The GOPs scramble for the stupid vote

And I asked YOU for:
Some sign of intelligence.

You go first

Liberals always have an excuse to dodge questions. There is no difference between leftists, you can't answer the question. You actually do have the same position on every issue. When you try to write out the differences and you can't think of any, this is how you get out of it.
They're so pathetic. They speak in bumper sticker slogans and when pinned down they wriggle out in just that manner.

Yes, and our intellectual powerhouse doginnafight has set up a chinese finger trap. "intelligence" to him is liberal talking points. Which of course means I don't question liberalism and he doesn't have to answer the question either way.
Ever since 9/11, the GOP has been a lot like Ingsoc:

"There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science."
-- O'Brien
That’s Exhibit B: Walker’s effort to cut $300 million from the budget for the University of Wisconsin system — coincidentally at the precise moment he’s gearing up to compete in the notoriously far-right GOP Iowa caucuses.
I have no idea if Walker actually believes professors are parasites on the Wisconsin state budget — or if he’s merely ingratiating himself to those who do. What matters is that in taking this stance he’s allied himself with the forces in American society that consider Advanced Placement history courses to be a problem rather than a plus, and who know so little about university life that they actually think professors are coddled wards of the state instead of richly educated researchers and teachers who work endless hours for modest pay and (thanks in part to slanderous statements by public figures like Scott Walker) precious little social esteem.

He should have cut more. Leeches.
Pretty screwed up party. They have the have's and the (kept-in-dark) have-nots who they rely on to vote against their own interests. Great party you people got there

I bet the Republicans take massive losses, historic losses even in 2014.....



OPS! =)

Keep hatin you retarded motha fuckin lib haters!
Pretty screwed up party. They have the have's and the (kept-in-dark) have-nots who they rely on to vote against their own interests. Great party you people got there


And you voted for Obama, thus you support the war in Iraq, bail outs for the uber rich and a decline in wages and shrinking middle class. Based off who you voted for of course.

Fuckin people on these boards lol. I so would love to meet so many of you IRL, just to watch yous it there quiet as fuck knowing it's different saying stupid hate filled crap in person than on the internet.

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