The "Hasbara" claim to the posts here~ a question


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
This new claim of posters here being a part of the Israeli "Hasbara" has my curiosity piqued.

How many here can with a clear conscious say without a doubt that they are not a part of the above named, nor any other organization that ever is or was the counter to said 'organization'?

I will and can always say that I post only from what I personally have researched. I am not paid nor influenced by anybody to post what I do. I challenge anyone else to be able to say the same with credulity.

Unfortunately, part of my personal 'credulity' test is rested upon the user name under which one posts here; and more so elsewhere.

I have been using the same user name for years and years on several forums sites, just so users can know that I am who I am. Please, please, please 'google' "teddyearp" so you know. I did a 'google' search on many of the other user names on this site and I found not much. Coyote? Hmm. Beezelbub? Nope. Most all of the others result in the same dead ends.

It pains me in a way to see that the only other poster here that I find _could_ be real (according to my test) is billo_really. Well and of course cereal_killer.
I use to use PMB on a Christian forum which I'm no longer on, but nope not getting paid to post here . I never thought of looking up names. I often wonder how some come up with some of the names.
This new claim of posters here being a part of the Israeli "Hasbara" has my curiosity piqued.

How many here can with a clear conscious say without a doubt that they are not a part of the above named, nor any other organization that ever is or was the counter to said 'organization'?

I will and can always say that I post only from what I personally have researched. I am not paid nor influenced by anybody to post what I do. I challenge anyone else to be able to say the same with credulity.

Unfortunately, part of my personal 'credulity' test is rested upon the user name under which one posts here; and more so elsewhere.

I have been using the same user name for years and years on several forums sites, just so users can know that I am who I am. Please, please, please 'google' "teddyearp" so you know. I did a 'google' search on many of the other user names on this site and I found not much. Coyote? Hmm. Beezelbub? Nope. Most all of the others result in the same dead ends.

It pains me in a way to see that the only other poster here that I find _could_ be real (according to my test) is billo_really. Well and of course cereal_killer.

I will swear an OATH before my god on a bible, torah, Koran or stack of money that I am not a member of any group or organisation akin to hasbara. If I Lie may my god strike me down were I stand.

Now can all of team Palestine care to make the same declaration.............
I've had the same screen name for thirty years.

I can vouch for that as we both posted on Deep Blue, and aris was a moderator on that board at the time. Same with Sally and Irose who posted on some of the UK boards until the members of team Palestine on those boards had us banned for showing the truth about islam and muslims.
teddyearp, et al,

I have been accused many time of Hasbara activities [(explanation)(implied euphemism for pro-Israeli propaganda)].

This new claim of posters here being a part of the Israeli "Hasbara" has my curiosity piqued.

How many here can with a clear conscious say without a doubt that they are not a part of the above named, nor any other organization that ever is or was the counter to said 'organization'?

First, I am my own man; a product of my personal experiences. I don't belong to any propaganda organization; but I read and digest everyones perspectives; I'm not closed-minded.

But further, I find that most accusations of being a promulgator or outlet for Israeli Propaganda as merely and attack an my character rather than addressing the content of my argument.

Most Respectfully,
Yeah now Team Pally tries to tag posters, good for them, it goes by Israeli Pro-Israeli poster for me.
I Don't get anything for post except the relief of expressing myself and disarming the lies of the anti-Semitics preventing more to fall for their lies.
Well I do hate to tell all the pro Israel people this but most people I know have no idea what is happening in
IS-RA-Pal. So I agree with above poster, its a good way to get your views expressed and try to understand both sides of the situation.
So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

PS: how did you change my post?
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So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

If Hamas want to declare war on Israel and bomb them with scores of rockets into civilian areas, knowing that Hamas knows the capability of Israel's proposed retaliation, why does Hamas force civilians to stay in the vicinity when they know that rocket launchers and rocket stores in Gaza will be targeted?
So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

If Hamas want to declare war on Israel and bomb them with scores of rockets into civilian areas, knowing that Hamas knows the capability of Israel's proposed retaliation, why does Hamas force civilians to stay in the vicinity when they know that rocket launchers and rocket stores in Gaza will be targeted?

First get it right, 3 teens missing, Israel invades Palestine, arrests over 450, kills 9, and loots money and jewelry in pretense of looking for these teens, so get that right, Palestine never declared war on Israel, and we do not know for sure who killed those boys.

Yes they should send a note over to Israel Minister of Defense (whatever he is called) and tell them , hey bomb in the south east area, that is where we are at.

