The Great Insurrection of 2021 Was Preceded by The 2020 Siege In Michigan

IOW, the two protests, ostensibly didn't have anything to do with each other.

The protest in Michigan would not have occurred if they had not shut down the economy.

I am not even sure how the OP is connecting the two.
IOW, the two protests, ostensibly didn't have anything to do with each other.

The protest in Michigan would not have occurred if they had not shut down the economy.

I am not even sure how the OP is connecting the two.
The connection is white supremacists going to their Capitols to strike fear in their political leaders, to inflict their will upon them....aka terrorism.
IOW, the two protests, ostensibly didn't have anything to do with each other.

The protest in Michigan would not have occurred if they had not shut down the economy.

I am not even sure how the OP is connecting the two.
The connection is white supremacists going to their Capitols to strike fear in their political leaders, to inflict their will upon them....aka terrorism.

Why are you lying so much?

You paid to be this stupid?

Do you know what is going on in Portland right now?
An entire summer of riots from the left....23 billion dollars in damage and many lives lost....and one afternoon is still the headline of today?....don't think you are making any headway...we know you libs...hypocritical jackasses....every damn one of had to steal the election to lost in November and you will continue to lose... so get use to it....
IOW, the two protests, ostensibly didn't have anything to do with each other.

The protest in Michigan would not have occurred if they had not shut down the economy.

I am not even sure how the OP is connecting the two.
The connection is white supremacists going to their Capitols to strike fear in their political leaders, to inflict their will upon them....aka terrorism.
See. . . this is what makes this disingenuous.

YOU are the one that is defining the terms here, and all of your definitions, are, ostensibly, on the fringe, and very few would agree with you.

Just because the vast majority of these protestors were white, does not mean they are "white supremacists."

Just because they are armed, does not mean their motive was to "strike fear."

As far as the "terrorism" label? Now on that, you are using hyperbole which, in the end, you are harming the left and YOUR side of this equation far more in the long run than you are the right. Please, do all Americans a favor, and wake up, post haste.

ACLU Statement Opposing H.R. 4192, Confronting the Threat of Domestic Terrorism Act

"In this letter to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, the ACLU urged Members to oppose H.R. 4192, Confronting the Threat of Domestic Terrorism Act. By reifying and broadening domestic terrorism authorities, H.R. 4192 would unnecessarily expand law enforcement authorities to target and discriminate against the very communities Congress is seeking to protect. The additional crimes, criminal penalties, and expansion of the death penalty in H.R. 4192 would further incorporate abusive terrorism authorities into a discriminatory criminal justice system.

People of color and other marginalized communities have long been targeted under domestic terrorism authorities for unfair and discriminatory surveillance, investigations, and prosecutions. Law enforcement agencies' use of these authorities undermines and has violated equal protection, due process, and First Amendment rights."

Consent-Manufacturing For Patriot Act II Continues

". . . In a new article for Washington Monthly titled “It’s Time for a Domestic Terrorism Law“, Bill Scher argues against left-wing critics of the coming laws like Glenn Greenwald and Jacobin‘s Luke Savage saying such “knee-jerk reactions” against potential authoritarian abuses fail to address the growing problem. He opens with the acknowledgement that “Joe Biden’s transition team was already working on a domestic terrorism law before the insurrection,” and then he just keeps on writing as though that’s not weird or suspicious in any way.

Scher lists among the growing threat of domestic terror not just white supremacists and right-wing extremists but “extremist left-wing domestic terrorism” as well. He approvingly cites Adam Schiff’s Confronting The Threat of Terrorism Act, which “creates a definition of domestic terrorism broadly encompassing plots that carry a ‘substantial risk of serious bodily injury’ along with an ‘intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population’ or ‘influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.'” The ACLU has unequivocally denounced Schiff’s bill, saying it “would unnecessarily expand law enforcement authorities to target and discriminate against the very communities Congress is seeking to protect.”


“FBI intelligence analysts gathered information about possible violence involving the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6., but the FBI never distributed a formal intelligence bulletin, in part because of concerns that doing so might have run afoul of free speech protections, a current and two former senior FBI officials familiar with the matter told NBC News,” the article warns, making sure to inform readers that “experts say the lack of a domestic terrorism statute constrains the FBI from treating far-right and far-left groups the same as Americans who are radicalized to violence by Al Qaeda or ISIS ideology.”

We can expect to see more such articles going forward.

The only way to sincerely believe more Patriot Act-like laws will benefit Americans is to believe that the US will only have wise and beneficent leaders going forward, and the only way to sincerely believe the US will only have wise and beneficent leaders going forward is to be completely shit-eating stupid. The trajectory has already been chosen, and that trajectory is the one that has already given rise to Trump. Continuing along that same trajectory can only give rise to something far uglier, and that something far uglier will have whatever new authoritarian powers are added by Joe Biden.

They’re not actually worried about “domestic terror”, they’re worried about any movement which threatens to topple the status quo. They want to make sure they can adequately spy, infiltrate, agitate and incarcerate into impotence any movement which provides a threat to America’s rulers and the system which funnels them wealth and power at the expense of everyone else. The movements which most threaten this are not rightists, who are generally more or less aligned with the interests of the oligarchic empire, but the left. . . "
Those white supremacists, fascists and otherwise bois of pride gave America a preview of what was in store January 6th.

Yet, and still, the government refused to act.

Anyone care to guess why?
Because it wasn't really a great insurrection, dummy. Damn, you are one of the most gullible negroes ever.
IOW, the two protests, ostensibly didn't have anything to do with each other.

The protest in Michigan would not have occurred if they had not shut down the economy.

I am not even sure how the OP is connecting the two.
The connection is white supremacists going to their Capitols to strike fear in their political leaders, to inflict their will upon them....aka terrorism.


But enough about Dems in Wisconsin.
Those white supremacists, fascists and otherwise bois of pride gave America a preview of what was in store January 6th.

Yet, and still, the government refused to act.

Anyone care to guess why?
Here's a prevue of what we can expect from Democrate Reich minions, as if what already happened isn't already bad enough:


'A Total Failure': The Proud Boys Now Mock Trump

After the presidential election last year, the Proud Boys, a far-right group, declared its undying loyalty to President Donald Trump.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel Monday.
So? The Communist party endorsed Fuhrer Biden. So did Hamas.
Don't play this bullcrap with me you idiot!

The Democratic Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer
Oh, that one.

Since it went over your thick skull,
my OP isn't so much about the 2020 Siege On The Michigan Capital,
as that was their first attack on US government.
It's about why,
after seeing all that went on in Michigan,
the government refused to prepare for what became The Great Insurrection of 2021.

Why do you think that is?
There was no insurrection.

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