The Great Trump Recession: A Self-fulfilling Prophecy?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage
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Trump is clearly worried about a recession prior to the 2020 election - so let's help make it come true. It will come sooner or later - so let's make it in the early fall of 2020.
Four Phases of the Business Cycle
  1. Expansion: The economy grows a healthy 2 to 3 percent. Stocks enter a bull market.
  2. Peak: The economy grows more than 3 percent. Inflation sends prices up. There are asset bubbles. The stock market is in a state of "irrational exuberance." Talking heads announce we are in a "new normal." Authors publish books with titles such as "Dow 30,000."
  3. Contraction: Economic growth slows but isn't negative. Stocks enter a bear market.
  4. Trough: The economy contracts, which signals a recession. Economic experts predict it will continue for years.
Where Are We in the Current Business Cycle?
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage
Trump will be like Dubya soon. In a few years, conservatives will be on here claiming they knew all along he was awful.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...
Anyone still have questions on whether the democrats are rooting for America?
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?
Anyone still have questions on whether the democrats are rooting for America?

Recessions are what come at the end of a business cycle. So, we just need to help time it to hurt Trump the most. We sure as hell wouldn't want it to happen after Trump won re-election. Makes sense to me.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Is that the entirety of Lakhota's argument?

Whatever... your concern for "minorities" is touching. Really, it is. When, during six years of partial or complete control of Congress during the Obama administration Republicans thwarted every attempt at helping the economy along - during times of sky-high minority unemployment - you've been lambasting Republicans for their all-out sabotage, right?

Lakhota's argument is, since after the longest growth cycle in U.S. history a recession is overdue and likely coming, may it come at a convenient time to sweep the malignant rot out of the White House. That's problematic enough, but still, you had to curtail it. And sure enough, while plunging your face deep between Trump's buttocks, you are still whining about the fate befalling the minorities Trump routinely smears. And you think your slimy sanctimony is anything other than completely obvious.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Is that the entirety of Lakhota's argument?

Whatever... your concern for "minorities" is touching. Really, it is. When, during six years of partial or complete control of Congress during the Obama administration Republicans thwarted every attempt at helping the economy along - during times of sky-high minority unemployment - you've been lambasting Republicans for their all-out sabotage, right?

Lakhota's argument is, since after the longest growth cycle in U.S. history a recession is overdue and likely coming, may it come at a convenient time to sweep the malignant rot out of the White House. That's problematic enough, but still, you had to curtail it. And sure enough, while plunging your face deep between Trump's buttocks, you are still whining about the fate befalling the minorities Trump routinely smears. And you think your slimy sanctimony is anything other than completely obvious.


"Lakhota's argument is, since after the longest growth cycle in U.S. history a recession is overdue and likely coming, may it come at a convenient time to sweep the malignant rot out of the White House."
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?

Why do you people keep repeating the same lies over and over. The "rich" got a cut as did the vast majority of the non-rich. How exactly did giving a tax cut to those who pay the highest percentage to begin with hurt those who also got a tax cut?
Anyone still have questions on whether the democrats are rooting for America?

Recessions are what come at the end of a business cycle. So, we just need to help time it to hurt Trump the most. We sure as hell wouldn't want it to happen after Trump won re-election. Makes sense to me.

A downturun is inevitable at some point no matter what, particualry wiith Europe and their idotic leftist models failing and ruining their economies. Whether we like it or not, the world economy does affect ours. This is one of the reasons why the fed. needs to lower our keep pace with the ridiculous rates in Europe. My prediction is that a downturn will be expedited if a lefty wins in 2020. Their policies will put our economic destruction on the fast track. (No matter what it will be Trump's fault of course) If Trump gets re-elected and if the House and Senate would go Republican in 2022, it would skyrocket.
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?

Why do you people keep repeating the same lies over and over. The "rich" got a cut as did the vast majority of the non-rich. How exactly did giving a tax cut to those who pay the highest percentage to begin with hurt those who also got a tax cut?

You've been told lots of times so this will be my last. The vast majority of the tax cut went to the rich who don't need it without a corresponding cut in programs. Since we still need to take in the same amount of money, the less than rich will have to make up the difference. How many trillion more has the debt risen because of that giveaway to the rich?
Wow, praying for a recession that will hurt the American population...

Seeing recessions will hurt the minorities more than the white society make me wonder why you wish for such horrible things on non-whites?

Less tax money raised during recession means less government spending on Local, State and Federal levels, so you want the poor and minorities to hurt deeply just because you want Trump out of office...

Can't win by beating him at his own game so now you want to hurt the American voter with a recession...

Would it hurt more than the billions of dollars he gave to the rich in that stupid tax cut?

Why do you people keep repeating the same lies over and over. The "rich" got a cut as did the vast majority of the non-rich. How exactly did giving a tax cut to those who pay the highest percentage to begin with hurt those who also got a tax cut?

You've been told lots of times so this will be my last. The vast majority of the tax cut went to the rich who don't need it without a corresponding cut in programs. Since we still need to take in the same amount of money, the less than rich will have to make up the difference. How many trillion more has the debt risen because of that giveaway to the rich?

The only problem with your premise is that tax revenue has increased since the tax cuts. I agree thay we need to cut spending, no doubt about that, but cutting taxes has done exactly what it was intended to do....stimulated the economy organically as opposed to inorganically. Raising taxes(inorganic) increases tax revenue in the short term. Lowering taxes encourages more spending, which raises tax revenue.(organic)

"Lakhota's argument is, since after the longest growth cycle in U.S. history a recession is overdue and likely coming, may it come at a convenient time to sweep the malignant rot out of the White House."

You know what, I expect Democrats in Congress to work together with Trump and Republicans to prevent that recession with every means at their disposal that doesn't cause long-term damage. Heck, I expect Pelosi to be all over the issue, including floating a stimulus and infrastructure bill the size of which will smother the recession in its crib. Promoting the common weal, as opposed to hoping for mishap befalling the other side at the expense of the American population.

Since 2016, we see wages ticking slightly upward after a long slide due to the Great Recession. Any recession now would reverse that in a matter of months. That's nothing Democrats should let themselves be seen greeting as a welcome prospect.
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage

No, just wishful thinking
It's about time for a recession in this business cycle - so Democrats should do all they can to help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. This could be our greatest weapon against Trump. In fact, Trump may even help doom his own re-election out of fear of recession that causes him to foolishly initiate actions to prevent a real or imagined recession - such as further exploding the national debt.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a belief that comes true because we are acting as if it is already true.

Using Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Your Advantage
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