Maybe they can toss the children in the sea or throw them over that what 30' high fence. Right.

Tell me why Hamas never made a demand for exchange for prisoners for those teens which is what your PM said they would do. Tell me why 10 days before those teens were kidnapped they were talking about a bill in your gov about what they would do if asked for an exchange of kidnapped victims for prisoners. One says the deputy or someone " what would we do if 3 -14 year old girls were kidnapped, would we say we don't exchange prisoners for kidnapped victims? Sure enough 3 teens kidnapped 10 days later. Right away they then state there was a passenger in the car, how in the heck would they know that? Do or don't they have cameras in that popular place where teens are known to hitch hike?

I'm not one who believes in a lot of coincidences.
So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

If Hamas want to declare war on Israel and bomb them with scores of rockets into civilian areas, knowing that Hamas knows the capability of Israel's proposed retaliation, why does Hamas force civilians to stay in the vicinity when they know that rocket launchers and rocket stores in Gaza will be targeted?

First get it right, 3 teens missing, Israel invades Palestine, arrests over 450, kills 9, and loots money and jewelry in pretense of looking for these teens, so get that right, Palestine never declared war on Israel, and we do not know for sure who killed those boys.

Yes they should send a note over to Israel Minister of Defense (whatever he is called) and tell them , hey bomb in the south east area, that is where we are at.

Maybe they can toss the children in the sea or throw them over that what 30' high fence. Right.

Tell me why Hamas never made a demand for exchange for prisoners for those teens which is what your PM said they would do. Tell me why 10 days before those teens were kidnapped they were talking about a bill in your gov about what they would do if asked for an exchange of kidnapped victims for prisoners. One says the deputy or someone " what would we do if 3 -14 year old girls were kidnapped, would we say we don't exchange prisoners for kidnapped victims? Sure enough 3 teens kidnapped 10 days later. Right away they then state there was a passenger in the car, how in the heck would they know that? Do or don't they have cameras in that popular place where teens are known to hitch hike?

I'm not one who believes in a lot of coincidences.

Rockets were falling on Israel for months before the kidnapping and murder of the three teens. You weren't on this forum to see all the news about the Code Reds in Israel, and others wondering here why Israel wasn't retaliating.

What do you mean, there's nowhere to bomb without kids. Israel are targeting weapons stores and Hamas. The families and kids should not be around Hamas. Why are Hamas firing from civilian areas? There's plenty of open uninhabited space for Hamas to fire from. Hamas use human shields wherever they can.
BTW Penelope, you mentioned that Israel killed 9 Palestinians. But you forgot to mention that they were killed during West Bank clashes where Palestinian idiots were throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails, at armed soldiers.
How stupid can someone be to throw anything at a soldier who's armed with an assault rifle. And then they start whining when someone gets shot. Their excuse is "he only threw a rock/Molotov cocktail! They don't do any harm!"
It's the same thing with Hamas launching rockets. Whenever they do so and Israel retaliates and Palestinians get killed, their excuse is "Hamas rockets barely do any harm or damage!"
Palestinian supporters are living on an alternate planet.
So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

If Hamas want to declare war on Israel and bomb them with scores of rockets into civilian areas, knowing that Hamas knows the capability of Israel's proposed retaliation, why does Hamas force civilians to stay in the vicinity when they know that rocket launchers and rocket stores in Gaza will be targeted?

First get it right, 3 teens missing, Israel invades Palestine, arrests over 450, kills 9, and loots money and jewelry in pretense of looking for these teens, so get that right, Palestine never declared war on Israel, and we do not know for sure who killed those boys.

Yes they should send a note over to Israel Minister of Defense (whatever he is called) and tell them , hey bomb in the south east area, that is where we are at.

Maybe they can toss the children in the sea or throw them over that what 30' high fence. Right.

Tell me why Hamas never made a demand for exchange for prisoners for those teens which is what your PM said they would do. Tell me why 10 days before those teens were kidnapped they were talking about a bill in your gov about what they would do if asked for an exchange of kidnapped victims for prisoners. One says the deputy or someone " what would we do if 3 -14 year old girls were kidnapped, would we say we don't exchange prisoners for kidnapped victims? Sure enough 3 teens kidnapped 10 days later. Right away they then state there was a passenger in the car, how in the heck would they know that? Do or don't they have cameras in that popular place where teens are known to hitch hike?

I'm not one who believes in a lot of coincidences.

