The Horse? Really? They couldn't even leave Traveller alone?

How would you feel about anything if you were an entirely different person in a different world? It could go either way. Why do you care? Imagine any answer that pleases you.
We weren't discussing that.
If this stuff ever meant anything honorable it was spoiled by 160 years of belligerent racist shitheads. The confederate legacy is one of hatred and injustice. Now you know why people want to take this shit down.

If one chose only to look at belligerent racist shitheads. you aren't trying to say that every person who has pride in being a Southerner is a racist are you? Its like there are some people who believe they should have nothing to be proud about..and if they are.. then that must mean they are a racist.
To me a monument, simply a statue with someones name on it or...a grave marker of a horse that says, here is the last resting place of such and such's horse.... is not a propaganda tool.
It's a reminder of that person's existence and a conversation piece. whatever that conversation is going to be is up to whoever is standing there looking at it. A conversation could be a lesson in either direction, but talking is always better than silence when it comes to something historical.
If one chose only to look at belligerent racist shitheads. you aren't trying to say that every person who has pride in being a Southerner is a racist are you? Its like there are some people who believe they should have nothing to be proud about..and if they are.. then that must mean they are a racist.
To me a monument, simply a statue with someones name on it or...a grave marker of a horse that says, here is the last resting place of such and such's horse.... is not a propaganda tool.
It's a reminder of that person's existence and a conversation piece. whatever that conversation is going to be is up to whoever is standing there looking at it. A conversation could be a lesson in either direction, but talking is always better than silence when it comes to something historical.
That's just it, they're trying not only to erase history, they're trying to erase the people, places and things that make up that history.
That's just it, they're trying not only to erase history, they're trying to erase the people, places and things that make up that history.
Statues are not history. They are honors. Exactly what do you wish to honor about these men.
That's just it, they're trying not only to erase history, they're trying to erase the people, places and things that make up that history.

It seems that way. I'm sure there are many on the left who are just casually ok with it all and feel like its the right thing to do, as if they were being sensitive to the feelings of people who are offended by statues or what not, but I do believe as well there is an actual movement within academia and government itself to implement a scorched earth policy towards a certain demographic. It's a from of aggression and punishment, long after a war has been fought. I also see a very short sightedness within that movement. they have a lot of glee and hubris over what they can force on people today.... but its all done without real conversation and respect on both sides of that issue. They simply DO not care about people they see as an enemy, which are actually just other American citizens, who in so many cases also have a lot to give to society.
It seems that way. I'm sure there are many on the left who are just casually ok with it all and feel like its the right thing to do, as if they were being sensitive to the feelings of people who are offended by statues or what not, but I do believe as well there is an actual movement within academia and government itself to implement a scorched earth policy towards a certain demographic. It's a from of aggression and punishment, long after a war has been fought. I also see a very short sightedness within that movement. they have a lot of glee and hubris over what they can force on people today.... but its all done without real conversation and respect on both sides of that issue. They simply DO not care about people they see as an enemy, which are actually just other American citizens, who in so many cases also have a lot to give to society.
All they're going to do is kick off a pushback from the other direction. Look to see statues of liberal heroes being removed as well in the near future.
Statues are not history. They are honors. Exactly what do you wish to honor about these men.

