to keep the occupied territories.

WRONG as international law of 1923 says. This land was given to the Jews by its sovereign owners as the Jewish national home, After giving the arab muslims 99.9% of the land as their national home. The world would have to repeal international law and take all the land away from the arab muslims at the same time as they tried to take this land from the Jews.

Once again you are allowing your Jew hatred to cloud your thoughts and twist your reasoning
What happened 2000 years ago, don't mean jack shit today.

It carry's no legal weight, whatsoever.

But the LoN mandate for Palestine does when it delineates the borders of the National home of the Jews. Strange isn't it that you rabid Jew haters always ignore International law that is in the Jews/Israel's favour.
It hasn't gone unnoticed that the Islamic terrorist apologists are silent when it comes to Egypt protecting its citizens by controlling its border area with the Pali' terrorists.

This is all about insensate Jooooooo hatreds from the usual haters.
If you couldn't play the j-card, you wouldn't have anything to say.

And if you managed to fulfil your dreams of wiping out all the Jews you would have no reason left to live
Out of date.

Doesn't get better than this, Egypt now executing Hamas members. Ok so we'll take the terrorist label off, but we'll still you as terrorists. Ha ha ha.

Death sentences test fragile Hamas-Egypt ties - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

Mohammed Morsi waves during his trial at a court in the outskirts of Cairo, May 16, 2015. (photo by REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany)
Egypt-Hamas ties took a dramatic turn May 16 as the Cairo Criminal Court referred the death sentence against ousted President Mohammed Morsi, along with 105 others, including the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie, to Egypt's Grand Mufti.

Hamas was provoked by the Egyptian ruling that targeted some Hamas members, including a prisoner and several who are now dead, namely Raed al-Atar, who was killed in the Gaza war last August; Hossam al-Sanea, who was killed in 2008; Tayseer Abu Snaimeh, who was killed during an Israeli raid on Rafah in 2011; and Hassan Salameh, who has been detained in Israeli prisons since 1996 and is sentenced to 48 years in prison.

On May 17, Hamas described the Egyptian ruling as a massacre against its members, adding that the ruling disregards human values, is unfair, was taken in the absence of evidences, is based on falsified facts, and provides a cover for Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

“The Egyptian ruling against a number of Hamas members is deplorable; it has tainted the record of the Egyptian judiciary, and confirms that it is a politicized case,” Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said May 16.

Hamas never thought that its military commanders would be sentenced to death by the Egyptian court; it always thought it would be by an Israeli one. This is because none of the movement’s members were proved to be involved in armed operations on the Egyptian territory. This decision may break the thin thread between Hamas and Cairo.
Yup. they're not dead yet.

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