Rockets were falling on Israel for months before the kidnapping and murder of the three teens. You weren't on this forum to see all the news about the Code Reds in Israel, and others wondering here why Israel wasn't retaliating.

What do you mean, there's nowhere to bomb without kids. Israel are targeting weapons stores and Hamas. The families and kids should not be around Hamas. Why are Hamas firing from civilian areas? There's plenty of open uninhabited space for Hamas to fire from. Hamas use human shields wherever they can.

Where are Hamas suppose to go, its the most densly pop. place on earth they say. Rockets falling for months, where is the source for this news.
BTW Penelope, you mentioned that Israel killed 9 Palestinians. But you forgot to mention that they were killed during West Bank clashes where Palestinian idiots were throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails, at armed soldiers.
How stupid can someone be to throw anything at a soldier who's armed with an assault rifle. And then they start whining when someone gets shot. Their excuse is "he only threw a rock/Molotov cocktail! They don't do any harm!"
It's the same thing with Hamas launching rockets. Whenever they do so and Israel retaliates and Palestinians get killed, their excuse is "Hamas rockets barely do any harm or damage!"
Palestinian supporters are living on an alternate planet.

I know its so dumb for kids to throw rocks at soldiers with loaded weapons. Tell me why were those kid throwing rocks (stones) at the soldiers, perhaps the soldiers should of got out of throwing range. Does life mean anything at all to yous?
So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

If Hamas want to declare war on Israel and bomb them with scores of rockets into civilian areas, knowing that Hamas knows the capability of Israel's proposed retaliation, why does Hamas force civilians to stay in the vicinity when they know that rocket launchers and rocket stores in Gaza will be targeted?

First get it right, 3 teens missing, Israel invades Palestine, arrests over 450, kills 9, and loots money and jewelry in pretense of looking for these teens, so get that right, Palestine never declared war on Israel, and we do not know for sure who killed those boys.

Yes they should send a note over to Israel Minister of Defense (whatever he is called) and tell them , hey bomb in the south east area, that is where we are at.

Maybe they can toss the children in the sea or throw them over that what 30' high fence. Right.

Tell me why Hamas never made a demand for exchange for prisoners for those teens which is what your PM said they would do. Tell me why 10 days before those teens were kidnapped they were talking about a bill in your gov about what they would do if asked for an exchange of kidnapped victims for prisoners. One says the deputy or someone " what would we do if 3 -14 year old girls were kidnapped, would we say we don't exchange prisoners for kidnapped victims? Sure enough 3 teens kidnapped 10 days later. Right away they then state there was a passenger in the car, how in the heck would they know that? Do or don't they have cameras in that popular place where teens are known to hitch hike?

I'm not one who believes in a lot of coincidences.

Rockets were falling on Israel for months before the kidnapping and murder of the three teens. You weren't on this forum to see all the news about the Code Reds in Israel, and others wondering here why Israel wasn't retaliating.

What do you mean, there's nowhere to bomb without kids. Israel are targeting weapons stores and Hamas. The families and kids should not be around Hamas. Why are Hamas firing from civilian areas? There's plenty of open uninhabited space for Hamas to fire from. Hamas use human shields wherever they can.

Where are Hamas suppose to go, its the most densly pop. place on earth they say. Rockets falling for months, where is the source for this news.
Another stupid post from Penelope,
1.'Where are Hamas suppose to go' doesn't mean they suppose to shot rockets or do anything violent.
Anti-war advocate should know that.
2.'Rockets falling for months' - Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Since Wikipedia is a 'Israeli media controlled open source' feel free to verify each and every rocket attack on the news, using Google.
3.'Densely populated' area shouldn't be a war zone in the first place, Hamas&co. continually fire rockets from this area, knowingly Israel would retaliate, Hebrew saying "think on the end before you begin" - its not Israel fault they didn't evacuate their people or made any step to secure their safety, Israel did all precautions and beyond, they hide among civilians, their fault.
BTW Penelope, you mentioned that Israel killed 9 Palestinians. But you forgot to mention that they were killed during West Bank clashes where Palestinian idiots were throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails, at armed soldiers.
How stupid can someone be to throw anything at a soldier who's armed with an assault rifle. And then they start whining when someone gets shot. Their excuse is "he only threw a rock/Molotov cocktail! They don't do any harm!"
It's the same thing with Hamas launching rockets. Whenever they do so and Israel retaliates and Palestinians get killed, their excuse is "Hamas rockets barely do any harm or damage!"
Palestinian supporters are living on an alternate planet.

