The Gospel of Inclusion.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
I remember hearing about this guy a couple of years ago, and just saw an MSNBC program on him today. Personally? I think Mr. Carlton Pearson's views are pretty much spot on.......

Bishop Carlton Pearson, a Charismatic minister, is the founder of the Azusa Interdenominational Fellowship of Christian Churches and the pastor of Higher Dimensions Family Church in Oklahoma. Pearson preaches the "gospel of inclusion," a controversial doctrine claiming that Jesus Christ saves all people no matter what their beliefs or actions. He spoke with Beliefnet recently about what his theology means for non-Christians.

Could you describe your message--the "gospel of inclusion"--in a nutshell?

The Gospel of Inclusion is the exciting and liberating news that in the finished work of the cross, Jesus redeemed the entire world to God from the cosmic and organic sin imposed upon it by Adam, the original man. In effect, the world is already saved, they just don't know it; and, unfortunately, most Christians don't believe it. First Timothy 4:9-10 says, "...we have put our trust in the living God who is the Savior of all men, and especially those who believe." Jesus did not just die for Christians, He died to redeem, reconcile, and ultimately save the Cosmos.

Jesus was not a Christian, He was a Jew. God, however, is Spirit and cannot be confined exclusively to any particular religion including Christianity. He's not Jewish or Christian or Hindu or Buddhist; yet, He is all of that if we want or need Him to be, while at the same time, none of it conclusively, because He can't be and, in fact, is not limited to a person's or culture's perception of Him.

He loves everybody, He understands everybody, and He has a covenant with everybody-again, whether they know it or not.

Every human being in the history of the planet was created in the image and likeness of God. Anything else is an impersonation. God sees Himself in everybody, in every belief system, in every icon, perhaps even the devil. The devil can't subsist on his own. He came from God, has a specific assignment, and carries it out well.

Read more: Carlton Pearson's Gospel of Inclusion says Jesus saves all Christians and non-Christians -salvation heaven universalism -

Best part? This dude is a 4th generation Pentecostal preacher who USED to preach that you were going to go to hell.

Hey Christians.........what do you think, especially when his own church kicked him out, and he was disavowed by other preachers in his faith?

Was Oral Roberts right to kick him out of his priesthood? preaching this gospel causing others to sin by telling them about it?
He is right if he is talking about the Resurrection. Every man and woman who has ever lived has been saved from death because of Jesus Christ.

Because of Christ we will all become Immortal.

But that doesn't mean we will all have Eternal Life.
I've not heard of the man, but it sounds like an interesting idea. I was raised a devout Christian of the Baptist denomination, but gave it up in my early 20's (30 years ago) because there were things I couldn't accept as being true, and I went on my own search for something which worked for me. A couple of years ago, I read a Christian book which gave me a new attitude toward the religion (a better view) which was fiction, but had a whole new take on things. It was "The Shack" by Paul Young. Not necessarily a great writer, but the message was unique, very open-minded, and fun.
He is right if he is talking about the Resurrection. Every man and woman who has ever lived has been saved from death because of Jesus Christ.

Because of Christ we will all become Immortal.

But that doesn't mean we will all have Eternal Life.

Hey stupid............don't both of those mean the same fucking thing?
Interestingly enough, those "good Christian folk" who supported the preacher at the beginning of his career are also the same ones that abandoned him when he started preaching his message.

They said that the preacher was leading others into sin.

But........wouldn't a loving God welcome EVERYONE, and not just those that are dogmatically tied to just one way of viewing Him?

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