The Harder They Come, The Harder They Fall


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
An excellent song by Jimmy Cliff - and a telling summary of the rise and fall of The One.

The Left is now turning:

The height of Obama's political fall is measured by how awkward the echoes of his past rhetoric now seem. When he said recently, "Let's reach for hope," it was indeed a stretch. It sounded like an aging pop singer, grown paunchy and out of tune, stumbling through an old favorite. Obama is pursued by the memories of his own promise.

Politicians have been known to say one thing and do another. And high ideals and high rhetoric always create the potential for hypocrisy. But the disappointment with Obama is especially acute. He won office by providing new voters with intoxicating hopes. America was tipsy with idealism -- resulting in a particularly difficult hangover.

Few presidencies have been built so consciously or completely on an idealistic brand, with its own distinctive language and icons. But this "new kind of politics" has proved conventional in its conduct, predictable in its content and exceptional only for the depth of division it has inspired. The Obama administration is presented not just with the prospect of electoral repudiation but also with a question: How will it adjust to the death of the belief that gave it birth?

For some, this is merely a confirmation of their preexisting view of politics -- that idealism is a fraud, that rhetorical inspiration is a con. It is true that many politicians do not improve upon closer acquaintance -- that no man is a hero to his valet. But a nation of valets would lose its capacity for great purposes. So it should be a source of sadness that Obama, for many, has become a source of cynicism.

All politicians fall -- but not from such a height. ...

Moral: Donning wax wings and building a temple to oneself will always backfire in the real world of real economics and real people with their own individual goals for their lives they value more than giving the majority of their productive life to support a Ruling Elite.
It was sadly predictable. Take a conventional inexperienced Chicago pol, mix in discontent with a poor economy and unpopular war, add a dose of vague generalities and promises that cannot be kept and voila, the Obama administration is unpopular.
It was sadly predictable. Take a conventional inexperienced Chicago pol, mix in discontent with a poor economy and unpopular war, add a dose of vague generalities and promises that cannot be kept and voila, the Obama administration is unpopular.

We will see come election time. I want new blood in after this dude has his 4 years because we have had doofusses for the last 18 years.
8 years of Slick Willie Boom and 8 years of Boy George and now this guy.
20% of the population believing Obama is Muslim, Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the conservative movement, the so called "conservative" Republican Congress passes the largest social program in 70 years in the DOPE (no pun intended), the population elects a President with no economic experience, the Speaker of the House is a numbskull and we wonder why we are where we are at.
We are a nation of village idiots.
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It was sadly predictable. Take a conventional inexperienced Chicago pol, mix in discontent with a poor economy and unpopular war, add a dose of vague generalities and promises that cannot be kept and voila, the Obama administration is unpopular.

We will see come election time. I want new blood in after this dude has his 4 years because we have had doofusses for the last 18 years.
8 years of Slick Willie Boom and 8 years of Boy George and now this guy.
20% of the population believing Obama is Muslim, Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the conservative movement, the so called "conservative" Republican Congress passes the largest social program in 70 years in the DOPE (no pun intended), the population elects a President with no economic experience, the Speaker of the House is a numbskull and we wonder why we are where we are at.
We are a nation of village idiots.

I agree. This country is paying the price for voting for the people they do, and as far as blame, there's enough to go around for both parties. But as of late, with the coming of the messiah, the left has gotten power drunk to levels we've never seen before. The spending and disconnect is beyond comprehension. I at least give the republicans credit for opposing this radical, socialist, tyrannical left agenda. In any case, I would love to wipe Washington clean of every stinking politician there and start over fresh right from the constitution.
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It was sadly predictable. Take a conventional inexperienced Chicago pol, mix in discontent with a poor economy and unpopular war, add a dose of vague generalities and promises that cannot be kept and voila, the Obama administration is unpopular.

We will see come election time. I want new blood in after this dude has his 4 years because we have had doofusses for the last 18 years.
8 years of Slick Willie Boom and 8 years of Boy George and now this guy.
20% of the population believing Obama is Muslim, Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the conservative movement, the so called "conservative" Republican Congress passes the largest social program in 70 years in the DOPE (no pun intended), the population elects a President with no economic experience, the Speaker of the House is a numbskull and we wonder why we are where we are at.
We are a nation of village idiots.

I agree. This country is paying the price for voting for the people they do, and as far as blame, there's enough to go around for both parties. But as of late, with the coming of the messiah, the left has gotten power drunk to proportions we've never seen before. The spending and disconnect is beyond comprehension. I at least give the republicans credit for opposing this radical, socialist, tyrannical left agenda.

If the Dems were Sox fanst hen the GOP would be Yankee fans. If the GOP were Sox fans then the Dems would be Yankee fans.
With the Dems in power they could vote for a tax cut and the GOP would oppose it. With the GOP in power they could vote for a tax increase and the Dems would oppose it.
No matter who is in power.
Re-elect NO ONE.
With the Dems in power they could vote for a tax cut and the GOP would oppose it. With the GOP in power they could vote for a tax increase and the Dems would oppose it.
I disagree. Republicans have been railing against the dem spending as of late. They seem to have regained some conscious about their conservative roots, and have heard Americans, STOP THE SPENDING. They are also in favor of making the Bush tax cuts permanent, along with a few dems, but the majority of dems want them to expire. They also want new taxes.

No matter who is in power.
Re-elect NO ONE.
Nice thought, but it won't work that way. Not when you have a whole districts of pathetic idiots that will reelect a worthless POS like pelosi.
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It was sadly predictable. Take a conventional inexperienced Chicago pol, mix in discontent with a poor economy and unpopular war, add a dose of vague generalities and promises that cannot be kept and voila, the Obama administration is unpopular.

We will see come election time. I want new blood in after this dude has his 4 years because we have had doofusses for the last 18 years.
8 years of Slick Willie Boom and 8 years of Boy George and now this guy.
20% of the population believing Obama is Muslim, Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the conservative movement, the so called "conservative" Republican Congress passes the largest social program in 70 years in the DOPE (no pun intended), the population elects a President with no economic experience, the Speaker of the House is a numbskull and we wonder why we are where we are at.
We are a nation of village idiots.

I agree. This country is paying the price for voting for the people they do, and as far as blame, there's enough to go around for both parties. But as of late, with the coming of the messiah, the left has gotten power drunk to levels we've never seen before. The spending and disconnect is beyond comprehension. I at least give the republicans credit for opposing this radical, socialist, tyrannical left agenda. In any case, I would love to wipe Washington clean of every stinking politician there and start over fresh right from the constitution.

I could say Americans get the politicians they deserve. But that would be unfair and cynical.
We make mistakes. And then we correct them. Obama and the Democratic Congress is a mistake that will be corrected, starting in November.
I could say Americans get the politicians they deserve. But that would be unfair and cynical.
Nothing unfair or cynical about that statement pard, it's true. I would add though that a lot of people were pretty easily DUPED by that lying little shit we have in the White House right now.

We make mistakes. And then we correct them. Obama and the Democratic Congress is a mistake that will be corrected, starting in November.
I sure the hell hope so man.

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