Well, some people see a statue as an honor and it could be. Or it could be just a reminder of a period in time. First of all, I am NOT a southerner, I'm born and lived in California and the western states for all my life. I have no emotional attachments or ancestors who were related to southern states or the Confederacy for that matter, but I can still give an amount of respect to someone from there who has deep family roots in a community or state... it might be that way for them. Anyway, to those who might still harbor animosity to those soldiers who fought for the southern states, those monuments are also reminders of their defeat.. reminders of the victory of the North. Its all how you choose to look at it, and I find it very wrong that one person should use what they see as their own correct vision of the past force on someone else what they should or should not honor.
They are American veterans of war. They deserve honor. Heck, we honor the traitors and seditionists that founded this country.
Just being a veteran does not earn you a statue downtown in the park. You have to do something heroic or make a great sacrifice. Do something to remember. Surely you can articulate what the leaders of the confederacy did that deserves a place of honor.
Statues are not history. They are honors. Exactly what do you wish to honor about these men.
Statues represent what happened in history. For example the Floyd statue does not represent 'honors' it represents a time in history of disagreement. Shall we tear it down too?
Just being a veteran does not earn you a statue downtown in the park. You have to do something heroic or make a great sacrifice. Do something to remember. Surely you can articulate what the leaders of the confederacy did that deserves a place of honor.
Yet we have a monument to the Unknown Soldier. Floyd did nothing heroic either yet we have a monument to him. I say we tear it down if we're gonna start tearing down statues of things and people we disagree with.
Well, some people see a statue as an honor and it could be. Or it could be just a reminder of a period in time. First of all, I am NOT a southerner, I'm born and lived in California and the western states for all my life. I have no emotional attachments or ancestors who were related to southern states or the Confederacy for that matter, but I can still give an amount of respect to someone from there who has deep family roots in a community or state... it might be that way for them. Anyway, to those who might still harbor animosity to those soldiers who fought for the southern states, those monuments are also reminders of their defeat.. reminders of the victory of the North. Its all how you choose to look at it, and I find it very wrong that one person should use what they see as their own correct vision of the past force on someone else what they should or should not honor.
I was raised up in the heart of dixie, Alabama. I had a bunch of ancestors that fought and died in the civil war. I am one generation removed from poor white cotton sharecroppers. The story that came down in family was that we had been cheated. Started out working another man's land and ended up worse off right where they started.
The confederacy lost the war and their apologists are out of arguments. There's a reason that many ancient statues were found in the water or garbage dumps. Eventually every hero is forgotten and room must be made for the new heroes. Doesn't mean any of those people honored with monuments were erased from history.

lol who's apologizing? Oh yeah, you are.
Why do you care? The confederacy has become so remote from our modern values it's difficult to even explain continuing to honor them. The people who want keep the confederate crap do not really have an argument,
How does a grave marker for a dead horse “honor the Confederacy”?
Traveller plaque on stables removed, grave marker to be replaced — The W&L Spectator

Tourists, visitors, and students will no longer be greeted by a plaque commemorating the last home of Traveller, the horse which served Robert E. Lee during and after the Civil War.

The plaque, formerly affixed to the Washington Street wall of the Lee House stable, was removed over the weekend. Pointing out the stable’s significance, it had been an established part of the campus milieu for nearly 100 years.

Washington & Lee University officials took down two other plaques across campus over the weekend, with plans to take down another.

The second and third plaque denoted two rooms in Payne Hall: one where President Robert E. Lee took his oath of office in 1865, and the other where his office was from 1865-68, before moving to the newly-constructed chapel.

The final plaque, placed over Traveller’s gravesite outside Lee Chapel, National Historic Landmark, is expected to be removed soon, according to Drewry Sackett, executive director of communications.

Traveller’s headstone removed, not yet replaced — The W&L Spectator

Way to beat a dead horse leftists.

The notion that "this faction/person did something wrong" does not mean "you must therefore expunge all monuments to them.".....That dog won't hunt. It won't even get off the porch.
You have to understand that the Democrats are the party of slavery. That hasn’t changed. So, what better way to set up the Blacks, Jews, LGBTQ and other undesirables to put them back into chains by eliminating the horrors of their past!
How does a grave marker for a dead horse “honor the Confederacy”?
They paved over the gravesite of Toto from the wizard of Oz. He did more for this country than Lee's stupid horse or Lee himself for that matter.
History does not exist in memorials. For those who wish to know about Lee and the horse he rode in on can still access this information freely.
I don’t give a shit about the losing Confederacy.

We can indeed presently access information about even the losers in history.

But what is the need of desecrating the last resting place of a horse. I doubt the horse ever endorsed slavery.

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