I know its so dumb for kids to throw rocks at soldiers with loaded weapons. Tell me why were those kid throwing rocks (stones) at the soldiers, perhaps the soldiers should of got out of throwing range. Does life mean anything at all to yous?
Another wrong post by Penelope,
The soldiers suppose to guard the checkpoint also for the safety of the Palestinians/Israelis willing to cross it, some dumb teenagers (not kids) throwing rocks, blocks, Molotov cocktails, firing firecrackers, trying to lynch any Israeli nearby, and shoting people (with guns) is wrong, go and educate them.
The soldiers never try to chase them all or shooting back, unless there is a threat, and this usually begins with shooting in the air, after calling in 2-3 languages to the suspects to leave or halt aiming to them, if they didn't stop shooting nearby their leg, no response then shooting in the leg, if during that time a reasonable threat occur they instantly attempting to neutralize the threat, this formula is called 'Halting suspect formula' developed during the time suicide bombers were flooding Israel I can elaborate on this one, so basically they shot because they posed a life threat to the soldiers.
Any kind of assault/violence must be completely eradicated, later on you can negotiate and talk, trying to kill another 4 years old kid because they want to drive all non-Muslims from Israel is not a justified reason, and for that the penalty is death, and better be a quick one.
So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

If Hamas want to declare war on Israel and bomb them with scores of rockets into civilian areas, knowing that Hamas knows the capability of Israel's proposed retaliation, why does Hamas force civilians to stay in the vicinity when they know that rocket launchers and rocket stores in Gaza will be targeted?

First get it right, 3 teens missing, Israel invades Palestine, arrests over 450, kills 9, and loots money and jewelry in pretense of looking for these teens, so get that right, Palestine never declared war on Israel, and we do not know for sure who killed those boys.

Yes they should send a note over to Israel Minister of Defense (whatever he is called) and tell them , hey bomb in the south east area, that is where we are at.

Maybe they can toss the children in the sea or throw them over that what 30' high fence. Right.

Tell me why Hamas never made a demand for exchange for prisoners for those teens which is what your PM said they would do. Tell me why 10 days before those teens were kidnapped they were talking about a bill in your gov about what they would do if asked for an exchange of kidnapped victims for prisoners. One says the deputy or someone " what would we do if 3 -14 year old girls were kidnapped, would we say we don't exchange prisoners for kidnapped victims? Sure enough 3 teens kidnapped 10 days later. Right away they then state there was a passenger in the car, how in the heck would they know that? Do or don't they have cameras in that popular place where teens are known to hitch hike?

I'm not one who believes in a lot of coincidences.

Rockets were falling on Israel for months before the kidnapping and murder of the three teens. You weren't on this forum to see all the news about the Code Reds in Israel, and others wondering here why Israel wasn't retaliating.

What do you mean, there's nowhere to bomb without kids. Israel are targeting weapons stores and Hamas. The families and kids should not be around Hamas. Why are Hamas firing from civilian areas? There's plenty of open uninhabited space for Hamas to fire from. Hamas use human shields wherever they can.

Where are Hamas suppose to go, its the most densly pop. place on earth they say. Rockets falling for months, where is the source for this news.

Another stupid post from Penelope,
1.'Where are Hamas suppose to go' doesn't mean they suppose to shot rockets or do anything violent.
Anti-war advocate should know that.
2.'Rockets falling for months' - Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Since Wikipedia is a 'Israeli media controlled open source' feel free to verify each and every rocket attack on the news, using Google.
3.'Densely populated' area shouldn't be a war zone in the first place, Hamas&co. continually fire rockets from this area, knowingly Israel would retaliate, Hebrew saying "think on the end before you begin" - its not Israel fault they didn't evacuate their people or made any step to secure their safety, Israel did all precautions and beyond, they hide among civilians, their fault.

Oh I'm sure Israel has been angels sinc
Any kind of assault/violence must be completely eradicated, later on you can negotiate and talk, trying to kill another 4 years old kid because they want to drive all non-Muslims from Israel is not a justified reason, and for that the penalty is death, and better be a quick one.

Like the bomb murdered the 4 year old boy, yes read the bomb murdered the 4 year old , what was he doing there. A Bomb does not murder but a bomb can kill. The wording yous use, like they aimed the bomb at the 4 year old.

Any kind of assault/violence must be completely eradicated, later on you can negotiate and talk,

and that is why I do not believe Hamas has been firing rockets since Jan, you would of been firing back, any chance you get your going to attack.

Your papers can't even keep their lies straight.

Now what has your gov. given in the talks. What has Israel given, anything at all?

So are you calling me a Hag- short for Hagar I presume ? I think most of us here know what is going on, if not enlighten us. You can't keep killing children ! There is no where to bomb that are without kids. I am not a fan of Hamas but I understand their point. Israel is unwilling to give an inch. What have they (your gov.) given in the talks so far??

If Hamas want to declare war on Israel and bomb them with scores of rockets into civilian areas, knowing that Hamas knows the capability of Israel's proposed retaliation, why does Hamas force civilians to stay in the vicinity when they know that rocket launchers and rocket stores in Gaza will be targeted?

First get it right, 3 teens missing, Israel invades Palestine, arrests over 450, kills 9, and loots money and jewelry in pretense of looking for these teens, so get that right, Palestine never declared war on Israel, and we do not know for sure who killed those boys.

Yes they should send a note over to Israel Minister of Defense (whatever he is called) and tell them , hey bomb in the south east area, that is where we are at.

Maybe they can toss the children in the sea or throw them over that what 30' high fence. Right.

Tell me why Hamas never made a demand for exchange for prisoners for those teens which is what your PM said they would do. Tell me why 10 days before those teens were kidnapped they were talking about a bill in your gov about what they would do if asked for an exchange of kidnapped victims for prisoners. One says the deputy or someone " what would we do if 3 -14 year old girls were kidnapped, would we say we don't exchange prisoners for kidnapped victims? Sure enough 3 teens kidnapped 10 days later. Right away they then state there was a passenger in the car, how in the heck would they know that? Do or don't they have cameras in that popular place where teens are known to hitch hike?

I'm not one who believes in a lot of coincidences.

Rockets were falling on Israel for months before the kidnapping and murder of the three teens. You weren't on this forum to see all the news about the Code Reds in Israel, and others wondering here why Israel wasn't retaliating.

What do you mean, there's nowhere to bomb without kids. Israel are targeting weapons stores and Hamas. The families and kids should not be around Hamas. Why are Hamas firing from civilian areas? There's plenty of open uninhabited space for Hamas to fire from. Hamas use human shields wherever they can.

Where are Hamas suppose to go, its the most densly pop. place on earth they say. Rockets falling for months, where is the source for this news.

Another stupid post from Penelope,
1.'Where are Hamas suppose to go' doesn't mean they suppose to shot rockets or do anything violent.
Anti-war advocate should know that.
2.'Rockets falling for months' - Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Since Wikipedia is a 'Israeli media controlled open source' feel free to verify each and every rocket attack on the news, using Google.
3.'Densely populated' area shouldn't be a war zone in the first place, Hamas&co. continually fire rockets from this area, knowingly Israel would retaliate, Hebrew saying "think on the end before you begin" - its not Israel fault they didn't evacuate their people or made any step to secure their safety, Israel did all precautions and beyond, they hide among civilians, their fault.

Oh I'm sure Israel has been angels sinc
Any kind of assault/violence must be completely eradicated, later on you can negotiate and talk, trying to kill another 4 years old kid because they want to drive all non-Muslims from Israel is not a justified reason, and for that the penalty is death, and better be a quick one.

Like the bomb murdered the 4 year old boy, yes read the bomb murdered the 4 year old , what was he doing there. A Bomb does not murder but a bomb can kill. The wording yous use, like they aimed the bomb at the 4 year old.

Any kind of assault/violence must be completely eradicated, later on you can negotiate and talk,

and that is why I do not believe Hamas has been firing rockets since Jan, you would of been firing back, any chance you get your going to attack.

Your papers can't even keep their lies straight.

Now what has your gov. given in the talks. What has Israel given, anything at all?
I'm thrilled how stupid you are, Daniel Targmen the 4 years old boy killed by the rocket couldn't make it to shelter in time, as you know they got 15 seconds to run for a shelter once the code red begins.
Its not a "bomb" he played with it, its a rocket filled with metal marbles to similar to frag grenades[HE] except it has larger penetration rate and distance.
Hamas been firing rockets even after Israel withdrew from Gaza with no blockade, no occupation, no bullshit.
They simply want us all dead, I already proved my point, and its up to you to do the research disproving my points.
You don't "Believe" but I'm sorry to crush your dreams pumpkin - its reality and facts, they fired rockets whether you believe it or not.

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